Vienna, September 16-17, 2015

The annual SEMANTiCS conference is the meeting place for professionals who make semantic computing work, and understand its benefits and know its limitations. Every year, SEMANTiCS attracts information managers, IT-architects, software engineers, and researchers, from organisations ranging from NPOs, universities, public administrations to the largest companies in the world. [learn more]


This was SEMANTICS 2015

The eleventh edition of SEMANTiCS brought together 283 researchers, practitioners and adopters of Semantic Technologies and Linked Data in Vienna. This is a growth in participation of 20%.

ELDC Award: Europe's Crème de la Crème of Linked Data and Semantic Web - 1st European Linked Data Award given

(Vienna, 16.09.2015) The new established European Linked Data Award was given to two top projects coming from the domain of Linked Data and the Semantic Web. With 53 submission coming for

3 plus 1 Feature: Christian Dirschl

Christian Dirschl (Chief Content Architect / Wolters Kluwer Germany) is responsible for the content structures, metadata, taxonomies, and thesauri within Wolters Kluwer Germany. He manages text mining and automatic topical classification projects.

Vienna supports businesses

The Vienna Business Agency provide various funding opportunities for innovative ideas, start-ups and cooperation projects.

Keynote Speakers

Ulrike Huemer, CIO City of Vienna

Ulrike Huemer

CIO City of Vienna

Address of welcome

Peter Mika

Director, Semantic Search, Yahoo Labs

Semantic Search at Yahoo

Jeanne Holm

Chief Information Officer at World Peace One

Data Mining for Good: How Linked Data is Transforming Cities

Sam Rehman

Chief Technology Officer

Internet of Things and Semantic: Model both the real and virtual world

Oscar Corcho

Associate Professor

Slow-cooked data and APIs in the world of Big Data: the view from a city perspective

Klaus Tochtermann


Evolution of Semantic Technologies in Scientific Libraries

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Gold Sponsors

St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences

Silver Sponsors

Institute for Applied Informatics

Bronze Sponsors


Organized by


St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences
Institute for Applied Informatics
Gesellschaft für Wissensmanagement

Contact & Location

Welthandelsplatz 1
1020 Vienna, Austria

Michaela Matauschek
WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
Department of Informations Systems and Operations
Institute for Information Business
Building D2, 1st Floor
Welthandelsplatz 1, 1020 Vienna, Austria

fax: +43-1-31336/905259
email: [email protected]