The Austin Common Standards Revision Group

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Latest News About the Group

June 14, 2024: IEEE Std 1003.1-2024 has been published by IEEE. The Open Group Base Specifications, Issue 8 has been published by The Open Group. The HTML edition is available to read online.

May 22 2024: Draft 4.1 has been approved as IEEE Standard 1003.1-2024. Work is now underway to prepare the publication.

March 21 2024: Draft 4.1 has been approved by The Open Group Governing Board.

February 2024: Draft 4.1 of the 202x revision of the standard is available. The draft can be obtained from the login page of the Austin Group at:

December 2023: Draft 4 of the 202x revision of the standard is available.

July 2023: Draft 3 has completed its review and issue resolution. Draft 4 is being prepared.

March 2023: Draft 3 of the 202x revision of the standard is available. Issue resolution is in progress

December 2022: New APIs Part 2 Published
The Additional APIs for the Base Specifications Issue 8, Part 2 has been published. The document can be downloaded here (an account is required).

August 2021: Draft 2.1 of the 202x revision of the standard is now available. The draft can be obtained from the login page of the Austin Group at:

Sep 2019: The IEEE has approved the PAR for the 1003.1 revision project.

May 2019: Planning is underway for a major revision anticipated to be available in 2023

March 2018: The 2018 edition of the joint specification is now published and available at The Open Group.

Jan 31 2018: IEEE has published the POSIX 1003.1-2017 standard.

December 2017: IEEE 1003.1-2017 has been approved at the December IEEE Standards Board meeting. This is a revision to the 1003.1-2008 standard to rollup the standard including its two technical corrigenda (as-is), so as to avoid the standard timing out in 2018.

June 2017: IEEE approved the P1003.1 PAR.

September 2016: The 2016 edition of the full specification has been published.

15 August 2015: TC2-2008 has been published by IEEE and The Open Group. It is a free download. See the IEEE edition and The Open Group edition.

15 July 2016: TC2-2008 (the 2nd technical corrigendum) has been approved by IEEE and The Open Group. It is now in the final editing process.

Meeting minutes are available in the document register.

View the Approvals status Summary.

Next Meeting

The technical committee meets frequently. These meetings are held by teleconference and use an etherpad. See the events diary for the next meeting.

Next Teleconference Agenda

The next teleconference is scheduled to discuss inbound defect reports including considerations for new interpretations. (See the events diary for the regular bridge number and timeslot, there is a toll free number for US participants)

Mail Archives

Browse : [Official Archive - login required | ]

Defect Reports/Bug Reporting

To submit a bug report against the specifications please use the Mantis online defect tracker at Please note that due to spam, self signup for the defect tracker has been disabled. To apply for an account contact the Austin Group Chair.

Join the Review Group

We recently completed the first technical corrigendum to the 2008 standard and are working on maintenance towards the second technical corrigendum. To actively work on the Austin Group documents you need to join the austin-group mailing list. See the mailing list page for more information.

Intellectual Property

The specification is joint copyright IEEE and The Open Group. By submitting any information or material to the Austin Group (for example on the mailing list or the bug tracker), you grant each of the joint copyright holders an unrestricted, irrevocable license to use, reproduce, display, perform, modify, transmit and distribute those materials or information, and you also agree that copyright holders are free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how or techniques that you send us for any purpose. Participants are required to disclose any patent issues related to contributions (see the patent policies for IEEE and The Open Group)

Certified Products

See the UNIX® certified products list.

See the POSIX™: Certified by IEEE and The Open Group certified products list.

Group Materials

Group materials are kept in the document register.

only search The Open Group site
only search The Open Group Online Publications
The group also maintains a set of links to other related standards materials.

Future Plans

We're currently working on a major revision with expected output in 2023. We meet regularly at least bi-weekly by teleconference. There is a freephone number to join the teleconference. You need to join the mailing list to get a login id.

The Austin Common Standards Revision Group (CSRG) is a joint technical working group established to develop and maintain the core open systems interfaces that are the POSIX™ 1003.1 (and former 1003.2) standards, ISO/IEC 9945, and the core of the Single UNIX Specification.

The approach to specification development is "write once, adopt everywhere", with the deliverables being a set of specifications that carry the IEEE POSIX designation, The Open Group's Technical Standard designation, and the ISO/IEC designation. The current set of specifications is simultaneously ISO/IEC 9945, IEEE Std 1003.1 and forms the core of the Single UNIX Specification.

This unique development combines industry led efforts and the formal standardization activities into a single initiative, and includes a wide spectrum of participants. The group is free and open to participate in and features a balanced set of interest groups including commercial companies, influential figures from the open source community, liaisons from other standards groups, educational and government users, and user groups.

Working with the Open Source community

The group includes developers from the Open Source community. As part of acknowledging their valuable input the copyright holders have made several grants relating to use of the documentation in those projects. Some of these are listed: the Linux Man Pages project, the FreeBSD project, the NetBSD operating system, the Cygwin Project, Gunnar Ritter's Heirloom Toolkit and other tools, Joerg Schilling's pax and find, Jens Schweikardt book, and the ISPRAS Linux testing project.

Obtaining a Copy of the Standard

The html version of the 2024 edition is freely available to read online, more information and registration are here.

A PDF copy of the full specification is also available at the same location or from IEEE.

(more information...)

How to get Involved

Why you should get involved with POSIX?

Read a backgrounder on the scope, audience and purpose for this standard.

View a set of slides (pdf) or read the long scope for the 2008 revision for an overview.

Read the Frequently Asked Questions file.

The group is chaired by Andrew Josey from The Open Group. The Open Group manages the day to day running of the group providing the chair, the editor and email/web facilities.

Committee Draft Development Procedures

A set of Committee Maintenance Procedures for the Approved Standard are available for information (summary diagram).

The group uses a Mantis bug tracker for handling change requests, defect reports and interpretations. This is available at

Joint Working Group Procedures

JDOCS Procedures for Operation of the group are available.

Invitation To Participate
Anyone wishing to participate in the Austin Group should contact the chair with their requests. There are no fees for participation or membership. You may participate as an observer or as a contributor. You do not have to attend face-to-face meetings to participate, electronic participation is most welcome. Please subscribe to our Mailing list.

POSIX is a trademark of the IEEE.
UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group.
Acknowledgements: Thanks to AC for the html page layout.