Pitch Info uses science to transform complex data into useful information.

Our pitch classifications and statistics, used by Major League Teams and Media Companies, combine human intelligence with a deep understanding of pitch tracking technology.

Harry Pavlidis President

Dan Brooks, Ph.D. Lead Scientist

Dan Rozenson Research
and Quality Control

Kate Morrison Research
and Quality Control

Lucas Apostoleris Research
and Quality Control


We provide rigorously checked, high quality information that is widely regarded as the most trustworthy in the industry. We routintely audit and review our data to provide unparalleled accuracy.


By using a data science approach, we are able to efficiently pinpoint small variations in performance that would otherwise be exceptionally difficult to disclose.


We help you organize complex information by focusing on details that matter to major league organizations.

Our Work

Pitch Info helps Major League Teams and media organizations make the most of their pitch tracking data.


Pitch Classification

  • More accurate and more reliable than automated systems
    1. New pitcher? No Problem.
    2. New pitch? No Problem.
    3. Calibration errors? No Problem.
    4. Constant review to track player development
  • More precise and dramatically lower cost than video charting
    1. Distinction between four- and two-seam fastballs
    2. Consistent, accurate separation of breaking pitches
    3. A few minutes per game, a fraction of the time
    4. Multiple quality audits using sophisticated algorithms without laborious video review

Data Management

  • Seamless integration with all data systems
    1. Trackman Radar
    2. Sportvision PITCHf/x and HITf/x
    3. Quick adaptation to new technology
    4. Discrete data management and airtight security

Data Science

  • Improve data quality with correction algorithms and scientific principles
    1. Integrate novel and common statistics with your data
    2. Develop algorithms to assess player performance
    3. Use physics to get more from the dataset


  • An Industry Leader used by
    1. Several Major League teams
    2. BrooksBaseball.net
    3. The Washington Post
    4. Baseball Prospectus
  • Featured in articles on:
    1. Grantland
    2. MLB.com and MLB Network Radio
    3. The New York Times
    4. Yahoo Sports
    5. And dozens of other media outlets

Using Pitch Info is Easy and Affordable

EMAIL us at [email protected]

Sample data and additional details available on request.

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