Knowledge sharing and networking at the cross-section of research and business


SEMANTiCS conference is the leading European conference on Semantic Technologies and AI. Researchers, industry experts and business leaders can develop a thorough understanding of trends and application scenarios in the fields of Machine Learning, Data Science, Linked Data and Natural Language Processing.  The 16th edition will be hosted this year in Amsterdam.

About the conference

The SEMANTiCS conference offers a good mix of academic and industry participants, making it a great place for exchanging ideas and views on different topics. Its Job Fair offers industries the possibility to contact people with very interesting profiles.

Josiane Parreira

Senior Research Scientist, Siemens AG Austria

Keynote speakers

Joe Pairman's picture

Joe Pairman

Senior Product Manager, Tridion Docs

How semantics power the intelligent future of content management

Ger Baron's picture

Ger Baron

Chief Technology Officer at City of Amsterdam

Welcome to Amsterdam

Enrico Motta's picture

Enrico Motta

Professor of Knowledge Technologies at the Knowledge Media Institute

Combining Deep Learning and Common-Sense Reasoning in Visually Intelligent Robots

Marieke van Erp's picture

Marieke van Erp

The Semantics of Smell

Maria Esther Vidal's picture

Maria-Esther Vidal

Head of Scientific Data Management Research Group

Enhancing Linked Data Trustability and Transparency through Knowledge-driven Data Ecosystems

Vanessa Lopez's picture

Vanessa Lopez

Research Scientist and Manager - AI for Health and Social Care

Knowledge Graphs for Social Good: Protecting Vital Health and Social Programs


Access to Recordings and Slide Decks

Please find the recordings of all online and onsite talks in our on-demand library. 

Post Conference Content Delivery: The Carefree Real Property Demonstration Video

Due to a small scheduling mistake, the presenters of the Carefree real property industry talk were unable to show their prototype. Find it here.

How to Hybrid - a Guide for your Hybrid Participation

​Although we all have experience with online conferences, managing the hybrid situation is a bit more challenging for all parties involved.  Let’s prepare a little bit to guarantee a smooth and safe experience onsite and online.

Why are semantic technologies essential for your content strategy?

Content is inherently diverse, written for and understandable only by a specific audience, often multilingual, scattered across silos and different systems, and regularly ambiguous and therefore difficult to understand. Even humans, who are actually experts at understanding natural language, regularly get lost in Babylonian language confusion. 

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Organized by

Institute for Applied Informatics



KIT-Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Conference venue

Theater de Meervaart
Meer en Vaart 300
1068 LE Amsterdam, Netherlands

VU University Amsterdam
Faculty of Sciences
Department of Computer Science     
De Boelelaan 1081 
NL-1081 HV Amsterdam 
The Netherlands