Pathway Maps

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KEGG PATHWAY is a collection of manually drawn pathway maps representing our knowledge of the molecular interaction, reaction and relation networks for: The pathway map viewer linked from this page is a part of KEGG Web Apps and contains features of KEGG mapping.

Pathway Identifiers

Each pathway map is identified by the combination of 2-4 letter prefix code and 5 digit number (see KEGG Identifier). The prefix has the following meaning:
manually drawn reference pathway
reference pathway highlighting KOs
reference metabolic pathway highlighting EC numbers
reference metabolic pathway highlighting reactions
organism-specific pathway generated by converting KOs to gene identifiers
and the numbers starting with the following:
global map (lines linked to KOs)
overview map (lines linked to KOs)
higher (multi-organism) level overview map (lines linked to KOs) New!
chemical structure map (no KO expansion)
drug structure map (no KO expansion)
regular map (boxes linked to KOs)
are used for different types of maps.

Pathway maps are associated with KEGG modules, reaction modules, KEGG networks and taxonomy mapping.
M - module
R - reaction module
N - network
T - taxonomy mapping New!

1. Metabolism

1.0 Global and overview maps
1.1 Carbohydrate metabolism
1.2 Energy metabolism
1.3 Lipid metabolism
1.4 Nucleotide metabolism
1.5 Amino acid metabolism
1.6 Metabolism of other amino acids
1.7 Glycan biosynthesis and metabolism
1.8 Metabolism of cofactors and vitamins
1.9 Metabolism of terpenoids and polyketides
1.10 Biosynthesis of other secondary metabolites
00940 M
Phenylpropanoid biosynthesis
Stilbenoid, diarylheptanoid and gingerol biosynthesis
00941 M
Flavonoid biosynthesis
Flavone and flavonol biosynthesis
Anthocyanin biosynthesis
00943 M
Isoflavonoid biosynthesis
00946 M T
Degradation of flavonoids
00901 M T
Indole alkaloid biosynthesis
00403 M
Indole diterpene alkaloid biosynthesis
00950 M
Isoquinoline alkaloid biosynthesis
Tropane, piperidine and pyridine alkaloid biosynthesis
Biosynthesis of various alkaloids
Including: Cucurbitacin biosynthesis, Solanine and tomatine biosynthesis, Ephedrine biosynthesis, Capsaicin biosynthesis, Acridone alkaloid biosynthesis
00232 M
Caffeine metabolism
00965 M
Betalain biosynthesis
00966 M
Glucosinolate biosynthesis
Benzoxazinoid biosynthesis
00311 M T
Penicillin and cephalosporin biosynthesis
00332 M
Carbapenem biosynthesis
00261 M
Monobactam biosynthesis
00331 M
Clavulanic acid biosynthesis
00521 M
Streptomycin biosynthesis
Neomycin, kanamycin and gentamicin biosynthesis
00525 M T
Acarbose and validamycin biosynthesis
Novobiocin biosynthesis
00404 M T
Staurosporine biosynthesis
00405 M
Phenazine biosynthesis
00333 M T
Prodigiosin biosynthesis
00254 M
Aflatoxin biosynthesis
00998 M T
Biosynthesis of various antibiotics
Including: Kanosamine biosynthesis, Aurachin biosynthesis, Bacilysin biosynthesis, Puromycin biosynthesis, Dapdiamides biosynthesis, Fosfomycin biosynthesis, Cremeomycin biosynthesis, Fumagillin biosynthesis, Pentalenolactone biosynthesis, Terpentecin biosynthesis, Roseoflavin biosynthesis, Cycloserine biosynthesis
00999 M T
Biosynthesis of various plant secondary metabolites
Including: Crocin biosynthesis, Ginsenoside biosynthesis, Saponin adjuvant biosynthesis, Cannabidiol biosynthesis, Mugineic acid biosynthesis, Pentagalloylglucose biosynthesis, Benzoxazinoid biosynthesis, Gramine biosynthesis, Coumarin biosynthesis, Furanocoumarin biosynthesis, Hordatine biosynthesis, Podophyllotoxin biosynthesis
00997 M T
Biosynthesis of various other secondary metabolites
Including: Ditryptophenaline biosynthesis, Fumiquinazoline D biosynthesis, Paerucumarin biosynthesis, Staphyloferrin B biosynthesis, Cyclooctatin biosynthesis, Lovastatin biosynthesis, Grixazone biosynthesis, Staphyloferrin A biosynthesis, Ethynylserine biosynthesis, Aerobactin biosynthesis
1.11 Xenobiotics biodegradation and metabolism
1.12 Chemical structure transformation maps

2. Genetic Information Processing

2.1 Transcription
2.2 Translation
2.3 Folding, sorting and degradation
2.4 Replication and repair
2.5 Chromosome
2.6 Information processing in viruses

3. Environmental Information Processing

3.1 Membrane transport
3.2 Signal transduction
3.3 Signaling molecules and interaction

4. Cellular Processes

4.1 Transport and catabolism
4.2 Cell growth and death
4.3 Cellular community - eukaryotes
4.4 Cellular community - prokaryotes
4.5 Cell motility

5. Organismal Systems

5.1 Immune system
5.2 Endocrine system
5.3 Circulatory system
5.4 Digestive system
5.5 Excretory system
5.6 Nervous system
5.7 Sensory system
5.8 Development and regeneration
5.9 Aging
5.10 Environmental adaptation

6. Human Diseases

6.1 Cancer: overview
6.2 Cancer: specific types
6.3 Infectious disease: viral
6.4 Infectious disease: bacterial
6.5 Infectious disease: parasitic
6.6 Immune disease
6.7 Neurodegenerative disease
6.8 Substance dependence
6.9 Cardiovascular disease
6.10 Endocrine and metabolic disease
6.11 Drug resistance: antimicrobial
6.12 Drug resistance: antineoplastic

7. Drug Development

7.1 Chronology: Antiinfectives
7.2 Chronology: Antineoplastics
7.3 Chronology: Nervous system agents
7.4 Chronology: Other drugs
7.5 Target-based classification: G protein-coupled receptors
7.6 Target-based classification: Nuclear receptors
7.7 Target-based classification: Ion channels
7.8 Target-based classification: Transporters
7.9 Target-based classification: Enzymes
7.10 Structure-based classification
7.11 Skeleton-based classification

Last updated: October 1, 2024