Web Hosting Ratings

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Web Hosting Ratings is a complete independent guide to selecting the right domain web hosting service for personal or business use.  We feature a large searchable database of web hosting plans with all their features, over 4000 user reviews, uptime monitoring of hundreds of web hosts, and educational web hosting guides.

Currently recommended domain web hosting deal:

LunarPages - $6.95/month, Free Domain for Life, Free Setup
1,500 GB storage space, 15,000 GB Data Transfer, CGI, PHP,
10 sites in one accout, free CoffeeCup Software,
positive reviews, unlimited MySQL/PostgreSQL databases,
free site transfer service, FrontPage ext., SSL, running over 80,000 web sites, toll free telephone support

Serious searchers should check out our feature-rich Advanced Search where you can find a plan exactly matching your specifications.  To find plans that minimize your costs in a period of time, use Price Search.  You'll be able to see how others review each hosting company with our sophisticated rating system.

All webmasters who want to make a knowledgeable web host choice might be interested in pages from our Education section.  New webmasters should start at Quick Start Guide.  Our Hosting Glossary defines terms you might encounter when comparing hosts.  Take a look at Guide to Web Hosting, Domain Name Guide and Selecting a Host features with their step-by-step instructions to choosing a host.  Our Hosting FAQ answers common questions you might have and lets you submit new questions.



Quick Plan Search

Monthly cost
under $
Setup fee
under $

Disk space
over MB

over GB

For a ready listings of all hosts and their plans that run on Linux or NT, support your favorite server programming language (Perl, Java, PHP...) or FrontPage, or for example have no setup fee, check out our multiple Specialty Directories and Host Directory.

Our current recommendations for affordable hosting:

Host Gator
$6.95/month, 3500 MB space.
50 GB transfer, MySQL, 20 subdomains
PHP, Perl, ASP, Python, Cron, FrontPage

To help us improve this site and gain exposure, web hosting companies can Submit their plans to our database.  Webmasters that already have a live site can add their site and host to our Host Monitoring Service.  See Cheap Web Hosting page for info about cheap hosts.


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