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A presentation for meeting of statistics in Japan.
Methods and their properties to measure dependencies between variables
A presentation for meeting of statistics in Japan.
Methods and their properties to measure dependencies between variables
Students, Computers and Learning: Making the Connection (Andreas Schleiche...EduSkills OECD
63 slides•277.5K views
Are there computers in the classroom? Does it matter? Students, Computers and Learning: Making the Connection examines how students’ access to and use of information and communication technology (ICT) devices has evolved in recent years, and explores how education systems and schools are integrating ICT into students’ learning experiences. Based on results from PISA 2012, the report discusses differences in access to and use of ICT – what are collectively known as the “digital divide” – that are related to students’ socio-economic status, gender, geographic location, and the school a child attends. The report highlights the importance of bolstering students’ ability to navigate through digital texts. It also examines the relationship among computer access in schools, computer use in classrooms, and performance in the PISA assessment. As the report makes clear, all students first need to be equipped with basic literacy and numeracy skills so that they can participate fully in the hyper-connected, digitised societies of the 21st century.
Windows 10やmacOSの「游ゴシック」の搭載をはじめ、ウェブで利用できる日本語フォントの選択肢が広がってきました。従来の「MS Pゴシック」の落とし穴、フォント字形から理解するデザインの向き不向き、字間の調整ができるCSS「font-feature-settings」など、多岐にわたり2016年のfont-family事情を紹介します。フロントエンドエンジニアやHTMLコーダー、デザイナーに役立つ内容となります。
Kotlin is a statically typed programming language that runs on the JVM and is fully interoperable with Java. The document discusses some key reasons why Java engineers should consider Kotlin, including that it is more concise, safe, and versatile compared to Java. It also provides examples showing how Kotlin code can be more concise than equivalent Java code through features like data classes, default values, named arguments, and standard library functions.
O documento descreve um protótipo de interface de usuário com várias telas e componentes interativos. A primeira tela mostra uma grade com itens A e B que podem ser selecionados. Outras telas permitem navegar entre listas numeradas e fazer seleções usando setas e botões "OK". As dimensões e estilos de vários componentes como botões e texto são especificados.