
Hi, I’m Michelle Cheatham. I currently work as an Assistant Professor (teaching stream) in the Computer Science Department at the in Alberta, Canada, where I also serve as the Director of the . I am here on a closed work permit until August 2027 and have applied for permanent residency.

I was previously a tenured Associate Professor in the Computer Science department at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio. My research centered on Semantic Web topics such as developing ontology design patterns and automated ontology alignment. I also have experience with topics related to cybersecurity, such as binary analysis, reverse engineering, and software vulnerability assessment, which I developed expertise in while working for the Air Force Research Lab. Lately I have been concentrating largely on pedagogy. Because of this, I am not accepting any graduate students at this time.

I’ve had a somewhat winding career path, in that I worked as a civil servant at the Air Force Research Lab for quite awhile before going back to school. After seven years of government employment, TPS reports got the better of me. I quit my cushy government job and tried out various other places of employment. Eventually I landed at Wright State University, and it was a great fit. Being an academic is fantastic — I get the opportunity to meet tons of fascinating people and talk about interesting ideas with them. However, the mass shootings in the US shook me, which prompted my move to the University of Calgary in 2023.

When I’m not working, I enjoy watching sports and trying out new craft beers with my husband Jason. I’m also learning to ice skate.

I can be reached at [email protected]