“Fifteen Days To Stop The Spread”

Time flies. It’s been five years since one of the (many) big lies about the pandemic.

We had to fumigate the house for termites, and decided to take the cats up to Cambria for a couple days (their first, and so far, only road trip, which they probably think was some kind of weird dream), so we wouldn’t have to board them. We were supposed to meet some friends from Berkeley, but the lock down had just begun in the Bay Area, and they decided not to go. I wouldn’t say that the town was a ghost town, but it was decidedly weird. When we got back to LA, things just started rapidly deteriorating with all the lunacy from there.

[Update a few minutes later]

Jennifer Sey: “The five-year anniversary of the lockdowns is here, and I’m angry.”

So am I. So should we all be. And Deborah Birx (among many others) has never been held accountable for her (her word) “subterfuge.

[Thursday-morning update]

Lileks remembers.


About The “Rescue” Of The “Stranded” Astronauts

I finally got fed up:

Fantastic Point

I love Simone. Being of Pakistani ancestry, she knows whereof she speaks.

Biting Commentary about Infinity…and Beyond!