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References in periodicals archive ?
Archaeological Legacy Institute - A closed captioning specialist volunteer is needed to view films selected for direct service and document the audio tracks that make the closed captioning subtitles.
The Archaeological Legacy Institute won an award from the Archaeological Film Festival of Castile and Le-n in Zamora, Spain, for " Quivira: Conquistadors on the Plains," a film the institute produced.
Produced by the Eugene nonprofit Archaeological Legacy Institute, "Strata: Portraits of Humanity" is a half-hour, monthly video news magazine comprising a collection of stories from the wide world of cultural heritage and archaeology.
Rick Pettigrew is executive director of the nonprofit Archaeological Legacy Institute in Eugene, dedicated to using media in fostering cultural heritage.
Produced by the Eugene-based Archaeological Legacy Institute, the half-hour newsmagazine, which runs on The Archaeology Channel, tells stories from the archaeology world.
Tom King, chief archaeologist in the modern search for Amelia Earhart, will appear as part of the The Archaeology Channel International Film and Video Festival, organized by the nonprofit Archaeological Legacy Institute in Eugene.
Archaeological Legacy Institute - Seeks office manager to supervise office duties.
the Archaeological Legacy Institute and DIVA host the first program in The ArchaeologyFest Film Series: Best of 2010 with "Chumpi's Adventure" and "Lost Nation: The Ioway." Doors open at 7:45.
The Archaeological Legacy Institute and the Downtown Initiative for the Visual Arts will screen "A Voodoo Memory (Une Memoire Vodou)," a film by Irene Lichtenstein, at 7:30 p.m.
Archaeological Legacy Institute - Office help with filing, bill paying, bookkeeping and correspondence; experience preferred but will train.
The organizations receiving money are the Boots and Sandals Square Dance Club, Cottage Grove; Community Center for the Performing Arts/WOW Hall, Eugene; Rural Art Center, West Lane County; Danish Brotherhood in America, Junction City; Writers in Lane County Schools, Eugene; Upstart Crow Studios, Eugene; Cottage Theatre, Cottage Grove; Youth Empowerment Project, Eugene-Springfield; Genealogical Society and Research Library, Eugene; Lord Leebrick Theatre Company, Eugene; Last Resort Players, Florence; Coast Chamber Orchestra, Florence; Oregon Mozart Players, Eugene; DanceAbility, Eugene; Edison Elementary School, Eugene; Archaeological Legacy Institute, Eugene; Shelton- McMurphy-Johnson House, Eugene; Florence Performing Arts Association, Florence; and Shedd Institute for the Arts, Eugene.
Archaeological Legacy Institute - Office manager needed, experience preferred but will train.
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