Exploring the Potential of Natural Killer Cell-Based Immunotherapy in Targeting High-Grade Serous Ovarian Carcinomas

Vaccines (Basel). 2024 Jun 18;12(6):677. doi: 10.3390/vaccines12060677.


High-grade serous ovarian cancers (HGSOCs) likely consist of poorly differentiated stem-like cells (PDSLCs) and differentiated tumor cells. Conventional therapeutics are incapable of completely eradicating PDSLCs, contributing to disease progression and tumor relapse. Primary NK cells are known to effectively lyse PDSLCs, but they exhibit low or minimal cytotoxic potential against well-differentiated tumors. We have introduced and discussed the characteristics of super-charged NK (sNK) cells in this review. sNK cells, in comparison to primary NK cells, exhibit a significantly higher capability for the direct killing of both PDSLCs and well-differentiated tumors. In addition, sNK cells secrete significantly higher levels of cytokines, especially those known to induce the differentiation of tumors. In addition, we propose that a combination of sNK and chemotherapy could be one of the most effective strategies to eliminate the heterogeneous population of ovarian tumors; sNK cells can lyse both PDSLCs and well-differentiated tumors, induce the differentiation of PDSLCs, and could be used in combination with chemotherapy to target both well-differentiated and NK-induced differentiated tumors.

Keywords: IFN-γ; cytokines; cytotoxicity; high-grade serous ovarian cancers; immunotherapies; natural killer cells; ovarian cancer; super-charged NK cells.

Publication types

  • Review

Grants and funding

This work was funded by a UCLA Eli and Edythe Board Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research Award, funded by the Binder Foundation awarded to S.M. and A.J.