SUpervision of large MOdular and distributed systems


The SUMO team proposes to combine formal methods approaches with concurrency theory, in order to address the modeling, analysis and management of large distributed or modular systems exhibiting quantitative aspects. Large distributed softwares and systems are indeed calling for quantitative models involving time, probabilities, costs, and combinations of them. As many problems in this setting become untractable or even undecidable, we are interested in the design of efficient approximation techniques, for example borrowed from electrical engineering approaches to the management of large stochastic systems. A strong point of SUMO is to gather skills from formal methods, discrete event systems, concurrency theory, and electrical engineering. Several application fields are covered: telecommunication networks management, modeling and verification of web services, control issues in large data centers, plus more opportunistic applications in the field of embedded systems or biological pathways.

Team leader

Sumo was created on January 2013. The members of SUMO were previously members of the From its creation to end of March 2019, SUMO was led by Eric Fabre.
Group picture