Leipzig, September 12 - 15. 2016

The annual SEMANTiCS conference is the meeting place for professionals who make semantic computing work, and understand its benefits and know its limitations. Every year, SEMANTiCS attracts information managers, IT-architects, software engineers, and researchers, from organisations ranging from NPOs, universities, public administrations to the largest companies in the world. [learn more]

Keynote Speakers

Cathy Dolbear

Senior Link Architect

Enriching Content with User Data and Semantic Information

Michele Pasin

Lead data architect

Linked data experience at Springer Nature

Marie Wallace

Analytics Strategist, IBM

The Semantics of the Human Network

Volker Tresp

Principal Research Scientist Siemens, Professor @ LMU

Learning with Memory Embeddings and its Application in the Digitalization of Healthcare

Lydia Pintscher

Product Manager for Wikidata

Wikidata: bringing structured data to Wikipedia with 16000 volunteers

Harald Sack

Senior Researcher

The dwerft Project - DBpedia and Linked Data for the Media Value Chain


This was SEMANTICS 2016

Our 2016 Conference in Leipzig, Germany, was again an impactful event, combining informative talks with interactive and enlightening discussions. Over 270 attendees joined the SEMANTiCS Conference, making it a rousing success!

European Linked Data Award given to Projects in Education and Legal Sector

(Leipzig, 14.09.2016) Now in the second year the European Linked Data Award presents two winning projects coming from the legal/law domain and the research/ed

Enriched Industry - Special Sessions

You want to do a deep dive into topics with growing relevance in industry? You want to really understand some aspects, or, want to double-check your ideas with other experts

Where will we stay with semantic technologies in 10 years time?

Michael Martin is involved in the future of semantic technologies all around the clock. According to his own statement, he sees his work more linked to the small daily steps in a world of growing data than the large utopias of a digital future.

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Gold Sponsors

Mico - Media in Context

Silver Sponsors

Bronze & Research Sponsors

St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences

Featured by LEDS

Jörg Unbehauen

Jörg Unbehauen

Executing SPARQL Queries over Mapped Document Stores with SparqlMap-M

Natanael Arndt

Natanael Arndt

Distributed Collaboration on RDF Datasets Using Git: Towards the Quit Store

Marvin Frommhold

Marvin Frommhold

Towards Versioning of Arbitrary RDF Data

Michael Krug

Michael Krug

KESeDa: Knowledge Extraction from Heterogeneous Semi-Structured Data Sources

Prof. Dr. Sören Auer

Sören Auer

Professor and Head of Department

Enterprise Knowledge Graphs

Hans-Christian Brockmann

CEO of eccenca GmbH and brox IT-Solutions GmbH

LEDS Linked Enterprise Data Services

Martin Voigt

Martin Voigt

CEO Ontos GmbH

Streaming-based Text Mining using Deep Learning and Semantics

Christian Opitz

Christian Opitz

Head of innovation management

Semantic E-Commerce - Use Cases in Enterprise Web Applications

Robert Isele

Robert Isele

Head of Data Integration Unit

eccenca CorporateMemory - Semantically integrated Enterprise Data Lakes


Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement

Organized by

Institute for Applied Informatics
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences

Contact & Location

Augustusplatz 10
04109 Leipzig, Germany

Ms Ogarit Uhlmann
F&U confirm
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany

[email protected]

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fax +49 341 235 2782