Person:Basina of Thuringia (2)

Basina _____, of Thuringia
  1. Auberdon _____, Prince of the Franks460 - 515
  2. Clovis I _____, King of the FranksAbt 466 - 511
  3. Audofleda _____Abt 467 - Abt 511
  • HBisinus _____Est 460 - Bet 506 & 510
  • WBasina _____, of ThuringiaEst 438 - 477
  1. Baderic _____480 - 529
  2. Bertachar _____
  3. Radegund _____
  4. Hermanfrid _____ - 532
Facts and Events
Name Basina _____, of Thuringia
Gender Female
Birth[1] Est 438 Thüringen, Germany
Marriage Sachsen, Bayern, Germanyto Childéric I _____, King of the Salian Franks
Marriage Thüringen, Germanyto Bisinus _____
Death[1] 477 Westfalen, Preußen, Germany
Reference Number? Q268562
  1. 1.0 1.1 Basina of Thuringia, in Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia.

    the text in this section is copied from an article in Wikipedia

    Basina or Basine (c. 438 – 477) was remembered as a queen of Thuringia in the middle of the fifth century, by much later authors such as especially Gregory of Tours. However, because Gregory described her family's kingdom of Thuringia as being on the Gaulish or western side of the river Rhine, it is sometimes thought to be the Civitas Tungrorum, which is now Belgium.

    This page uses content from the English Wikipedia. The original content was at Basina of Thuringia. The list of authors can be seen in the page history. As with WeRelate, the content of Wikipedia is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.