Henning Christiansen
PhD, Professor of
Computer Science at
Roskilde University, Denmark
Member of the research group
PLIS: Programming,
Logic and Intelligent Systems
of People and Technology
e-mail: henning@ruc.dk
Tel: (+45) 4674 3832 [usual not connected, but you can leave a message]
Office at RUC: Bldg. 10.2
See also my photo website http://lacrepegalante.org/
I'm coordinator for Erasmus exchanges in Computer Science and Informatics, for students coming to RUC and for RUC students.
Our exchange agreements are in most cases open for all bac. and master students.
Currently most of our outgoing students are from HUMTEK (Humanities-Technology Bachelor)
at their 3rd or 4th semester ("fagmodul").
We have exchange agreements with
Bulgaria: Veliko Tarnovo;
Germany: Bamberg;
Spain: San Sebastian/Donostia, Granada,
Politècnica de Madrid;
France: Paris (ECE and EPITECH), Rennes, Lannion;
Netherlands: Tilburg;
Turkey: Ankara (Atılım and Bilkent), Istanbul (Bahçeşehir);
Scotland: Dundee (?).
There are also opertunities for oversea studies.
More information about applications and deadlines:
• RUC students: https://intra.ruc.dk/...
(requires login)
• Foreign students coming to RUC:
If you are interested, come by and have a chat or send me a mail.
Research interests
Logic & constraint logic programming (abduction, metaprogramming, Constraint Handling Rules, CHR Grammars),
Probabilistic-logic models (including for biological sequence ananlysis),
Aspects of Natural Language Processing and Formal Linguistics;
Logic aspects of databases;
Logical methods for context comprehension;
Intelligent query systems
(database, knowledge representation, ...);
Data analysis in for applications in Health;
Computer science teaching.
Interactive Installations: see viskbook.com
and ItalianDrawings.ruc.dk.
Robots in Performances (no website yet; check publications list).
Responsible for the project Automatic Support for Proving
Confluence Modulo Equivalence
for Constraint Handling Rules
funded by the Danish Council for Independent Research / Natural Sciences 2015-2018.
Past projects:
Participates in the project
Algoritmos de inferencia gramatical para medir la complejidad relativa de las lenguas naturales 2016-2018:
lead by M. Dolores Jiménez López, Tarragona.
Participates in the project Interreg project NorDigHealth 2019–2021;
partners in Germany and Denmark.
Member of
(Association for Logic Programming),
(European Association for Logic, Language and Information).
Former membership:
(European Association for Theoretical Computer Science)
Former Ph.D. students:
Christian Theil Have,
Ole Torp Lassen,
Davide Martinenghi,
Niels Jørgensen
List maintained by the university https://forskning.ruc.dk/en/persons/henning/publications/
DPBL listing https://dblp.uni-trier.de/pers/hd/c/Christiansen_0001:Henning
– with BibTeX, DOI and links; includes CoRR publications not in the above.
My own list with links to pdf versions for some of them
Conferences and workshops:
ISMIS 2020 (member of steering comm.),
FQAS 2019 (program co-chair, member of steering comm.),
FQAS 2017 (program co-chair, general chair, member of steering comm.),
ICAART 2017, special session PUaNLP (co-chair),
CSLP 2016
(program co-chair),
ICAART 2016, special session PUaNLP (program co-chair),
FedCSIS 2016, special session AIRIM (co-chair),
CONTEXT 2015 (general chair, program co-chair, ...),
FQAS 2015 (member of steering comm., etc.),
ISMIS 2015 (member of steering and
program comm's),
ICAART 2015, special session PUaNLP 2015 (Co-chair)
ISMIS 2014 (Program co-chair),
CONTEXT 2013 (member of "Chairs of the Community of Context"; just a funny name for steering committee),
CHR 2013 (program co-chair),
FQAS 2013 (member of steering and program comm's),
CSLP 2012 (deeply involved),
CSLP 2011 (co-organizer),
CONTEXT 2011 (general co-chair),
FQAS 2011
(general and program co-chair, member of steering comm.),
WEB AS A STREAM: special session at FQAS 2009 (co-organizer),
LID 2009
(program co-chair; member of steering committee),
LID 2008 (member of steering committee),
CSLP 2008 (co-organizer and program co-chair),
CONTEXT 07 (Organizing chair),
CSLP@Context07 (co-organizer),
CSLP 2006 (co-organizer),
LAAIC 2006 (workshop & prog. co-chair),
CSLP 2005 (general chair),
LAAIC 2005 (workshop chair),
CSLP 2004 (general chair),
FQAS 2004 (co-chair)
- see photos,
FQAS 2002 (conf. co-chair),
ICLP'02 (conference chair),
FQAS'98 (general chair),
NWPER'86 (general chair).
Other program committees:
MRC-HCCS 2021,
PLP 2021,
MRC 2020,
PLP 2020
MRC 2018, at IJCAI-ECAI 2018,
Workshop on Linguistic Complexity & Natural Language Processing, at COLING 2018
PLP 2018,
LOPSTR 2017,
DEXA 2017,
Workshop on Computational Methods for Measuring Language Complexity, IJCAI 2017,
RuleML 2016, Constraint Handling Rules Track,
PAAMS 2016, special session LAFL
DEXA 2016,
IJCAI 2015 (senior program comm.),
DEXA 2015,
TENCON 2015,
CHR 2014,
DEXA 2014,
SCAI 2013,
DEXA 2013,
CHR 2012,
DEXA 2012,
LOPSTR 2012,
PADL 2012
MRC 2011,
CHR 2011,
ICLP 2011,
ICDM 2011,
SCAI 2011,
DEXA 2011,
DABU 2010,
MRC 2010,
DEXA 2010,
CHR 2010,
ICDM 2010,
LAMAS 2010.
FQAS 2009,
CHR 2009,
ICDM 2009,
DEXA 2009,
ForLing 2009,
ForLing 2008,
MRC 2008,
ICDM 2008,
DEXA 2008,
SCAI 2008,
ECEIS 2008,
INAP 2007,
DEXA 2007,
CHR 2007,
DEXA 2006,
FQAS 2006,
CHR 2006.
CHR 2005,
LACL 2005,
W(C)LP 2005,
WARP 2004,
(see post conf. pictures),
INAP2001, ... .
Online textbooks
Logic programming as a framework for
Knowledge Representation and Artificial Intelligence from 2006.
A biased introduction to Prolog and CHR. Get it here.
Sprog og abstrakte maskiner (book in Danish; "Languages and Abstract Machines")
2012; reprint of textbook from 2000. It gives a gentle theoretical framework for the
sort of formal languages that we use for instructing a computer, e.g., programming languages of different sorts,
user interface languages, ..., treating their syntax, semantics and, to some extent, pragmatics.
Different programming language paradigms are briefly introduced, Turing machines as well, and elementary
methods for lexical and syntactic analysis, compilation and interpretation are introduced.
Freely avaliable for restricted purposes.
If you want to store it on your server or print several copies, write to the author.
Otherwise download it here:
Logic Programming for Linguistics:
A short introduction to Prolog, and Logic Grammars with Constraints as an easy way to Syntax and Semantics.
Article in TRIANGLE 1, 2010, Introduction to Language and Computation (pp. 31--64).
Supervision of student project works
Diverse subjects in Computer Science, Humanities-Technology and Natural Sciences
at bachelor and master levels.
Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning
(autumn 2021, spring 2021, autumn 2020, spring 2019, autumn 2017)
Artificial Intelligence in Interactive Systems (Introductory bachelor level courses every spring, from 2012–...)
Research Seminar in Computer Science (spring 2020, autumn 2019, autumn 2018, autumn 2017)
Robot Programming (spring 2018, autumn 2016, spring 2012)
Databases (courses autumn 2014, autumn+spring 2013, spring 2012, autumn+spring 2011, autumn+spring 2010, autumn 2009)
Scientific Computing (autumn 2014)
Abduction and language processing with CHR
at the CHR Summer School 2013;
see website with examples and links.
Reasoning and language processing with Constraint Handling Rules, PhD course for FIRST Research School, 2010. (alternative link)
Logic Programming for Linguistics:
A short introduction to Prolog, and Logic Grammars with Constraints as an easy way to Syntax and Semantics,
Abduction and language processing with CHR
at the CHR Summer School 2010
ROBOT: Software architectures for robot programming (course spring 2009).
KIIS: Artificial intelligence and intelligent systems (course autumn 2008).
KIIS: Artificial intelligence and intelligent systems (course autumn 2007).
Tools and Concepts in Programming (course spring 2007).
KIIS: Artificial intelligence and intelligent systems (course autumn 2006).
PIP: Paradigms in Programming (course spring 2006).
KIIS: Artificial intelligence and intelligent systems (course autumn 2005).
Course autumn 2004: Datalogi C:
Data structures and Algorithms (course autumn 2004; in Danish).
Computational Linguistics
(course spring 2004, in Danish)
Advanced Topics in Databases (course spring 2003).
Computer Science C:
Data structures and Algorithms (course autumn 2003, in Danish).
Advanced topics in databases (course spring 2003).
Datalogi C:
Data structures and Algorithms (course autumn 2002).
Databases (course autumn 2001, in Danish).
Language and logic (course spring 2001).
. . . before that, different courses in Computer Science, elementary programming, etc., at Roskilde, Aarhus and Aalborg Universities and a few other places.
Other, selected activities
Coordinator for Erasmus/Socrates student exchanges
with a number of European countries; since 1990.
Member for the Danish eScience Committee which is an advisoray board for DeiC, Danish e-Infrastructure Cooperation; from 2013.
Former head of Computer Science Section (until feb 2002) and (long time ago) head
of Study Board.
Reviewer for research councils and organizations in Denmark, Sweden, Slovak Republic, Germany, canada, Switzerland.
Former member of ERCIM Executive Committee and IT-Øresund (now a.k.a.
Øresund IT Academy)
Member of evaluation committee for Swedish Computer Science
Educations, 2000-2001, see Högskoleverket;
find evaluation report
(in Swedish).
Available software
The DEMO system:
A generic system for automatic reasoning based on a logically
complete implementation of a proof predicate in Prolog.
Examples provided with the system:
abduction, induction, default logic, natural language analysis,
diagnosis, etc.
CHR grammars:
A grammar system based on Constraint Handling
Applies constraint logic techniques for language processing in the shape
of a grammar notation on top of CHR. Features: A simple treatment of ambiguity;
abductive language interpretation without any extra machinery;
an implementation of Assumption Grammars; full integration with Prolog and CHR.
A logic programming language with abduction and assumptions
A little program in Prolog+CHR that solves Sudoku problems quickly.
Efficient viterbi
for PRISM models with annotations:
Extends the probabilistic-logic PRISM
system developed by Sato, Kameya and Zhou
with a facility to Viterbi predictions for models with annotations.
In PRISM this otherwise requires a lot of hand-coding to make it run efficiently;
here we do all that automatically.
Zoo of HMM subspecies:
Example programs used
in the paper "Taming the Zoo of Discrete HMM Subspecies & Some of their Relatives" (2011).
These programs run under the PRISM system by T.Sato and Y. Kameya.
An interactive image classification system based on supervised machine learning written in Processing.
Write you own chatbot in the HCML script language and run in an interpreter written in Processing.
Last modification: 27-may-2021