Amstrad Computer User
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For all you doubting Thomas's out there, take a look at what Glen Cook's put together using his very own Glenco Sprites Alive package.

There must be a fair few people out there who, every time they put on the latest computergame in their collection think to themselves: "Shucks, I wish I could do that for a living". Quite a few of those people have probably also read the blurb that accompanies the Glenco Sprite designer programs and thought to themselves "How can I possibly become a games programmer just by spending £27 on a utility with a flashy cover. That can't be possible".

OK, so you're not going to become Raffaelo Cecco or the Oliver Twins overnight, but take a look at this little program put together in BASIC from that self same utility by the boys and girls at Glenco and you'll see that buying the Sprites Alive package is very definitely a step in the right direction.

Space Froggy is billed by Glen himself as 'as good as any budget game currently on the market', and he's not far from the truth. The colours are all there, the graphics are precise and the scrolling is exceptionally smooth for a compiled Basic program.

So what's it all about? There's a worldwide shortage of 6128 ROM chips. In fact, there are only nine left; and the only man who can locate them has just exploded in a puff of smoke. Who you gonna call? That lovable green alien Space Froggy.

The nine missing ROM chips are located around a maze of rooms and tunnels and you need to collect all of them to save the world. That may sound easy, but it isn't.

Lurking around every corner are nasty aliens who want to make your life complete and utter misery. The only thing you can do is bide your time and avoid them, or jump over them.

Scattered around the passages you will find keys, which you will need to get into locked rooms. Some of the chips are located within these rooms, but others are harder to locate and you'll need some skillful joystick manipulation to dodge the alien guardians.

Stepping onto the handy hover-boards will help you into the more inaccessible areas, but don't forget to keep up with them, or you'll find yourself floating downwards fast.
All around the maze, you will find crystals and energy packs. Pick up everything you come across because, even though you start off with nine lives, you'll need every extra one you can lay your hands on.

Find all nine ROM chips and you're home and dry, the world is saved.In its own right, Space Froggy is exceptionally playable and good fun into the bargain.

What's that? Bargain? Not half! What's so special about this game is that it's absolutely free. Designed as a demonstration of the capabilities of the Sprites Alive Compiler package.

For that reason, by the time you read this review, the Space Froggy game should be sitting waiting for you on the Maxwell House Bulletin Board. All you need to do is dial 0718281577 and look in the CPC area and start downloading. Alternatively, or if you haven't got a modem, get in touch with Alan Scully at ..... East Kilbride,Glasgow G75 9JG, and ask for Space Froggy from the Scull PD software library.

ACU #9012



★ INFO: Created using Sprites Alive Compiler.

★ YEAR: 1990



Game disk:
» Space  FroggyDATE: 2012-01-10
DL: 301
SiZE: 21Ko
NOTE: 40 Cyls

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L'Amstrad CPC est une machine 8 bits à base d'un Z80 à 4MHz. Le premier de la gamme fut le CPC 464 en 1984, équipé d'un lecteur de cassettes intégré il se plaçait en concurrent  du Commodore C64 beaucoup plus compliqué à utiliser et plus cher. Ce fut un réel succès et sorti cette même années le CPC 664 équipé d'un lecteur de disquettes trois pouces intégré. Sa vie fut de courte durée puisqu'en 1985 il fut remplacé par le CPC 6128 qui était plus compact, plus soigné et surtout qui avait 128Ko de RAM au lieu de 64Ko.