(redirected from Account Metering Function)Category filter:
Acronym | Definition |
AMF | ACE (Allied Command, Europe) Mobile Force |
AMF | Autorité des Marchés Financiers (French) |
AMF | Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi |
AMF | Action Message Format |
AMF | Amsterdan Music Festival (Amsterdam, Netherlands) |
AMF | Association des Maires de France (French: Association of Mayors of France) |
AMF | Against Malaria Foundation (UK) |
AMF | Against Modern Football |
AMF | Asset Management Finance (New York, NY) |
AMF | Arab Monetary Fund |
AMF | All Media Floppy |
AMF | Access Management Framework |
AMF | Advanced Module Format |
AMF | Asian Monetary Fund |
AMF | Austin Music Foundation (Austin, TX) |
AMF | Airborne Maritime Fixed |
AMF | Autocrine Motility Factor |
AMF | Airborne, Maritime, Fixed (Joint Tactical Radio System station) |
AMF | Attacking Midfielder (soccer) |
AMF | Australian Military Forces |
AMF | Anhydrous Milk Fat |
AMF | Around Mean Field |
AMF | Advanced Module Format (digital music file format) |
AMF | Australian Mineral Foundation |
AMF | Auto Mains Failure |
AMF | American Machine & Foundry (now AMF, Inc.) |
AMF | Adios, My Friend |
AMF | Amber Master Fund (investment) |
AMF | American Muslim Foundation |
AMF | Annual Membership Fee |
AMF | Airmen Memorial Foundation |
AMF | Air-Mass Factor |
AMF | Annual Maintenance Fee |
AMF | A Modern Fairytale (club) |
AMF | Airport Mail Facility |
AMF | Ad Mortem Festinamus (personal blog; Belgium) |
AMF | Assurance Mutuelle des Fonctionnaires (French) |
AMF | American Melanoma Foundation |
AMF | Allied Mobile Force |
AMF | Always Means Fun |
AMF | American Messianic Fellowship |
AMF | Astronaut Memorial Foundation (NASA) |
AMF | Adaptive Matched Filter |
AMF | Avignon Motor Festival (Avignon, France) |
AMF | Atlantic Music Festival (New York, NY) |
AMF | American Menopause Foundation |
AMF | Alternative Medicine Foundation |
AMF | Annual Manufacturing Forum (Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology) |
AMF | Ailing Mothers & Fathers (National Students of ) |
AMF | Apogee Motor Firing |
AMF | ARM (Atmospheric Radiation Measurement) Mobile Facility (climate research) |
AMF | Alternative Motor Fuel |
AMF | Academy of Saint Martini in the Fields (London, UK) |
AMF | Asset Management Fee (investing) |
AMF | Alpha Mike Foxtrot |
AMF | Alfred Mozer Foundation (Netherlands) |
AMF | Automated Mapping Facility (databases) |
AMF | Aerobic Metabolism Facilitator |
AMF | Australian Museums Forum |
AMF | Authentication Management Function |
AMF | Alliance Military Federation (gaming) |
AMF | Aerial Maneuver Fighter (Gundam Seed Anime) |
AMF | Alpha-Methylfentanyl |
AMF | Automated Module Fabrication |
AMF | Asia Multimedia Forum |
AMF | Athens Music Factory |
AMF | Aggressive Music Festival |
AMF | Account Metering Function |
AMF | Air Mobile Force |
AMF | Army Management Fund |
AMF | Automatic Maneuvering Flaps (aircraft) |
AMF | Agent Migration Facility |
AMF | Alternate Medical Facility |
AMF | Actuarial Mail File |
AMF | Assistant Manager for Facilities and Laboratory Management |
AMF | Activity Master File |
AMF | Airmen Memorial Fund |
AMF | Automated Materials Frisker |
AMF | Andover Manufacturing Facility |
AMF | Abbreviated Master Data File |
AMF | Always Match Fault |
AMF | Adios Mother Figure (polite form) |
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