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AEIAmerican Enterprise Institute
AEIAlbert Einstein Institute
AEIArchive of European Integration
AEIARDA (American Resort Development Association) Education Institute
AEIAustralian Education International
AEIAutomotive Engineering International
AEIArchitectural Engineering Institute (Washington, DC)
AEIAustralian Education Index
AEIAdditional Equipment Interface
AEIAlpha Europe Immobilier (French real estate agency)
AEIAlliance Ecologiste Indépendante (French: Independent Ecologist Alliance)
AEIAmerican Entomological Institute (Gainesville, FL)
AEIAsset Enhancement Initiative (various companies)
AEIAmerican Eagle Instruments (Missoula, MT)
AEIAlternative Energy Institute
AEIAffiliated Engineers Inc.
AEIAdvanced Energy Initiative
AEIAdvanced Explorations, Inc. (Canada)
AEIAmerican English Institute
AEIAssistance Eligible Individual (COBRA rule change under American Reovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009)
AEIAutomatic Equipment Identification
AEIAverage Earnings Index
AEIArab Educational Institute
AEIAir Express International
AEIArts and Exhibitions International
AEIAircraft Engineers International
AEIAsia Electronics Industry
AEIAgence Européenne Immobilière (French: European Real Estate Agency; EU)
AEIAssociazione Elettrotecnica ed Elettronica Italiana (Italian: Italian Association of Electrical Engineering and Electronics)
AEIAutomatisme et Electricité Industrielle (French electrical equipment manufacturer; est. 1988)
AEIAerosystems International
AEIAudubon Expedition Institute
AEIAlbert Ellis Institute
AEIAccess Exchange International
AEIAnalytical Engineering, Inc. (Indiana)
AEIAsia Europe Institute
AEIAlleanza Evangelica Italiana
AEIAir Emissions Inventory
AEIActive Enterprise Intelligence (software)
AEIAutomotive Environmental Index (JD Power and Associates)
AEIAmerican Education Institute
AEIArgentina En La Era de La Informacion
AEIAsian Energy Institute
AEIAssociated Electrical Industries, Ltd.
AEIAdult Education Initiative
AEIArmy Enterprise Infostructure
AEIAssociation des Études Internationales (French: International Studies Association)
AEIAide A l'Enfance de l'Inde (Luxembourg)
AEIApplication Enabling Interface (IBM's term for ALI)
AEIAtomic Energy Insights
AEIArts in Education Institute
AEIAlternative Endoscope Instruments
AEIAtelier Experimentation et Instrumentation
AEIAtrial Expansion Index (cardiology)
AEIAustralian Ethical Investment Ltd.
AEIArt Educators of Iowa
AEIAppalachian Education Initiative
AEIAssociation des Eleves Ingenieurs
AEIAisin Electronics Illinois, LLC (Marion, IL)
AEIAfter Etch Inspection
AEIArchitectural and Engineering Instructions
AEIAlpes Embrun Immobilier (French real estate agency)
AEIAltana Electrical Insulation (Altana Chemie; various locations)
AEIAcademic Excellence International, Ltd. (Taiwan)
AEIAgencia Europeia de Imprensa
AEIAssociation des Etudiants Internationaux (French: International Students Association)
AEIAnnular Epidermolytic Ichthyosis
AEIAerial Exposure Index
AEIAustralian Economic Indicators
AEIArtists Embassy International
AEIAdvanced Ergonomics, Inc.
AEIAccelerated and Enriched Instruction
AEIAmerican Eye Institute
AEIApplication Enhancements Inc. (Toronto, Canada)
AEIArthur Engineering Inc.
AEIAdvanced Environmental Interface, Inc.
AEIAssociation des Étudiants en Informatique
AEIAlexander Edwards International, Inc.
AEIAssociation of Early Intervention
AEIAtomic Energy Institute (Moscow)
AEIAmazon Environmental, Inc.
AEIAluminium Extrusion Industries (Singapore)
AEIArmament Enhancement Initiative
AEIAcademia de Evaluación Institucional
AEIAllied Engineers, Inc.
AEIArchitect and Engineers, Inc.
AEIAction Environmental, Inc.
AEIAdvanced Endovascular Institute
AEIAmusement Enterprises, Inc.
AEIAuxiliar Euro Industrial
AEIAxe Empowerment Institute
AEIAFMC Enterprise Intranet
AEIAzimuth Error Indicator
AEIAnalyste, Exploitation Informatique (employee group in Québec)
AEIAccountable Equipment Index
AEIAudio End Instrument
AEIAstro Eight Inches
AEIAngle Error Indicator
AEIAmpul Electric, Inc.
AEIAverage Efficiency Index
AEIAteliers d’Échanges et d’Innovation
AEIAir Emissions Industry
AEIl'Action Educative et Innovante
AEIAvalanche Electron Injection
AEIAlianza Espiritualista Internacional (Spanish)
AEIAlimentation en Eau Industrielle
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