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wow fajnie gradawać nie jest popularna??? Żeby było zabawnie, niesamowite 


I will DEFINITELY wait for full game. Seriously, i like it a lot


I played your game on my channel, and I ADORED this demo. I can't wait for the full game!! 💞

Played this on my channel as part of my random horror series. I am very interested in the full game I love the design of this game

Does any MacOS users know how to open the demo/game? im trying to play it but it’s not allowing me (。•́︿•̀。) 

(p.s i use a M1 Macbook Air if that matters)

(1 edit) (+2)

Really liked this one, feels like there's a lot of effort put into it - All of the custom artwork really goes a long way. Only thing I wanted to note is that i think the diary needs to be slowed down - Reading aloud probably doesn't help but it still seemed to go by really fast and I found myself just trying to quickly get it read so much that I didn't focus properly on what what it actually said - Second part there is probably more a me issue but yeah just wanted to note that, everything else was great, really looking forward to seeing more. 👍


Looks very promissing. Keep it up!


Saw a promo for this on tiktok. wont lie, wasnt expecting much. demo is great so far. keep up the good work devs. i love the ost


what is the art style called? its so good


Loving the mysterious vibe and deep themes. Excited for the complete release of One Way Lane!

played the demo and loved it sm!!! can't wait for the full game to drop so I can play it :3

It's not opening on mine :(


I love this game so far, the art style is so beautiful and unique. I can't wait to see more :3


such pain such anguish such a delightful story.

also subscribe pls.


The game so far is amazing. I love the artwork and the story, and the picture of Omori in Tom's room is a nice easter egg. I remember commenting on a video of yours about the game in 2022 I believe, and I still remember the name of the game after 2 years

Good game

Gameplay video


i have been following one way lane's development since december of 2022 and finally got the time to play the demo and.. WOW! 


the visuals are so unique and beautiful! it makes the game stand out from the crowd, being so memorable in style. the characters and story are really fleshed out already, i can't wait to play the full game! 

keep up the amazing work!


played the demo and it was so good 😭🙏 cant wait for full game


Just finished the demo, AND IT IS WONDERFUL. I already love it so much, i really look forward to the full game, you guys are so talented<333


Really willing to play more!


THE DEMO WAS EXCELLENT. Excited for the full game! ❤


Been waiting so long for this to come out i rly like it so far


Very cool game. Look forward to more!

HEYY just finished to play the demo and i loved it !! the vibes are super interesting and the whole demo really intrigued me overall. it seems to be the exact type of rpg game that i love! 

I'm so happy to have played it, I've been following you on tiktok for a while and it was great to watch your videos and see your progress :-D I can't wait to see more of this! i'm gonna keep up with future updates!


This was such a beautiful demo! I been excited to play the demo ever since I first saw One Way Lane on my FYP last year and I can say that you really did such an amazing job! You can really connect with Riley and feel for her, I did get very emotional towards the end so I am scared but also excited for the full game if this is how it already makes me feel from just a snippet.  The OST is also very beautiful, I really like the music for the title screen so I might just have that replaying this whole week lol. Great job once again, I hope everything goes smoothly in development and I can't wait to play the full game once is out <3!

wow, a beautiful demo! it really makes you feel for the protagonist with those shocking visuals and flashing lights + colors, so well done! also, sending love, as i know this is based on real events. <3


Finally played the demo and I loved it !!! Can't wait to play more!


I've been following the development of this game for a really long time-- likely a year or more? I don't know. Regardless I have seen all the hard work being poured into this game and it definitely shows in this demo.

The music? Fantastic. It heightens the experience so much. Even the ambient sound effects that were added are amazing! I love that everything makes a sound, even if it doesn't have an interaction. For example, the bed makes a spring noise when interacted with, even though there's no dialogue etc. It is a subtle touch, but means so much in the grand scheme of things.

The visuals are fantastic. The cut scenes? Astounding. This game is such a treat for the eyes, and the visuals go way above and beyond. I loved watching all the animations, and once again, they elevate this game to a whole extra level.

The symbolism is amazing in so many areas as well. The doll, mother "changing', Tom's appearance, etc. You can infer so much through these tiny details and I love it so much.

I play a lot of these games, and this one felt very polished-- especially for a demo. I didn't dig too hard or stress test anything, as I played just for enjoyment. I didn't run into any immediate issues though, which is more than I can say for some other demos I have played! Like another said, I think the name being at the top of the textbox would be a little better, but that's a really small thing.

Overall this is fantastic, and I can't wait to see what we get at full release!


hello ! i've been following you on tiktok for a few months and i was so excited to see the demo is finally out :D i think the time between the release of a game demo and the release of the full game is crucial for development, therefore i'm gonna try to be as constructive as possible !

the ups :

- THE MUSIC. it's so good. i love how the osts fit so well with what's going on in the game. amazing !

- the visuals. this game is so pretty already ! i love the colors and the attention you give to details. the soup, the little omori in the bedroom (we love him dearly), the fishes... i love how unlike most rpg maker games, riley isn't chibi-fied. i mean, that's something i usually like but i love the change ! i love being able to see riley's outfit clearly, i think her model is gorgeous. 

- the characters. first of all, they're gorgeous, and so is your art ! i also love how fleshed out they already are, given the very short time of the demo. we can very easily understand the dynamics between the three of them, and understand their personnalities very early on. it seems like a simple thing to do but it actually isn't !

- the art. absolutely delightful ! i enjoyed the cinematics very much, i think they're so well done and beautiful. the really help setting the mood and i can see how much work you put into them ! i looove the glitchy aspects of them, i'm a scaredy cat but some of them really gave me chills ! also, the animation... just wow !

the downs :

- accidental typos that we don't see are pretty common, but i found quite a few misspellings ('sweety' instead of 'sweetie', 'were' instead of 'we're', 'your' instead of 'you're'...). it's no big deal, but it's crucial to take them out as much as possible, because the way things are written actually impact the gaming experience a lot ! i'm speaking for myself here, but too many misspellings and typos can make me take the game way less seriously. i also think the punctuation isn't very well used sometimes, like using only two dots instead of three, and you forgot to put capital letters in the beggining of some phrases. 

- this is very nitpicky and personal, but i feel like the chatbox isn't polished enough. i like the backdrop, there's no problem with it, but i feel like it would look a lot more pro if you had a little box on top of it with the name of the speaking character, instead of just 'character : dialogue'. 

- i noticed that when entering a room by accident, you can't easily come out of it by directly pressing the direction key to get out. you actually have to move a little more inside the room before going out again instead of being able to get out immediately. that's just a detail but i just wanted to point it out !

i think that's all i wanted to say ! forgive me for my english that can be all over the place sometimes, it's not my first language ! i can't wait to see the full game, thank you and congratulations for your amazing work ! i hope you're having a lot of fun in the process and i wish you an amazing day :)


just finished the demo and i am so so SO impressed with what you've got so far. the sound design is fantastic and the gameplay is also very good, but i think the best thing is the visuals. they are absolutely stunning and capture the essence of classic horror rpgs while still bringing something new and fresh. i love all the hand imagery and the way you blend more 3d(?) images with the 2d sprites. fantastic job i can't wait for the full game!!! also the music was great 10/10


i've just finished playing the demo and I'm so invested!! I can't wait for the whole game.  Even if it was a short gameplay it was great!! amazing music and amazing cutscenes!! 

(1 edit) (+2)

THIS IS SO COOL!!!! I am so excited for the finished product :))  The animation is so amazing and the character design is also so cool, I love all the glitchy effects added, it really ties everything together :)


VERY GOOD!!! Great animation, very beautiful characters, incredible style!! I hope the game ends soon :)


demo was a short but still ate !! cant wait for the full game :]


So sad the demo was so short! Amazing work, it really has a ot of potential!!


GOSH i just got a chance to play the demo and i am so excited OMFG everything you have so far is so cool and intriguing i am like immediately pulled into wanting to know more

i especially love the  glitchy visuals youve pulled off here not just because they look awesome but i feel like they really like. tap into the vibe of our view of this world being through the lens of a girl just trying to navigate a dysfunctional home life. Things are going to feel odd and out of place and potentially overblown in that way when viewed through the eyes of someone like riley and im really really Really excited to know more AHHH. absolutely fantastic work & i will be keeping up with future developments!!!!


Wow I am surprised, genuinely, this was an amazing game for it just being the demo! Although it does need a bit more polishing but hats off to you, congratulations!


(reposted from my twitter, which some words changed n added)
This is a really cool looking game! and pretty impressive honestly, it just needs a little more polish (like sprite consistency and proofreading, the only typo i noticed was 'sweety' instead of 'sweetie' but the grammar is usually a bit too lowercasey? is that even a word?) and we'd have something special here. it wasn't much, but i thoroughly enjoyed trying to engross myself in the game. 
I like the character designs -- i feel like dreamworld Riley is like almost immediately iconic. reminds me of lain AND not ONLY because of the gif posted on the twitter account for the game.. and i love how imposing tom looks, even if he's essentially a guy in facebandages, the fact he's the only character a bit slumped in his portrait really helps contrast him from everyone else. in general, game has some crazy visual design, and i completely love it. it's safe to say i'll be keeping tabs on the same. This game could easily be something special if it had a Kickstarter backing it or something like that. I can almost imagine it now.. Good luck on development!

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