Archimedes, GNU Monte Carlo simulator

By Jean Michel D Sellier

Purdue University

GNU Monte Carlo simulation of 2D semiconductor devices, III-V materials

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Version GUI2.2.1-K2.1.1 - published on 06 Nov 2014

doi:10.4231/D3D21RK2M cite this

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Archimedes is the GNU package for semiconductor device simulations that has been released for the first time on 2005 under GPL. It has been created by Jean Michel D. Sellier who is, since then, the leader of the project and the main developer. It is a Free software and thus it can be copied, modified and redistributed under GPL. This is the one of the big advantages of using Archimedes. Archimedes belongs to the well-known family of TCAD software, i.e. tools utilized to assist the development of technologically relevant products. In particular, this package assists engineers in designing and simulating submicron and mesoscopic semiconductor devices. In a next-future version Archimedes will also be able to simulate nanodevices, using the Wigner formalism. Today Archimedes is used in several big companies for simulation and production purposes. Archimedes is also useful for teaching purposes since everybody can access the sources, modify and test them. Today, it is used for teaching courses in several hundreds universities all around the world. The Ensemble Monte Carlo method is the method that Archimedes uses to simulate and predict the behaviour of a devices along with a variety of quantum effective potentials to simulate the non-zero size of electrons in nanodevices. Being the Monte Carlo very stable and reliable, Archimedes can be used to know the characteritics of a device even before this last is built. Archimedes is able to simulate a plenty of physics effects and transport for electrons and heavy holes in Silicon, Germanium, GaAs, InSb, AlSb, AlAs , AlxInxSb, AlxIn(1-x)Sb, AlP, AlSb, GaP, GaSb, InP and their compounds (III-V semiconductor materials), along with Silicon Oxide, the applied and/or self-consistent electrostatic and magnetic fields by means of Poisson and Faraday equation. It is, also, able to deal with heterostructures.

Archimedes sources can be downloaded at

Printed copies of Archimedes manual can be purchased at

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Jean Michel D. Sellier, jeanmichel.sellier at gmail dot com / jsellier at purdue dot edu

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Researchers should cite this work as follows:


  • Jean Michel D Sellier (2014), "Archimedes, GNU Monte Carlo simulator," (DOI: 10.4231/D3D21RK2M).

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