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Results Highlights

World Bank Group Scorecard

World Bank Group Scorecard

An Overarching view of the results indicators of the four institutions: the international Development Association, the international Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the international Finance Corporation, and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency.
See our fiscal year 2024 operational results on the new, interactive Scorecard website. Arrow
corporate scorecard

IDA21 Scorecard Factsheet

This factsheet details the Who, What, When, and How of the IDA21 Scorecard, aimed at improving lives in IDA countries. It tracks results across 15 outcome areas, focusing on people-centric and outcome-driven indicators.
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Construction in Kiribati

Keeping Communities Connected in Small Island Developing States

Since 2014, the World Bank has supported resilient transport projects in 20 Small Island Developing States (SIDS) across Africa, the Caribbean, and the Pacific, benefiting 3 million people.
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​​Replicable Mass Transit Systems Reduce Emissions and Connect People to Opportunities in Latin American Cities​

The World Bank has been instrumental in supporting the development of urban mass transit systems in Latin America, including metro lines, bus rapid transit, urban rail, and electric mobility.
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Africa Digital Transformation

Digital Transformation Drives Development in Africa 

Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) faces critical challenges for digital development. However, in the last decade, the region has made substantial strides toward digital transformation.
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AFE Gender

Transforming the Lives of Women and Girls in Eastern and Southern Africa

In Eastern and Southern Africa (AFE), where women and girls face unique disadvantages in education and economic empowerment, operations that prioritize gender considerations have achieved some impressive successes over the past decade.
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The Global Concessional Finance Facility: Helping Middle-income Countries Address Global Refugee Challenges

The Global Concessional Finance Facility (GCFF) brings an innovative financing mechanism to support countries hosting large numbers of refugees. From its inception in 2016 to March 31, 2024, the GCFF provided $953 million in grants
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Why Results Matter

Measuring and reporting results is critical to ensure development effectiveness of our operations.

The World Bank works with client countries to improve measurement approaches and systems that help them track progress, learn lessons, and make timely corrections to achieve their development goals.

The Bank demonstrates results using various channels, both quantitatively and qualitatively. This is to capture the development impact of our diverse portfolio of tailored solutions for our client countries’ unique development challenges.


To learn more check out the Measuring and Reporting Results Factsheet.


Delivering Results

Delivering Strong Results in a Challenging Global Environment 

Amid multiple global crises, the World Bank Group (WBG) continues to deliver strong results by responding to the immediate needs of countries, helping millions of affected people, building strong foundations, and paving the way towards a green, inclusive, and resilient future. The WBG’s Global Crises Response Framework supports clients navigate these challenges and stay the course toward long-term development outcomes.   
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World Bank Group Scorecard Insights

How people’s lives have improved: What our World Bank Group scorecard tells us

What does the data tell us? So far, the scorecard suggests progress in many areas, but also that much work remains to be done.

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Development Impact in Regions and Countries

Corporate Results

The Corporate Scorecard reports the annual snapshot of results achieved by the World Bank Group, including results and performance indicators of the World Bank, International Finance Corporation (IFC), and Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA).

The IDA Results Measurement System offers a similar view of the International Development Agency, the World Bank's fund for the poorest.

IDA Results | World Bank Annual Report | Our Goals


IDA Results Measuring System


Measuring and Reporting Results

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Results Briefs are short presentations of results that have been achieved with World Bank support. They describe the challenges, solutions and results achieved and provide information on financing instruments and beneficiaries.

Implementation Status and Results Reports (ISR) provide regularly updated information on progress directly from individual projects under implementation. 

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Implementation Completion and Results Reports (ICR) record achievements against a project’s development objectives. 
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