AKUSAllison Krauss and Union Station (band)
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The ceremony was held on the heels of the historic 2013 Aga Khan University Convocation which was graced by the presence of the Chancellor of AKU His-Highness the Aga Khan.
The chief guest of the ceremony was Dr Javed Butler, a graduate of the AKU Medical College currently working as a professor of medicine at Emory University, Atlanta, USA.
Nineteen patients (52.8%) had a family history of AKU. A black staining of the diaper in the newborn period was the first and main complaint of 17 patients (47.2%).
AKU is characterized by HGA accumulation in tissues.
Here, we reported our AKU patients with various signs and symptoms at different ages.
An update on molecular genetics of Alkaptonuria (AKU).