Maxi-Ram (Amstrad Action)Applications Divers
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This program, once again from Graeme Rowles, Installs 18 new RSX commands which may be of some use. This is what they do:

  • |3500 : Sets the cassette speed to write at 3500 baud
  • |SPEED,value : Sets the cassette speed write to any value you like from 6144 to 40000 approx The lower the value, the faster the saving is. If you give a value much less than 6144 (3500 baud) or much higher than 40000. when you try to save a file to cassette you will get the prompt "Write error a". This can be stopped by entering a SPEED WRITE 0, SPEED WRITE 1 or |3500 command
  • |MEMORY, location : The same as a MEMORY command, but does not give any "Memory full" error messages. So where a MEMORY &3F command will give you a "Memory full" message. |MEMORY,&3F will work!
    BEWARE : Giving a wrong value can result in crashes, resets etc.
  • |EXCHANGE,addr.1,addr.2,block length : Exchanges the contents of one block of memory anywhere in the RAM with another block elsewhere, very quickly
  • |FILL, start addr, end addr, byte : Fills all the memory locations between the stait addr and the end addr with any value between 0 ana 255.
  • |CLEAR.INPUT : The same as a WHILE INKEY$<>"":WEND command It's just easier to remember. Same as 6128's CLEAR INPUT command, so if you are entering a 6128 listing on a 464 enter |CLEAR.INPUT instead of CLEAR INPUT.
  • |GETMODE,vaz% : Returns the current screen mode in var%. It MUST be an integer.
  • |GETBORDER,var1%,var2% : Gives you the two colours the border is on in varl% and var2%, Both MUST be integers.
  • var$="":|COPYCHAR,@var$ : Returns the character at the current cursor position in var$. The same as 6128's command var$=COPYCHR$(#0). vai$ must contain ONE character before the |COPYCHAR command.
    • k=himem: |RESMEM:|BOLD:|MEMORY,k Makes all the characters bold,
    • k=himem: |RESMEM: |THIN: |MEMORY,k Makes all the characters thin,
    • k=himem: | RESMEM: |ITAL: |MEMORY,k Makes all the characters italicised.
  • |RELOCATE, address : Puts the buffer BASIC uses (starting at &40) somewhere else in memory, thus freeing &40+
  • |GETLOC,var% : Gets the address of the buffer that BASIC uses (usually starting at &40) into var%, which must be an integer.
  • |ADD,st.addr,end.addr, value : Adds a given value to each byte in every memory location between start and end addresses.
  • |SUB,st.addr,end.addr,value : As above, but subtracts a value rather than adds.
  • |RESMEM Used when using |BOLD, |THIN and |ITAL commands only. It gives HIMEM a certain value so that a SYMBOL AFTER command can be executed.

After loading this program, a file called MAXI-RSX.BAS will be saved to tape or disk. You will then be given a list of all the new commands installed, and a way of resetting the characters alter a |BOLD. |THIN or |ITAL command.


★ YEAR: 1990
★ CONFIG: 64K + AMSDOS (464 Only!)
★ AUTHOR: Graeme Rowles


» Maxi-Ram    (Amstrad  Action)    ENGLISHDATE: 2021-04-30
DL: 220
SiZE: 5Ko
NOTE: 40 Cyls

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.