noun as in physical contact
Strongest matches
Strong matches
blow, brush, caress, collision, contingence, crash, cuddling, embrace, feel, fondling, graze, grope, handling, hit, hug, impact, junction, kiss, lick, manipulation, nudge, palpation, pat, peck, perception, percussion, petting, push, rub, rubbing, scratch, shock, stroking, tap, touching
Weak match
noun as in tiny amount
noun as in manner, method
Strongest matches
ability, approach, communication, contact, effect, familiarity, flair, hand, influence, knack, skill, style, talent, technique, understanding
Strong matches
acquaintance, adeptness, adroitness, art, artistry, awareness, characteristic, command, deftness, direction, facility, faculty, finish, handiwork, mastery, virtuosity, way
verb as in make physical contact
Strong matches
abut, adjoin, border, communicate, contact, converge, dab, examine, finger, fondle, frisk, glance, graze, grope, inspect, join, line, manipulate, march, massage, meet, neighbor, osculate, palm, palpate, partake, paw, percuss, pet, probe, push, scrutinize, sip, smooth, suck, sweep, tag, taste, thumb, tickle, tip, verge
Weak matches
be in contact, butt on, come together, feel up, impinge upon, lay a finger on, manhandle, toy with
verb as in have an effect on
verb as in have to do with; regard
verb as in make mention
verb as in compare with; correspond to
Weak matches
be a match for, be in the same league, be on a par, come near, come up to, hold a candle to, measure up, partake of, verge on
Example Sentences
The rug was an important touch: It was just like the one they had lost.
Anne also said she recognised the protesters are "out of touch" with a lot of America.
The touches, the shots, the responsibility — it usually always was split.
When she first got there early this week, she tried to run away and hissed any time someone tried to touch her, Ortiz said.
Harry says "there was a lot of Scottish food like haggis" adding that as a fussy eater, he "wouldn't touch it".
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.