50 Years of SIUT
8 bedded Department of Genitourinary Surgery established1972
Urology clinic was Established, Clinical Lab established1973
Dedicated Operation Theatre for Urology started1975
Peritoneal Dialysis, First Hemodialysis machine was introduced, First publication in International journal1977
Hemodialysis services started1980
Radiology Department established1984
First MS (Urology) degree from Karachi University was awarded1985
First renal transplant was performed, Medical Social Services Department1986
Patient Welfare Department (SWPU)1989
Lithotripsy unit was established, Nephrology clinic started1991
Department became Institute (SIUT) through ACT1992
SIUT Library1993
Biomedical Engineering Department, Department of Nutrition1994
First non-heart beating cadaveric transplant, SIUT Newsletter started1995
Histopathology Department, Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory1996
Reverse Osmosis (RO) plant for Dialysis1998
First local cadaveric transplant from heart beating donor, Dedicated Paediatric Urology Department, Electron Microscopy Laboratory1999
Electron Microscopy Laboratory, First Satellite Dialysis Center2000
Dewan Farooq Medical Center, Hepato-Gastroenterology Department, Blood bank was established, Nuclear Medicine Department2002
Department of Anesthesiology Establishment of Fazal Elahi Postgraduate Center2004
Center of Biomedical Ethics and Culture Dedicated Paediatric Nephrology Department2005
ZA School of Medical Technology started, Dialysis Center at Muzaffarabad, Inauguration of Institute of Transplant Sciences and Biotechnology Kathore, Radiotherapy Services started, Stem cell Department, Department of Radiation Oncology established2006
School of Nursing Students Volunteer program Hanifa Suleman Dawood Oncology Center2007
Department of Medical Education, Transplantation of Human Organs Ordinance enacted with SIUT efforts, Vascular Surgery services2008
Center for Human Genetics and Molecular Medicine, Department of Infectious Diseases, Psychiatry Department, Sindh Institute of Medical Sciences by SIUT Trust (SIMS)2009
Inauguration of SIUT Chablani Medical Center, Sukkur. Dental Surgery Department2010
Physiotherapy Department2011
Orthopedics services started2012
Primary Health Care Center at Kathore2013
SIUT Mehrunnisa Hospital, Korangi, First Convocation of SIMS, Department of Medicine, Department of Ophthalmology2014
Inauguration of SIUT Sukkur Hospital at Sukkur Bypass2015
Ground breaking - SIUT Children Hospital and Cardiac Center, Installation of PET CT and Cyclotron, Land for SIUT Cancer Hospital Khairpur2016
First Kidney Paired Exchanged (SWAP) Transplant, Inauguration of SIUT - Sulaiman Dawood Transplant Center2017
Robotic Surgery started2018
CBEC became the WHO Collaborating Center for Biomedical Ethics2019
First kidney transplant in Sukkur2020
Breast Cancer Services2021
SIUT Larkana Dialysis Center2022
SIUT Center of Excellence of Robotic Surgery and Training SIUT Department of Paediatric Cardiology Division of Cardiothoracic Sciences SIUT Robotic Surgery Started in Sukkur.We
Healthcare is a fundamental right and it should be provided to every soul with dignity and compassion, free of cost and without the discrimination of caste, creed, color or religion.


