The origins of the bioeconomy in the European Union

N Biotechnol. 2018 Jan 25;40(Pt A):20-24. doi: 10.1016/j.nbt.2017.04.002. Epub 2017 Apr 12.


This article outlines the context and circumstances that favoured the development of a Bioeconomy Strategy in the European Union (EU) and the role played by the different Framework programmes for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration. Particular attention is given to the biotechnology related programmes and more specifically to the "Cell Factory" Key Action in the 5th Framework Programme (1998-2002). This, together with the parallel development of a Strategy on Biotechnology in 2002, served as a solid foundation for the creation of the, at the time, so-called Knowledge-Based Bio-Economy (KBBE). The KBBE concept emerged in 2005, a couple of years before the launch of the 7th Framework Programme (2007-2013). The experience accumulated over the years and the new societal expectations triggered the EU to launch a Strategy on Bioeconomy in 2012. This article concludes with a brief analysis of the two most important impacts of the EU Strategy on Bioeconomy. One is the Bioeconomy dedicated activity within the Programme Horizon 2020 (2014-2020), and the other the creation of a public-private partnership of bio-based industries. Both the impact of Horizon 2020 on the EU Bioeconomy Strategy and the bio-based industries public-private partnership are analysed in depth in two articles elsewhere in this volume.

Keywords: Biobased economy; Bioeconomy; Bioeconomy strategy; Biotechnology; European Union; KBBE; Sustainability.

Publication types

  • Review

MeSH terms

  • Biotechnology / economics*
  • Economic Development*
  • European Union
  • Public-Private Sector Partnerships