Top countries in space sciences

Data provided by Thomson Reuters from its Essential Science Indicators, January 1999 through June 2009

October 8, 2009

 CountryPapers CitationsImpact
1 Scotland2,319 52,710 22.73
2 Israel1,570 31,822 20.
3 Canada5,729 111,737 19.50
4 Chile3,322 62,653 18.86
5 United States55,539 1,039,395 18.71
6 The Netherlands5,8 108,303 18.59
7 Denmark1,511 ,991 18.52
8 England15,968 293,401 18.37
9 Australia4,990 89,928 18.02
10 Switzerland2,959 51,649 17.45
11 Germany17,572 304,158 17.31
12 Italy11,944 186,411 15.61
13 Sweden2,147 32,765 15.26
14 France13,977 203,653 14.57
15 Spain7,017 96,634 13.77
16 Japan8,797 117,883 13.40
17 Poland2,683 35,198 13.12
18 Mexico2,376 28,985 12.20
19 Russia8,567 59,669 6.96
20 China6,022 36,777 6.11
The data above were extracted from the Essential Science Indicators database of Thomson Reuters. This database, currently covering the period January 1999 through June 2009, surveys only journal articles (original research reports and review articles) indexed by Thomson Reuters. Articles are assigned to a category based on the journals in which they were published and the Thomson Reuters journal-to-category field-definition scheme. Both articles tabulated and citation counts to those articles are for the period indicated. Here our ranking in space sciences, including astronomy and astrophysics, is by citations per paper among nations that collected 25,000 or more citations during the period to reveal weighted impact. For articles with multiple authors from different nations, each nation receives full, not fractional, citation credit. Essential Science Indicators lists nations ranked in the top 50 per cent for a field over a given period, based on total citations. In space sciences, 69 nations are listed, meaning 138 were surveyed. Twenty nations collected at least 25,000 citations in this field during the period. For more information on Thomson Reuters Essential Science Indicators, see

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Reader's comments (1)

I want to be astronomer and study in china
