rss specfications rss feeds

RSS Specifications
What is RSS?
RSS Software
History of RSS
XML Basics
RSS Articles
RSS Uses
Create RSS Feed
Submit RSS Feeds
Display RSS
Feed Validators
RSS Graphics
RSS Directory
RSS Forums
RSS Feeds
Syndicate Content
Subscribe to Feeds
Aggregator How To
RSS Sites
RSS Blog
RSS Wiki's
Top 10 RSS
RSS Subscriptions

everything you need to know about rss

Browser Based RSS

addon software that allow users to view rss feeds in their Internet browsers.

Surfpack RSS Reader
One neat RSS module feature is that you can minimize it after reading, and it will expand automatically when new headlines arrive. In addition, reading the output of a RSS module on your Startpage has the �feel� of a real newspaper. It has a special two-column layout designed to fit your screen and make news easier to read.

Feed Scout enables you to view RSS/ATOM/RDF feeds from different sites directly in Internet Explorer. You can even set your Home Page to show favorite feeds. Feed Scout is a plug-in for Internet Explorer, so you won't have to learn anything except for how to press 2 new buttons on Internet Explorer toolbar;

NewsIsFree is a web site designed to let you access thousands of news sources with a powerful and flexible portal for browsing, indexing and publishing news headlines.

Browsercraft Companion
Browsercraft Companion Suite includes a special RSS option in the Advanced Mode of the snapshot menu. Follow these 4 steps to capture and manage RSS feeds.

Active Web Reader
Active Web Reader is a FREE web feed reader (aggregator). View user guide Simply add all your favorite feed URLs and keep yourself updated without having to visit the web-sites again. Active Web Reader�s intuitive tab based interface makes it easy to view and read your feeds.

Blogbot is an Internet Explorer add-on that is really a super-easy to use RSS/Atom news and blog reader.

BlogMatrix Jager
J�ger is not a traditional "three-panel" Weblog Reader: it's a "One Panel" reader. It does not attempt to load web pages into it's own reader (generally styled around Microsoft's Outlook's look & feel). Instead, unread weblog entries are listed in the J�ger reader. Double clicking on an entry (or a weblog) displays the entry in its original context in your browser.

FastBuzz News
FastBuzz is a free web based aggregator to search and view the latest additions to your favorite online publications
no photo available

News Spotter
It monitors a list of news feeds and displays a visual alert when a new headline is downloaded. Most of the time, News Spotter sits quietly on the left or right side of your screen. But when a new headline is identified from one of its monitored web sites, News Spotter graphically displays the headline as a hyperlink. When you click on the headline, News Spotter opens the corresponding URL in your default browser.

The NewsApp is a web-based RSS news aggregator. It can periodically poll RSS feeds from various websites and integrate them for you on one page. So, instead of visiting a bunch of different websites, you can visit your NewsApp and get the latest headlines

The Rocket RSS Reader is a FREE personal news & information tool that allows you to search, subscribe, read and track content from thousands of RSS & Atom newsfeeds and Weblog sources.
no photo available

Bloglines is a FREE online service for searching, subscribing, creating and sharing news feeds, blogs and rich web content. With Bloglines, there is no software to download or install -- simply register as a new user and you can instantly begin accessing your account any time, from any computer or mobile device. And it's FREE!

intraVnews is a state of the art news aggregator that turns Microsoft Outlook into a news reader. With intraVnews you can subscribe to any of 1000's of syndicated feeds from personal weblogs (Blogs) to mainstream news sources to specialist publications.





RSS to html script to display RSS on a website.

Audio Recording Software
Record and edit audio files with software.

- Blog Feed

- Article Feed


specifications for rss