Dec 25, 2012

Love Cafe Blogger Template

Celebrating Valentines with this Love template series? It's for you my readers, especially a teenage blogger that usually share their love story on their blog. Not my age anymore :D

You can download the Love Story template on my previous post too. And this is Love Cafe free blogger template, for personal blog. Simple, clean, and cute korean graphics as header image. Enjoy it.

Dec 21, 2012

Teen Love Story Blogger Template

Free template for teen, Teen Love Story free blogger template. Simple, clean, but romantic cute header make this template easy to customize too.

I like kawaii and korean illustration, so cute and adorable. And you can apply it on your personal blog. Write about your daily life and love story. Enjoy it.

Please read How to install template carefully. Thanks.

Dec 8, 2012

Red Kitchen Blog Design

I'm really new in scrapbooking, so I learn to create scrapbooking blogger template style. Infact, is not as easy as I think. I have to crop and resize the digital image to fit the layout size. I usually work with vector file type not bitmap image.

And this is the latest scrapbooking theme of blogger template. Still on progress actually. But you can check the preview.

Dominate with red color fit the RED KITCHEN nama, mixed scrapbooking element of cake, flour, sugar, and another kitchen elements. What do you think?

Nov 30, 2012

Kiddiez Shop Blogger Template

Kiddiez Shop is a remake of Childhood Memory blogger template. I remake this cute kids template become kiddiez online shop template. I didn't make any changes of illustration, just redesign blog layout become gallery style that represent online store template.

Suitable for kids fashion blog, kids toys blog, and many more about children. This is free template and I give it as it is, no special support or customization. Enjoy it. Any installation problem? Please read this How To Install Template

Nov 29, 2012

Pinky Fashion Store Blogger Template

After long series of custom blog design, here is free blogger template, Pinky Fashion Store. Nowadays many work at home mom use blog as their online store. And special for you, Pinky Fashion Store blogger template. Gallery style makes your online store looks great. This boutique template suitable for bag online store, fashion online store, beauty online store etc. This is free template and I give it as it is, no special support or customization. Enjoy it. Any installation problem? Please read this How To Install Template

Nov 24, 2012

Edria Lovely Design Scrapbook Template

Another lovely blog design, Edria Lovely Design. Edria Lovely Design is a online store sell baby hampers and goody. She asking for a shabby chic vintage flower and I combine it with scrapbook style. Of course a pastel color of pink and blue.

The cute design match with the product sold. I really like her product too. Cute baby hampers and goody for special baby gift idea.

And this is one of Edria Lovely Design baby hampers product. So cute, isn't it?

Nov 16, 2012

How To Build Your Brand Online?

As an entrepeneur, building a new business is hard enough. But remember, success is your right. Of course need more effort to build your business and especially brand reputation and awareness. Nowadays, online media become an effective way to build your brand awareness. Internet, offer an unlimited access from a whole world, to promote your business. Create a business website is a must. It is the first step to give a costumer information about your business. What are the next step? Read complete this infographics carefully about how to buils your brand online. Sure you can do it.
Via: FreeWebsite

Nov 5, 2012

How To Show Social Media Sharing Button?

Actually, Blogger has default social media sharing feature, but it doesn't show sharing count. Sharing count help us as author, knowing about popular post or reader preferences.

Another way to show social media sharing button is using horizontal social button. I like this social button because not too large to put on my post. Usefull and simple enough.

How to put horizontal social button on blog?

  • Go to Template, then click Edit HTML. 
  • Tick mark Expand Widget Template, then find (ctrl+f) 

<div class='post-header-line-1'> if you want to put it above post, or
<div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> if you want to put it under post

  • Paste these code below that code on second step

<!-- Scripts Start -->
<b:if cond='data:post.isFirstPost'>
<!-- Facebook -->
<div id='fb-root'/>
<script>(function(d, s, id) {
var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
if (d.getElementById(id)) {return;}
js = d.createElement(s); = id;
js.src = &quot;;;
fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
}(document, &#39;script&#39;, &#39;facebook-jssdk&#39;));
<!-- Google +1 -->
<script type='text/javascript'>
(function() {
var po = document.createElement(&#39;script&#39;); po.type = &#39;text/javascript&#39;; po.async = true;
po.src = &#39;;;
var s = document.getElementsByTagName(&#39;script&#39;)[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(po, s);
<!-- Twitter -->
<script>!function(d,s,id){var js,fjs=d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];if(!d.getElementById(id)){js=d.createElement(s);;js.src=&quot;//;;fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js,fjs);}}(document,&quot;script&quot;,&quot;twitter-wjs&quot;);</script>
<!-- Scripts End -->
<!-- Horizontal social buttons Start -->
<div class='horizontal-social-buttons' style='padding:10px 0 10px;'>
<!-- Twitter -->
<div style='float:left;'>
<a class='twitter-share-button' data-count='horizontal' data-lang='en' data-related='' data-via='' expr:data-text='data:post.title' expr:data-url='data:post.url' href=''>Tweet</a>
<!-- Google +1 -->
<div style='float:left;'>
<g:plusone annotation='bubble' expr:href='data:post.url' size='medium'/>
<!-- Facebook Like+Send -->
<div style='float:left;'>
<fb:like colorscheme='light' expr:href='data:post.url' font='' layout='button_count' send='true' show_faces='false'/>
<!-- Pinterest Start -->
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div id='pin-wrapper' style='float: left; margin:0px 0px 0px 30px; width:44px;'>
<a data-pin-config='beside' data-pin-do='buttonPin' expr:href='&quot;; + data:post.url'><img src='//'/></a>
<span style='margin-left:-44px;'><a data-pin-config='beside' data-pin-do='buttonBookmark' href='//' style='outline:none;border:none;'/></span>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'></script>
<style type='text/css'>
#pin-wrapper > a {background-image:none !important;}
<!-- Pinterest End -->
<div style='clear: both;'/>
<!-- Horizontal social buttons End -->

  • Click Save button

Nov 4, 2012

MDdiaperbags Boutique Blog Design

Sist Mel from Singapore contact me and ask about cute blog design for her diaper bag online shop, MDdiaperbags. We discuss about the theme including its concept, layout, illustration, and color. She come with her current logo so I design theme match with MDdiaperbags logo.

Finally, not only dominated by blue and pink color, mix of various pastel color, yellow, brown, green, blue, and pink. I use polkadot and stripe as background. As online shop, we think that gallery with thumbnail product is best layour for online shop. And here is the result.

Oct 20, 2012

Babies Fashionistas Blog Template

At last, a baby blog design after many cake and cookies blog order. Babies Fashionistas is fashion baby online shop blog owned by Janete from Brazil. I choose baby blue and pink color. Actually choosing color is hard part of designing. I can spend one day only for choosing match color haha. The next hard thing is choosing font. Really. But the best part is if the client love the design. Priceless.

Check the preview of Babies Fashionistas blog.

Oct 4, 2012

Personal Blog of Nana Soemarno

This is the first time of my coding job. I usually only accept for custom design job. And last week, Ms Nana ask me to make her design come true. She gives her custom design and then I work with its coding.

She comes with lovable design for her personal blog. Take a look at a cute woman in her room with cupcake and pet. So lovely. What do you think? Visit her site here

Auto Shop Online Strategy

Nowadays, global automotive repair industry grow rapidly. Due to economic growth, the demand for vehicle increase from year to year. That's mean more vehicles need maintenance and service part. A smart business idea use internet to grow auto shop online. Most people will research auto shops online before deciding one maintenance service. That's why you need a complete auto collision repair estimating software program online. It will support your business and serve your customer by giving an added value of your repair online shop. Show your great product, accurate estimating program, affordable price and let your customer see your professional services.
Via: Web-Est

Sep 26, 2012

The Truth Value Of A Website (Infographic)

The internet is a new global online community provides a huge pool of resources for getting latest information, expanding social network, creating business promotions, and gaining high profit. Do you belive it? I do because I've experienced in it. By creating informative website, it refers you loyal customer that's it means expanding your business.

Learn more about how having website opens the gate of many marvelous opportunities online. It's about the truth value of developing website.

Sep 24, 2012

How Effective Is Email Marketing?

Do you want to make your customers closer and make them spend more often? Do you want high profit from online marketing? I'm sure the answer is yes, then email marketing is the best investment you can make now and for future growth.

Email marketing one of the best promoting tool on the internet. If you are able to perform email optimization, it will give amazing results at an affordable cost. Read carefully how effective is email marketing below.

Sep 12, 2012

Ngerantang Catering Blog Design

Mba Nining email me and ask for cute blog design for her catering service blog. She want a fresh color and choose orange green color. Not too strong color so I suggest a pastel color as usual. Ngerantang is her blog title, because she thinks that rantang or food pot/pan represent her catering business.

For header graphic, I design a woman with her hijab hold pan and spoon surrounded by kitchen set and food ingredients.  Here is the blog preview

Sep 2, 2012

Ranggachoco, Cake and Cookies Blog Design

The next cute blogg design for cake and cookies blog, Ranggachoco. The Ranggachoco's owner request a cute design with soft purple color, I combine plain purple with tartan background pattern so it looks more cheerful.

She also request header graphic of her family, she and her two kids with cake and cookies at the kitchen. Also a custom blog logo of Ranggachoco.

A little detail of sidebar title background. Also share button on every post. What do you think about this choco blog design?

Sep 1, 2012

Bagz Hauz , Bag Online Store Blog Design

Bagz Hauz owner come to me with her own blog design idea. She flies to Europe to procure authentic designer bags and sell them online. So she want to customize her blog so people can associate blog to her company.

Her idea is since she go for buying trips so she is thinking of using an airplane that flies to Europe. Behind the pilot is graphical images of bags stacked to the brim. Then add bags parachuting down and airplane either pulling a banner with Bagz Hauz branding on it.

Then I make her idea come true design like below. A pastel color as tartan pattern background, an airplane with stylish woman as a pilot bring her stacked bags. The airplane flies on bright sky bring Bagz Hauz banner. What do you think about this bags online store design?

Aug 12, 2012

How To Add Comment Reply/Threaded Comment On Customized Template?

Some of my old templates were created when Blogger has no comment reply or threaded comment feature. It won't show reply comment button automatically because it have been customized or tweaked. So, you need a few tweak to show this reply comment link or Blogger's threaded comment feature.

I assume that you've applied new Blogger Dashboard. Follow this step "How to add comment reply button on Blogger/Blogspot":

- Go to Template menu

- Click on Edit HTML button, then HTML frame will appear

- Tick mark on Expand Widget Template to show complete HTML code

- Find this code below

      <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
        <b:include data='post' name='comments'/>

- Replace the red code with these code below
      <b:if cond='data:post.showThreadedComments'>
        <b:include data='post' name='threaded_comments'/>
        <b:include data='post' name='comments'/>

- Click Save Template button

Aug 11, 2012

Cute Business Card/Name Card Design

Usually, my client ask for business card or name card that match to blog design. Mostly, custom blog design I've made is cute appearance dominated with cute illustration and pastel color. So, the result is cute business card design too. Some clients request simple design but anothers want a colorful design.

The key is, match with blog title design, header illustration and suitable font. So here some of my cute business card design.

Aug 7, 2012

Cantik Plus Blogger Template Design

This is new custom blogger template design for women's health and beauty product online shop, Cantik Plus. The owner asks an orange color because she thinks it gives fresh and cheerful atmosphere. Another request is 3 women represent beauty, health, and slimming products. I combine orange color with tartan soft orange background color. Also choose gallery layout as online store blog design.

Aug 3, 2012

Sanny T Blogger Template Design

The latest custom blogger template design for , she likes green pastel color. She asks for a wide layout with simple flower and swirl ornament. Look at the cute girl illustration at the bottom side for online shop link. If you're interested in custom blogger template design, please check my portfolio page. Thank you :)

Jun 15, 2012

Blogger Template: Lady Bug

Dear readers, long time no new free blogger template, and this is special for you, Lady Bug blogger template. Look at the cute pastel color choice suitable for a baby blog, personal girl blog, diary blog, kids blog etc.

Two columns layout with wide side and post section, allow you to post large photo. Lady Bug among flowers become this blogger template name inspiration.

Enjoy this cute Lady Bug blogger template for free and please read how to install blogger template on Blogger new dashboard.

May 27, 2012

Jeng Sri Personal Blog Template Design

This is a personal blog of my friend, Jeng Sri. She asks simple but colorful appearance for her personal blog. I just combine an eye catching woman graphic and matching color of header background. Also a cute graphic for sidebar and post title background.

Jeng Sri personal blog template design, a simple 3 columns layout for personal blog.

May 18, 2012

Mommykeiks Blogger Template

Mommykeiks blogger template is the newest custom design. Ordered by Mba Ayu for her cake blog. She accept for any cake order i.e. cupcake, cheese cake, and many more.

She ask for blue and pink color combination. Actually, many clients ask for this pastel color so I have to mix and match to avoid same color with another design.

And mom with her cakes illustration is the main of this template design. Check out her blog for full preview of Mommykeiks Blogger Template.

Visit :

May 11, 2012

My Cakebox Blogger Template

My Cakebox blogger template is the newest custom design for cake blog. The client request a simple but chic and cute design, so I don't use too much background image. Mix and match brown and pink color. I also use woman illustration of the owner. The menu graphic makes this cake blog design looks cute too.

Apr 28, 2012

Princess Fashion Shop Premade Template For Sell

This is my another premade template for sell, Princess Fashion Shop. This template is suitable for your online shop especially kids fashion shop blog.
Price : $60
Payment : Paypal Only
  • Custom header/blog title
  • Custom signature
  • Custom blog banner

For further information, please contact me : [email protected]


Apr 24, 2012 Blogger Template

Hi, this is the latest custom bloger template for , a blog offers cake and cupcake order service. She wants a cute and simple blog template dominated by black and pink color.

So I choose this not so black color combined with soft pink color. A simple elegant logo of mixed with a cute woman with her cupcake represent the owner.

This cupcake theme detailed with post title background, sidebar title background, favicon, and custom font. What do you think?

Mar 18, 2012

Does Infographics Work For Link Building?

Making a link building campaign maybe difficult enough, but if you find right way, your website will be ranked by Google and all other major search engines. I can't say the right or even the best way of link building method. Personally, I just create usefull content and share it to my readers. If they think it's usefull, I'm sure they will spread and share my site link by giving one way link. Is it effective enough? I think so.

Nowadays, there's new method called infographics. Information graphics or infographics are graphic visual representations of information, data or knowledge. Why use infographics? Many source said, it aim to get inbound links, share relevant information, increase consumer awareness of your brand and your products/services, and increase website traffic, leads and sales. Is it really works? Another source said that is there's also the dark side of method.

Via: Tradebit

Mar 16, 2012

How to Add Pinterest Button To Blogger Post

Yesterday, I accepted Pinterest invitation. Pinterest is the new way of socializing where you can share any interest thing you find on internet, including blog post, twitter, or facebook.

Then I want to put Pinterest button on my blog post so it easier for sharing to Pinterest board. Thanks to LetMeClear for How to Add Pinterest Button To Blogger Post tutorial.

Since, Pinning a pin by a “Pin it” button A description and original link location are added to the pinned image on the board. That gives you more chance to visit the source directly. Pin It button allows visitor to share your posts without leaving your blog.

If you're using Wordpress blog, there's many Pinterest button plugin similar with another bookmarks button plugin. If you're using Blogspot/Blogger blog, this is step to add Pin It button to your each and every blog post.

Step#1. Go to Design>> Edit HTML, Make a full back up of your template.

Step#2. Click on the Expand Widget Template checkbox on top right of the HTML window.

Step#3. Find this Data tag normally it will be twice in your HTML is given below. Locate the First one.


Step#4.  Paste the following code immediately below/after the code mention in Step#3.

<!-- Pinterest Start -->
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<div id='pin-wrapper' style='margin:5px 10px 5px 0; text-align: left;'>
<a class='pin-it-button' count-layout='horizontal' expr:href='&quot;; + data:post.url'>Pin It</a>
<a href='javascript:void(run_pinmarklet())' style='margin-left:-93px; width:43px; height:22px; display:inline-block;'/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
function run_pinmarklet() {
    var e=document.createElement(&#39;script&#39;);
    e.setAttribute(&#39;src&#39;,&#39;; + Math.random()*99999999);
<!-- Pinterest button End -->

Step#5(Optional). If you want to show Pin It button on the top of each post Place the button code in Step#4, before  tag.

Step#6. Hit Save and check your blog Button appears or not on your post page.

Mar 13, 2012

D'Nic Cakes Custom Blogger Template

The latest cake blogger template design. This is custom blogger template for Mba Ningsih, D'Nic Cake owner. She want a bright color with cute illustration of her family.

I choose a simple 2 column layout, customized background, sidebar title, post background, custom font, and special name card and banner/sticker.

Go to her beautiful blog for live preview.

Mar 4, 2012

Ipietoon Blog Redesigned

A lil bit bored with previous blog theme, I decide to redesign my blog. Actually, there's no many changes in layout. I keep this 3 columns with lower widget and ads ready as previous layout. I just tweak on header, body, and footer background. I choose light pastel blue color as header background, combine with dashed border.

And this is the new header logo. Actually I have no exact logo blog and keep on changing it as I want :D.

Need a blog redesigning service too? Check out my portfolio as a reference.

D'cakes by Dewi Blog Template Design

The newest cake blog design order from Mbak Dewi. She ask me to design blog template with pastel colors such as brown, pink, green, or blue. She likes cute template so I combine the color, icon, background, and illustration.

And this is custom blog design special for Dcakes by Dewi. I try not to use stripe background so I use floral pattern. The blog header, look at the classic and cute blog logo. Woman bring birthday cake and decorate some cupcakes describe what D'cakes by Dewi services. Additional design is sticker and blog banner. You can take a look the sticker at sidebar.

If you're interested in making a custom blog design, please contact me [email protected]

Feb 21, 2012

Lulur Bali Spa Header Blog

Congratulation for my friend for her new online shop, Lulur Bali Spa. She want a girly online store template with purple and pink color scheme.

And this is special header blog design for Lulur Bali Spa blog. Cute woman with her spa products and Lulur Bali Spa logo.

Need a custom blog header? Contact me via email.

Jan 17, 2012

Shopping Girls Blog Template

Girl, who doesn't love shopping?! This shopping girls template suitable for shopping tips, suggestion, coupon codes, shopping place, shopping promo, or even your online shopping store.


If you're using new blogger dashboard, read How To Use Template in New Dashboard Format

Jan 10, 2012

Purple Kitty Store Blogger Template

For kitty pussy cat lover, here for you Purple Kitty Store Blogger Template. Sell your loveable product and impress your customer with this cute blog template.

Look at the header, kitty at her store, sell bags, shoes, jewelry and many girly things.

Preview | Download

If you're using new blogger dashboard, read How To Use Template in New Dashboard Format

How to Convert Bitmap to Vector Graphics (for Free)

If you're a web designer, there's a good chance that you already know the difference between a bitmap image and a vector one. The former is made up of pixels and so will only appear correct at a certain resolution. The latter however can be scaled up or down as necessary to create an image of any size. In the world of web design, vector graphics can be incredibly useful - not only because they're more flexible, but also because they can be relied upon to look their best on the biggest or smallest screens. So whether you're creating a website that calls for some sharp engraving style graphics, or a simple collection of block shapes, vectored images can be hugely useful.

There are times when a web designer will be provided with graphical assets by a client before they start work on a site. In a perfect world, all of the graphics they provide will be in vectored PDF or EPS - but unfortunately this isn't always the case. A client may in fact provide you with low res JPGs and then ask you to create a high res design with them. This is next to impossible, however there is actually a technique you can use to make a useable vector graphic file from a bitmap one. You might have to sacrifice a bit of detail, but you may be surprised at the results. Best of all, it's free - all you'll need is Adobe Illustrator and a little bit of design ability (as a web designer, this shouldn't be a problem). Plus, it's completely free, unlike many of the bitmap to vector services on the web.

Step one: open your bitmap graphic in Illustrator

Go ahead and open Illustrator (you need to have at least CS2 installed, otherwise the option you need won't be available). You should place the bitmap image into Illustrator by clicking File then Place. You can use any bitmap image you like: PDF, jpeg, and so on.

Step two: perform the Live Trace

Next, click Object > Live Trace > Tracing Options. Here you can change various parameters and try to create a trace that is as true to the original as possible. The options on this screen will give you various details about the image and let you choose how you want the trace to be carried out. Once you're ready, click the Trace button to finish this step.

Step three: turn the image into a vector

Your adapted image is now ready to be converted into
a vector version. To do this, go back to the image and select Object > Live Trace > Expand. If your original image was colour, there's a chance that distortion may have occurred that makes the image unusable or less visually appealing. This is an unavoidable side effect of creating vectors this way; you're essentially creating a 'skeleton' version of an image, without the finer details. However, there is a way to use such images if you really need to, as black and white 'stencil' style objects.

Step four: create your final black and white vector image

To go monochrome and make the final image, click Object > Live Trace > Tracing Options. Here you can select Black and White to complete your vector image. Now all that's left is to save the vectored image in a suitable file type. This could be PDF or EPS. Your image can then be scaled up or down as necessary and used in all sorts of designs.

So there you have it, a quick and easy way to turn a bitmap image into a vector one in just a few minutes. Remember that this method works best for images that aren't too complex. If there are lots of different coloured elements, or too much going on in terms of detail, you may want to find another way to secure the image in vector form. Your client should always be able to provide you with high res original imaging, but if that's not possible, the above procedure will at the very least give you something workable. You never know - your client may end up preferring the version that you create in black and white!

Jan 3, 2012

GoDaddy Coupon Code List

DO you have a planning for custom domain, .COM, .NET, .INFO etc? Find Domain, use it on your Wordpress site or custom domain on Blogspot. Read How to Set Custom Domain for Blogger on GoDaddy.

And special for you, never expire Godaddy Promo Coupon Code. Simply enter the coupon code at checkout. Note that you're only allwed one coupon code on every checkout.

GoDaddy Promo Coupon Code List
FAN3 - 35% off .COM $7.49 domain names
FAN749 - 50% off .ORG domain names ($7.49 each)
YES749 - $7.49 .NET domain names
GAM749 - $7.49 .BIZ domain names
MIN2499 - $24.99 .CO domains

FUN3 - 35% off .com domain names
SPN1 - 10% off any order
MIN1 - 10% off .CO domains

SPN2 - $5 off an order of $30 or more
HITCH2 - $5 off an order of $30 or more & .TV Domains

$ Discount by Order Size:
$30 or more : MIN2 - $5 off
$40 or more : YESOFF - $10 off

% Discount by Order Size:
10% Off: MIN1 - any order size
15% Off : YES15 - $75 or more

For Hosting:
RUSH20 - 20% off a 1yr or greater hosting plan
MIN1 - 10% off a month to month plan

For Auctions:
AUCTION12 - 50% off a subscription

For SSL:
YESSSL - $12.99 SSL account (usually $30)

UK Specific Coupons
For Domains:
BRIT3 - 30% off .com domain names

% Discount by Order Size:
10% Off: QUEEN1 - any order size

Other UK Specific:
FANSSL : 12.99 SSL
YPN20 : 20% Off Hosting

FREE Tape Strips From Thecottagemarket

I'm exploring pretty things blogs, the blog that share all cute and pretty things and freebies. This is pretty and cute tape strips and labels, free for you from Andrea,

Download HERE

Jan 2, 2012

Valentines Day Vector Collection

Valentines Day is coming next month. Valentines Day Vector Collection, collection of colorful and beautiful Valentines, heart, love vectors.

Heart Gift Valentine Card

16 Free Heart-shaped Vectors

Beautiful Valentine’s Day Vector Graphic

Happy Valentine’s Day Vector

Abstract Valentine’s Day Vector Art

Ipietoon - Blog Design and Online Business Blogging Since 2008