Dec 28, 2011

Pesan Cake Custom Blog Template

Finally, cake custom blog template ordered by Sist Dessy from Puan Cake has finished. She likes combination of soft blue, pink, and brown color. She also likes a simple layout so I decide to create two columns layout with wide enough post page and sidebar.

Look at all cutes cake and cupcake graphics on header, post, sidebar, and footer, that really describe Puan Cake business. I also add woman graphic on header to represent the owner.

Check my another cute blog design.

Dec 20, 2011

How to Use Template on Blogger New Templates Format?

How to Use/Upload Template on Blogger New Templates Format? Yesterday, my friend ask me about it. She lil bit confuse with new Blogger format, and can't find an ordinary upload XML file button.

 Actually, I still like and use the old format. Simple and user friendly, IMHO.

Before you upload XML template file, ensure you have downloaded it. You can check my all cute template on this blog, then click on download link to get XML file.

Now I will show you the step how to upload XML file on new Blogger format.

Step 1: Login to your Blogger dashboard, and choose the blog you will edit. Click on Blog Title. For example, see on picture below, the orange color, Gadgetholic blog.

Step 2: Click on Left Menu, Template. Then, click on Backup/Restore button, on the right top window.

Step 3 : There's popup window, then click on Choose File button, and select XML file you want to upload. Now you get a new look design.

Cutie Baby Blogger Template

For you mom, who create a blog to share story and experience about your baby, toddler, and children, or even you sell baby clothes, so this is the perfect template for you, Cutie Baby Blogger Template.

Dominated with brown and yellow color, this is a neutral template design, both for boy or girl baby.

Cutie Baby Blogger template, cute template for you.

Dec 19, 2011

Me and My Bear Blogger Template

Another cute blogger template/linda plantilla de Blogger for you, Me and My Bear blogger template. Its name based on graphic on header, girl with her bear.

As you know, I like to create woman and girl template, so this is also for your girl, use it on your personal diary blog.

You also can customize it with another cute blog header.

Cute Header Blog FREE

I like all cute things, and I would like to share it with you. Looking for a cute header blog but you can find a fix image? I found it on, all graphics are Copyrighted to Respective Artists and Publishers.

Cute girl and couple header blog for you. Save it or you can edit it for your personal blog use. Use for your personal blog about your diary, your couple, etc.

Enjoy it.

Dec 15, 2011

FREE Christmas Tree Vector Collection

FREE Online Image and File Converter

Actually, I'm not really friendly and familiar with Adobe Ilustrator or Photoshop. I always use Inkscape, a freeware vector editor. Inkscape file has an extension SVG. Sometimes I use free vector with EPS or AI file extension. I need to convert it to SVG so I can edit it using Inkscape easily.

Fortunately, I found this FREE online image and file converter. This tools convert to a variety of target formats. You can also apply effects or enhance images during conversion. Just select your format you want to convert to, upload your image file and optionally select filters. Your image will be converted instantly and you can download the result after only a couple of seconds.

What we can do with this Online File and Image Converter?
Convert an image to the BMP format
Convert an image to the EPS format
Convert an image to the PSD format
Convert an image to the AI format
Online image converter to JPEG
Convert image to the SVG format
and many more format features.

Just go to this site and enjoy the easiest way to convert.

Nov 9, 2011

Floral Photoblog Template

This is my first edited Blogger Template from new "flexible" Blogger Template code. Actually, I lil bit complicated because it's a long time no tweak any blogger template xml code especially this new one.

Floral Photoblog Template, I name it. Yes, this template has full width with no sidebar. You can put your widget on footer. This is because of its purpose special for photography blog, photoblog, or any art and picture blog.

This template use new Blogger Template code so you can make any changes through Template Designer menu. If you don't like its background, color, font, or anything, you can edit it simply from Template Designer. You also can choose 1,2,3, even 4 columns in case you want some redesigning.

Also use your own blog logo as your blog brand. Create and upload it directly via Page Elements. You also can change favicon and navbar setting. It's really customizable.


Share your favorite moments, beautiful and memorable photos with your reader and use this Floral Photo blog theme/template.

Nov 6, 2011

FREE Christmas Sticker and Cupcake Topper Printable

I create this for spending my time, special for you who celebrate Christmas. Free Christmas cupcake topper, label, or sticker. You can print and cut it and freely use it for your party.

Three printable design, snowman, gift box, and cherry joyful Christmas. Just click and save it to your desktop. Enjoy it.

Nov 5, 2011

FREE Christmas Printable : Card, Box, Label, Gift Tag

Today I find cute and awesome art and craft store. What a printable and illustration heaven. My Grafico provide unique personal and commercial use art, graphic, and craft for reasonable price.

Good news for you who looking for card, box, label, or any printable, My Grafico give beautiful freebies for us, including for Christmas Day. Below is some of Christmas art and craft for free from My Grafico.

Free Christmas Card Template

Christmas Label Freebie

X-Mas Freebie

Christmas Cookies Digital Stamp and Box Template Freebie

Free Printable Christmas Card

Fun Christmas - Gift Tag Printables

Nov 2, 2011

Christmas Social Icons

Christmas is coming. Celebrate Christmas on your site by decorating Christmas theme. Use Christmas social icon such as Facebook, Skype, Youtube on your site to give Christmas spirit.

Noctuline's Christmas social icon package contains 22 icons.

Download on Noctuline's Christmas social icon.

Oct 12, 2011

Why Business Websites Need Top Web Hosting Services?

Have you ever heard the word ‘web hosting’ whenever someone talks about launching or creating their website? Do you know what it means or why do we use this word? No? Well that is pretty normal. In fact quite predictable since the word web hosting is a professional word and is part of jargon used by web professionals. But everyone, especially those who are thinking to have a website in the future or are planning to have it at present, should be well aware of this word because it has a close connection with any website. In fact it would not be wrong to say that only web hosting is one tool which lets your website be called as a website because without it, your website is only a compilation of various files in to one big file which still needs to be associated with the ‘web’.

So web hosting, in the simplest of words, can be explained as a marketing tool which lets your website be showcased in a shop from where the whole world can see it and get access to it. Web hosting is the whole process of locating your website on internet, making it available to the visitors and then carrying on with unstoppable flow of all those services which will keep your website running and active.

A web host is a company which is responsible for providing the reliable and best hosting services. You can find several web host companies online. Most of them are extremely customer-friendly and helpful. Although it is the job of your website developer to get you the most appropriate and suitable web Host Company for your content but it is always a better idea to get yourself involved in this whole procedure. This way you not just gain lots of useful information but also feel capable of making important decisions regarding your website.

There must be lots of website owners who feel confused and puzzled when it comes to the selection of the right hosting plan although it is an extremely easy task which requires a little bit of your interest and time. See, the point is, you need to know your website really well because only then you will be able to judge Top Web hosting plans. One most important thing your website will tell you is that whether it is meant for heavy-duty business or is it just a small one. This is the biggest deciding factor and is really helpful as well.

Oct 5, 2011

Blogger Store V2, Best Online Store Blogger Templates

Best Blogger template online store 2011 ever made. Designed by Rifki from, published on Oom's site, this Blogger store built with complete features.
Designed clean, fresh, simple supported with online store script especially shopping cart features.

What the features of Blogger Store v2 ?

1. SimpleCart.js v2.2.2.

This template still using SimpleCart.js v.2.2.2 by The Wojo Group as ShoppingCart framework.

2. Animated ShoppingCart

Animation effects on shopping cart, at default position it would not be visible and show only the total item and the total price and will be visible if you click on shopping cart menu.

2. Superfish Menu.

3. Automatic Featured Content with jQuery Carousel Fred.

Blogger Store v2.0 using Automatic featured content from jQuery Crausel Fred v.4.5.2, this is automatically work to displaying product by label or recent product also can display from another source, just need a several setting.

4. Grid and List Style post integrated with jQuery Plugin.

This is a greatest one,choose two view style on this template, default is Grid style and will be change to List style if you click switcher button. This feature is integrated with jQuery Cookie Plugin, so the visitor can see style of the last time they visited.

5. Advanced Blogger Template Designer Support

This feature gives you flexibility to customize the background and color of template on Template Designer, so you can get unlimited color and unlimited font for your template, available for :

Body Background Color
Main Text Color
Font Style and Size
Text Link Color
Background Menu Color
Background and border for Shopping Cart Color

This template also have several additional features:

6. Social Bookmark Icon
7. Search Form
8. Ads Space
9. Animated Sponsors Logo
10. Pattern Background.

Sep 28, 2011

Dynamic Views : Seven New Ways Your Blog Looks

Total look improvement from Blogger, Dynamic Views. This is seven ways to share your blog with your readers.

Built with the latest in web technology (AJAX, HTML5 and CSS3), Dynamic Views is a unique browsing experience that will inspire your readers to explore your blog in new ways. The interactive layouts make it easier for readers to enjoy and discover your posts, loading 40 percent faster than traditional templates and bringing older entries to the surface so they seem fresh again.

There are seven ways you can choose as default. Even you've set the default, it still allows your readers to choose it self.

  • Classic (Gmail): A modern twist on a traditional template, with infinite scrolling and images that load as you go
  • Flipcard (M loves M) - Your photos are tiled across the page and flip to reveal the post title
  • Magazine (Advanced Style) - A clean, elegant editorial style layout
  • Mosaic (Crosby’s Kitchen) - A mosaic mix of different sized images and text
  • Sidebar (Blogger Buzz Blog) - An email inbox-like view with a reading page for quick scrolling and browsing
  • Snapshot (Canelle et Vanille) - An interactive pinboard of your posts
  • Timeslide (The Bleary-Eyed Father) - A horizontal view of your posts by time period

How to set Dynamic Views? Simply, login to Blogger, go to Layout/Design, choose Template Designer.

What do you think about this new improvement?

Sep 11, 2011

Girl Gift Blogger Template

The next serie of doodle girly template, Girl Gift. You also can check the previous template, Girl's Life.

Still about girl, who won't be happy if someone give us a gift? Every girl likes gift such as clothes, make up, accessories, etc. Even you can use this template for your gift online store.

Still same with previous theme, I use fresh color, blue, pink, and purple. And look at girl illustration on header, really cute. You also can customize its header logo by uploading your own blog logo.

How to Add Floating Facebook Share,Tweet, +1 Button in Blogger?

I have ever posted about how to put social bookmark sharer button, that's sharing is sexy button. I also have posted about how to put our social media icon to help your reader close and know more about you. A hour ago, I was looking for simple sharer button, I only need Facebook sharer, Tweet button, and the new one +1 button from Google. Fortunately, I find a easy tutorial about how to add floating social bookmark button next to post in Blogger from MyBloggerTricks. Really thanks to you, the author.

You can see this sticky widget to left of my blog, both on homepage and postpage. The installation process is so easy. Here I share how to add floating Facebook Share,Tweet, +1 Button in Blogger.

  1. Go To Blogger > Design
  2. Choose a HTML/JavaScript widget
  3. Paste the following code inside it
  4. <style>
    /*-------MBT Floating Sharing Widget------------*/

    #floatdiv {


    #mbtsidebar {
            border-top:1px solid #ddd;
            border-left:1px solid #ddd;
            border-bottom:1px solid #ddd;
            margin:0 0 0 5px;

    .fb_share_count_top {width:52px !important;}

    .fb_share_count_top, .fb_share_count_inner {-moz-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;}

    .FBConnectButton_Small, .FBConnectButton_RTL_Small {width:52px !important; -moz-border-radius:3px;/*bs-fsmsb*/-webkit-border-radius:3px;}

    .FBConnectButton_Small .FBConnectButton_Text {padding:2px 2px 3px !important;-moz-border-radius:3px;-webkit-border-radius:3px;font-size:8px;}


    <div id="floatdiv">
    <div id="mbtsidebar">
        <table cellpadding="1px" cellspacing="0">

        <td style="padding:5px 0px 0px 0;">
    <a href="" class="twitter-share-button" data-count="vertical" data-via="mybloggertricks">Tweet</a><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

        <td style="padding:5px 0 2px 0;">
        <a name="fb_share" type="box_count" href="">Share</a><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
        <td style=" padding:5px 0px 0px 0px;">

    <script src='' type='text/javascript'> {lang: &#39;en-US&#39;} </script>

    <g:plusone size="Tall" expr:href="data:post.url">
    <p style=" line-height:0px; font-size:10px; font-weight:bold; text-align:center;"><a style="color:#D3D3D3;" href="">Widgets</a></p>


  5. Save your widget and drag it just below the post body as shown below
  6. Finally click the save button at the top right corner and done

Any question or complete customization, you can go to author website.

Girls Life Blogger Template

Girls life blogger template, the girl stuff doodle theme special for teenage girls blog. Usually teenager like to share her daily life story about life, love, friendship, heartbreak, etc. I choose doodle girl stuff as an illustration represent cheer and fun. I also choose fresh color of pink and blue. This theme so clean with no complicated background image.

About the font, as usual, for girl and teen theme I always choose handwriting font, Short Stack and Gloria Hallelujah font. You also can edit it self by choosing from Google webfonts site.

Preview | Download

Sep 5, 2011

New Blogger Dashboard Fresh Look

I have ever posted about new Blogger dashboard redesigned. Now you can enjoy this Blogger makeover.
Blogger have passed many interface design. And the latest design, simple, shiny, clean look. New interface offers a streamlined blogging experience. You also can monitor and grow your audience at a glance. You'll be able view your blog stats including popular post, traffic sources, etc.

Login to your Blogger dashboard and find new interface option. Click on the link to activate it. Blogger will gradually let all bloggers choose to turn on the new UI, so your Blogger experience won’t be updated until you enable it. Over the next few days, keep an eye out for a pop-up announcement on your dashboard with instructions on how to get started, and check out this Blogger Help Center page to learn more about what’s changed.

Aug 21, 2011

Halloween Desktop Wallpaper

Celebrate next Halloween, I share some Halloween desktop wallpaper that I found from desktop wallpaper gallery. You can download various resolution adjust to your desktop resolution. Follow the original link so you can pick and download it.

Wallpapers are free for personal use only. You may not use them for any commercial purposes. All copyrighted to respective artists. Click the picture for complete Halloween Desktop Wallpaper series

Halloween illustrations - Halloween Haunts

Halloween Disney Cartoon Wallpaper

Halloween Graphic illustraion Wallpapers

Happy Halloween by Crickbow

Halloween Characters

Aug 19, 2011

Unique Custom Lego Design Creations

Do you know Lego? I have played this plastic brick toy since I was a kid. I remembered that I just can create bridge, building, and simple monster :D . Lego is interlocking plastic bricks so you can arrange, combine, and build any formation and design. Sometimes it's also accompany by array of gears, minifigures and various other parts.

LEGO as official Lego company and manufacturer has released Lego toys in various theme, including building lego, city lego, monster lego and also movie or action figure Lego theme such as Batman lego, Harry Potter lego, Indiana Jones lego, Ninjago lego, Spongebob Squarepants lego and many more. You can read more about best lego toys 2011 completely.

Many Lego fans create their own lego custom design. Sometimes they create a-never-imagine Lego design. Here I share some unique custom lego design, all image and design is copyrighted to respective owner. All lego creations image taken from Mocpages and Brother Bricks.

Where to buy Lego toys? You can go to official lego website at or simply buy at Also read bestseller lego list and reviews.

Ipietoon - Blog Design and Online Business Blogging Since 2008