AUTCOMAutism National Committee (Forest Knolls, California)
Copyright 1988-2018, All rights reserved.
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q(l/h) Trabajo.(psi) Emisores Microjet 8.4 15 14 Autcom. 8.4 75 1.6 Lyn 8.4 50 1.6 Cinta 8.4 150 0.2 Emisores Q ateral(l/h) Longitud del lateral (m) Microjet 210 15 Autcom.
Like many issues that surround institution of ABA services, such concerns are likely to reflect popular and technically incomplete depictions of ABA (Kohn, 1993), or overdrawn or specious depictions and caricatures, sometimes narrowly set forth, of ABA (e.g., AUTCOM, 1999).