ANCGArmenian National Committee of Greece (political group)
ANCGArmy Military District of Washington
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Senan Al Naboodah is managing director of ANCG [supplied image].
ANCG has been contracted to build four substations for the Dubai Energy Water Authority (DEWA), three of which have been contracted through Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, with the remaining one to be delivered in a partnership with Siemens.
The final name on this list, ANCG, has enjoyed a positive year so far, after reporting five million man-hours worked without an injury at the Dubai Creek Harbour, where it is building two, 37-storey towers for Emaar Properties (p29).
ANCG is building two 37-storey towers that feature residential units, penthouses, and commercial units, plus external works and landscaping at Creekside Plot 18-A, a residential project in the 6km[sup.2] Dubai Creek Harbour development by Emaar Properties.
Due to commercial sensitivities, ANCG could not confirm the identity of its client.
Formerly the global major projects director at Honeywell Building Solutions, Evans only joined ANCG in February 2018.He does, however, have prior experience with the business, and served as an operations manager on a 12-month Dubaiproject in 2014.
David Evans, group chief executive officer (CEO) of ANCG, confirmed that the firm's mechanical, electrical, and plumbing (MEP) division is being realigned as an internally focused unit.
David Evans joins ANCG, ANGE's flagship construction business launched in the 1960s, and has previously worked at Al Naboodah as an operations manager on Dubai Airport projects.
Facilities Management (FM) services will complement ANCG's current portfolio of core services, which includes civil engineering, building and MEP.
Project work commenced earlier this year, and ANCG, the contracting arm of Al Naboodah Group Enterprises (ANGE), is already on-site and on-track in its installation of the substructure and in-situ concrete superstructure work.
Colin Timmons, who took over as the company's CEO last July , is now the general manager of building at ANCG.
ANCG's outgoing CEO has spent almost three decades at the UAE-headquartered contractor.