ANCDAlaskan Noble Companion Dog (dog breed)
ANCDAustralian National Council on Drugs (Australia; est. 1998)
ANCDAssociazione Nazionale Cooperative Dettaglianti (Italian: National Retailers Association of Cooperatives; est. 1973; Rome, Italy)
ANCDAcadémie Nationale de Chirurgie Dentaire (National Academy of Dental Surgery)
ANCDAutomatic Network Call Distribution (software)
ANCDAutomated Network Control Device
ANCDAssociation of Nigerians in the Capital District of the State of New York (est. 1993)
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"L'ANCD apporte un dementi formel aux affirmations de M.
To add weight to the 'perception' of social break down, the chairman of the Australian National Council on Drugs (ANCD) speaking to the media about the councils report released in February 2008, said" what this report clearly says is that drug and alcohol use by young people has become normalized and is often seen as a rite of passage to adulthood."
"The fact is, every year it gets worse," quoted Gino Vumbaca, executive director of ANCD, as saying.
Steve Hislop dominated qualifying as he powered his Monster Mob Ducati to the fastest lap of the 2.249-mile Silverstone circuit ancd clinched pole position in today's second round of the British Superbike Championship.
ANCD and GPS functional with current fills and SOI.
Each is equipped with large conference rooms tor classes ancd exhibitions.
His own Christianity was rooted in "spiritual experience," not in intellectual statement." For example, in discussing the Trinity, he subordinated its intellectual abstraction" to the experience that it describes: "If a Muslim can be brought to understand that in the doctrine of the Trinity an attempt is made to explain our apprehension of the redemptive operation of God's Holy Spirit within us - then, though it may still appear unacceptable to him, he will see it as no longer unreasonable ancd certainly not blasphemous."(16)
On 23 September, another rebel National Alliance for Democratic Change (ANCD), had reported that Chadian rebels based in Sudan are under pressure since three months to disarm.
They quote Salvation Army Major Brian Watters, appointed by Prime Minister Howard to chair the Australian National Council on Drugs (ANCD): I believe addiction is a sin.
The NDS evaluation specifically reported on the impact of the prime minister's chief advisory body, the Australian National Council on Drugs (ANCD), on the Australian drug policy environment (Successworks, 2003).