(redirected from Anonymizer Proxy Server)Category filter:
Acronym | Definition |
APS | American Psychological Society |
APS | Advanced Photographic System |
APS | Albuquerque Public Schools (New Mexico) |
APS | American Physiological Society |
APS | Australian Psychological Society |
APS | American Physical Society |
APS | Arizona Public Service (utility company) |
APS | Australian Public Service |
APS | Adult Protective Services |
APS | Aurora Public Schools (Aurora, CO) |
APS | Association for Psychological Science (Washington, DC) |
APS | American Pain Society |
APS | Arlington Public Schools (Virginia) |
APS | Advanced Photon Source |
APS | Advanced Planning and Scheduling (resource planning) |
APS | Advanced Photo System |
APS | American Philatelic Society |
APS | Automatic Protection Switching (SONET/SDH) |
APS | American Philosophical Society |
APS | Adobe Photoshop |
APS | Analytical Problem Solving (various organizations) |
APS | American Phytopathological Society (St. Paul, MN) |
APS | Advanced Power System (battery systems) |
APS | A Paradigm Shift (band) |
APS | A Piece of Space (Japan) |
APS | Amount Per Serving |
APS | Antiphospholipid Antibody Syndrome |
APS | Ancillary Products and Services |
APS | Animal Protection Society (various locations) |
APS | Academy of Political Science (New York) |
APS | Aerial Port Squadron |
APS | Africa Partnership Station (maritime safety) |
APS | Average Particle Size |
APS | Acta Pharmacologica Sinica (journal; Chinese Pharmacological Society) |
APS | Antiphospholipid Syndrome |
APS | Annapolis Performance Sailing (Annapolis, MD) |
APS | Agence de Presse Sénégalaise (French: Senegalese News Agency) |
APS | Associated Press Stylebook |
APS | American Political System |
APS | Animal and Plant Science (University of Sheffield; UK) |
APS | Auxiliary Power Supply |
APS | Advanced Planning & Scheduling |
APS | Attending Physician Statement |
APS | Advanced Payment Solutions (various locations) |
APS | Atomic Power Station |
APS | Autonomous Power Supply (Getek) |
APS | Adult Population Survey |
APS | Association for Project Safety (UK) |
APS | Active People Survey (athletics; UK) |
APS | Average Point Score (education; UK) |
APS | Admission Point Score (South Africa) |
APS | Academic Programs and Services (various schools) |
APS | Avant-Projet Sommaire (French: Preliminary Project Summary) |
APS | Anpartsselskab (Danish: private limited liability company) |
APS | Applied Plant Science (study program) |
APS | Astrophysical and Planetary Sciences (University of Colorado) |
APS | Anonymizer Proxy Server |
APS | Advanced Printing Service |
APS | Automotive Performance Systems |
APS | Advanced Production System |
APS | Acoustic Polarised Stereo |
APS | Application Server |
APS | Advanced Password Systems |
APS | Automatic Performance System |
APS | Adobe Post Script |
APS | Automatic Paper Selection |
APS | Adjustable Pedal System |
APS | Audi Parking System |
APS | Acoustic Parking System |
APS | Application Provided Sublayer |
APS | Advanced Program Settings |
APS | Adobe Livecycle Policy Server |
APS | Authorization Proxy Server |
APS | Advanced Pixel Shader |
APS | Automatic Progressive Scanning |
APS | Access Points |
APS | Apple Professional Services |
APS | Advanced Planning and Scheduling |
APS | Automatic Protection Switching |
APS | Adaptive Pixel Subdivision |
APS | Assembly Programming System |
APS | Adobe Photo Shop |
APS | Automated Position System |
APS | Active Pixel Sensor |
APS | Application Studio File |
APS | Advanced Power Strip |
APS | Active-Pixel Sensor |
APS | Administrative per Se (California Department of Motor Vehicles) |
APS | Acta Physica Slovaca (Slovakian physics journal) |
APS | Advanced Production Scheduling |
APS | Atiyah-Patodi-Singer (theorem) |
APS | Adenosine 5'-Phosphosulfate (chemistry) |
APS | Administrative Policy Statement (various organizations) |
APS | Australian Protective Service |
APS | Animal Production System (various organizations) |
APS | Autorisation Provisoire de Séjour (French: Temporary Residence Permit) |
APS | Aftermarket Products and Services (various locations) |
APS | Automatic Protection Switch |
APS | Advanced Planning System (USAF) |
APS | Alt Preset Standard (MP3 encoder preset) |
APS | Army Pre-Positioned Stocks (US DoD) |
APS | Accredited Platform Specialist |
APS | Advertiser and Publisher Solutions (Microsoft group) |
APS | American Psychosomatic Society |
APS | American Periodicals Series |
APS | Algérie Presse Service |
APS | Activité Physique et Sportive (French: Physical Activity and Sport) |
APS | Analog Protection System |
APS | Administratie Planning en Statistiek (Belgium) |
APS | American Peptide Society |
APS | Administrative Policy and Services (US Geological Survey) |
APS | Aboriginal Peoples Survey (Statistics Canada) |
APS | Approved Provider Standard |
APS | Attending Physician's Statement (insurance) |
APS | Authorization Proxy Server (NTLM) |
APS | Air Pressure Switch |
APS | Air Plasma Spray (surface coating technology) |
APS | Allison Payment Systems (Indianapolis, IN) |
APS | American Paraplegia Society |
APS | Accounts Payable System |
APS | Auto-Pilot System |
APS | Ammonium Persulphate |
APS | Associação Portuguesa de Surdos (Portuguese: Portuguese Association of the Deaf; est. 1956) |
APS | Advanced Planning Services (various locations) |
APS | Austin Pond Society (Austin, TX) |
APS | Account and Processing Support (US IRS) |
APS | Automatic Payment Service |
APS | Auxiliary Power System |
APS | Advanced Payment Solutions Limited (various locations) |
APS | Association des Professionnels du Solaire (French: Solar Business Association) |
APS | Ad-Hoc Positioning System |
APS | Asynchronous Protocol Specification |
APS | Automated Patent System |
APS | Autoimmune Polyendocrinopathy Syndrome |
APS | Automated Packaging Systems, Inc (Streetsboro, OH) |
APS | Academy of Pharmaceutical Sciences (UK) |
APS | American Physicians Service Group, Inc. (Texas) |
APS | Application Platform Strategies |
APS | Alameda Padre Serra |
APS | Auxiliary Propulsion System |
APS | Augmented Protein System |
APS | Afloat Planning System |
APS | Army Postal Service |
APS | Active Protective System |
APS | Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Pädiatrische Stoffwechselstörungen (Association of Pediatric Metabolic Disorders) |
APS | American Protective Services |
APS | About Pet Sitting (forum) |
APS | Alpha-Particle Spectrometer |
APS | American Phone Services (Alpharetta, GA) |
APS | American Peony Society |
APS | American Pomological Society |
APS | Appearance Potential Spectroscopy |
APS | Aurora Picture Show (Houston, TX) |
APS | Automatic Programming System |
APS | Association of Planning Supervisors |
APS | Automated Planning System |
APS | Advance Passenger Screening (various organizations) |
APS | Abandon Platform Shutdown (oil industry) |
APS | Apostrophe Protection Society |
APS | Amplifier Power Supply |
APS | Automatic Protection System |
APS | Aquitaine Presse Service (French: Aquitaine Press Service; Aquitaine, France) |
APS | Assured Produce Scheme |
APS | Arrival Pilot Station (shipping) |
APS | Air-Vehicle Planning System (US Strategic Command) |
APS | Acid Producing Soil |
APS | Automotive Performance Specialists (various locations) |
APS | Applied Psychometric Society |
APS | Advanced Performance Solutions, LLC (Amherst, NY) |
APS | Auction Preferred Share |
APS | Academic Physician & Scientist |
APS | Admissions and Partnership Services (UK) |
APS | Accessory Power Supply |
APS | Association of Police Surgeons |
APS | American Payment Systems, Inc. |
APS | Automated Procurement System |
APS | Audio Preservation Studio (Harvard University; Boston, MA) |
APS | Active Pipe Support (energy production) |
APS | Antigen, Prostate-Specific |
APS | Accelerator Position Sensor (automotive) |
APS | Alternative Powertrain Study (JD Power and Associates) |
APS | Agricultural Production System |
APS | Aerosol Particle Sizer |
APS | Acting Police Sergeant (UK) |
APS | Anderson Primary School (Singapore) |
APS | Association of Productivity Specialists |
APS | Australian Photographic Society Inc |
APS | Acute Psychiatry Service |
APS | Advanced Polar System |
APS | Automated Personnel System |
APS | Automated Payload Switch |
APS | Antenna Positioning System |
APS | Alarme Protection Sécurité (French: Security Alarm Protection) |
APS | Aluminium Plain Sheet (various companies) |
APS | Antian Professional Services Inc (Ottawa, ON, Canada) |
APS | Advanced Proton Source |
APS | Acoustic Processing System |
APS | Attached Processor System (4ESS) |
APS | Alternative Press Syndicate |
APS | Acute-Phase Serum |
APS | Association of Professionals and Supervisors (Montreal, Quebec, Canada) |
APS | Application Production Support |
APS | Automatic Pointing System |
APS | Atmospheric Process Simulator (distributed computing program, weather research) |
APS | Afloat Pre-Positioning Ships |
APS | Assurance Prospection Simplifiée (French: Insurance Prospecting Simplified) |
APS | Algemeen Preferentiestelsel (Dutch = General Preferred System) |
APS | Aircraft Parts Store (USAF Supply Squadron) |
APS | Arya Pratinidhi Sabha (South Africa) |
APS | Advanced Power Source |
APS | Agence Prévention et Sécurité (French: Prevention and Security Agency; Belgium) |
APS | Adjustment Processing System (USPS) |
APS | Acquisition Processor Subsystem (NASA) |
APS | Array Processing System |
APS | Admiralty Primary School (Singapore) |
APS | Advance Planning Study |
APS | Abuse Prevention Service |
APS | Army Prepositioned Sets |
APS | Active Phase Shifter |
APS | Academia del Perpetuo Socorro (Puerto Rican college preparatory private school) |
APS | Advance Planning Solutions, Inc. |
APS | Acquisition Planning System |
APS | Adaptive Processor, SONAR |
APS | Actions Préventives de Secours (French: Preventive Actions Relief; Belgium) |
APS | Avionics Processing System |
APS | Accident Prone Situation |
APS | Association of Professional Sikhs |
APS | Albury Public School (New South Wales, Australia) |
APS | Army Planning System |
APS | Average Per Store |
APS | Application Program Set |
APS | Asset Protection Service LLC (Chantilly, VA) |
APS | Acoustic Projection System |
APS | Axial Power Shape |
APS | Argonne Photo Source |
APS | Algorithm Performance Specification |
APS | Automated Purchase System |
APS | Autocorrelated Photon Spectroscopy |
APS | Association Professionnelle Sucrière (French: Professional Sugar Association; Morocco) |
APS | All Present Sequence (testing) |
APS | Allied Process Services, Inc. (Madison, AL) |
APS | Authorization Planning Schedule |
APS | Afloat Prepositioned Squadron |
APS | Automatic Patching System |
APS | Afloat Processing System |
APS | Autocorrelation Photon Spectroscopy |
APS | Adventist Payroll System (software) |
APS | Acquisition Program Sponsor |
APS | Association Prudence au Sahel (Burkina Faso) |
APS | Airborne Pointing System |
APS | Autogenous Pressurization System (missiles) |
APS | Alarm Processing Subsystem |
APS | Automatic Polarity Selection |
APS | Atmospheric Properties System |
APS | Aluminium Cell Preheating System |
APS | Annuitant Pay Subsystem |
APS | Aktiebolaget Produktion Service (Swedish: stamp-perforator machine) |
APS | Argonne Peak Shave (Model) |
APS | Aerosol Particle-Sizing Spectrometer (Atmospheric Radiation Measurement; US Department of Education) |
APS | Alphanumeric Photocomposer System |
APS | Applications Process Subsystem |
APS | Albany Publication System (MCLB Albany) |
APS | Auxiliary Police Section (NYPD) |
APS | Alternate Propulsion Sources |
APS | Applied Problem Session |
APS | Auto Policyholder System (insurance) |
APS | Automatic Program Scheduler |
APS | Automation Plans & Support |
APS | Asociación Proyecto Sacatepequez (Sacatepequez Project Association) |
APS | Applied Physics Services (Philadelphia, PA) |
APS | Auto Phasing System |
APS | Allied Professional System |
APS | Automatic Program Service |
APS | aerobic pretreatment simulator |
APS | Academic Planning Service |
APS | Absolutely Precious Skin (beauty product brand) |
APS | Aircraft Propeller Service, Inc (Wheeling, IL) |
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