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Featured Reports

Generator Output and Capability

The Hourly Generator Energy Output and Capability Report presents the energy output and capability for generating facilities in the IESO-administered energy market with a maximum output capability of 20 MW or more. For variable generation only, forecast values are published instead of capability, as this provides a more accurate view of how much energy these units could be expected to produce.

Full report description

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
05 Aug 06 Aug 07 Aug 08 Aug 09 Aug 10 Aug
11 Aug 12 Aug 13 Aug 14 Aug 15 Aug 16 Aug 17 Aug
18 Aug 19 Aug 20 Aug 21 Aug 22 Aug 23 Aug 24 Aug
25 Aug 26 Aug 27 Aug 28 Aug 29 Aug 30 Aug 31 Aug
01 Sep 02 Sep 03 Sep 04 Sep


Monthly generator output and capability data (updated daily).

Most Recent: csv      Report Range: May 2019-present

Hourly generator output and capability data from 2010 to April 2019.

GOC-2010 GOC-2011 GOC-2012 GOC-2013 GOC-2014 GOC-2015
GOC-2016 GOC-2017 GOC-2018  GOC-2019 (Jan-Apr)    
Hourly Ontario Energy Price (HOEP)

In the IESO-administered market, the Hourly Ontario Energy Price (HOEP) is charged to local distribution companies (LDCs), other non-dispatchable loads and paid to self-scheduling generators. Businesses that use more than 250,000 kWh a year pay the hourly price. The HOEP is also the basis for regulated rates charged to residential and small business customers. The HOEP values are reported as $/MWh.

Full report description

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
05 Aug 06 Aug 07 Aug 08 Aug 09 Aug 10 Aug
11 Aug 12 Aug 13 Aug 14 Aug 15 Aug 16 Aug 17 Aug
18 Aug 19 Aug 20 Aug 21 Aug 22 Aug 23 Aug 24 Aug
25 Aug 26 Aug 27 Aug 28 Aug 29 Aug 30 Aug 31 Aug
01 Sep 02 Sep 03 Sep 04 Sep


This report provides hourly values for:

- Forecasted price for one, two and three hours ahead
- Operating reserve for 10-minute synchronized, 10-minute non-synchronized, and 30 minutes

The hourly operating reserve prices are only available for 2018 forward. Daily operating reserve prices can be found under the Realtime Market Price Report.

Most Recent: csv       Report Range: 2002-present

HOEP Monthly Averages, 2002-Present
The monthly average Hourly Ontario Energy Price (HOEP) since May 2002. The types of HOEP averages include arithmetic, weighted, arithmetic on peak, arithmetic off peak, weighted on peak, and weighted off peak.

HOEP Monthly Averages ¢/kWh
The monthly average Hourly Ontario Energy Price (HOEP) reported in ¢/kWh from May 2002 to 2020. Values for 2021 can be found here.

Intertie Flows

The Intertie Schedule and Flow report shows imports and exports scheduled at each of Ontario's 14 interconnections with neighbouring jurisdictions. The reports also display the actual power flows captured by operational meters, which help identify issues of congestion and loop flow. Hovering over the average hourly flow values will reveal the 5-minute flow data.

Full report description

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
05 Aug 06 Aug 07 Aug 08 Aug 09 Aug 10 Aug
11 Aug 12 Aug 13 Aug 14 Aug 15 Aug 16 Aug 17 Aug
18 Aug 19 Aug 20 Aug 21 Aug 22 Aug 23 Aug 24 Aug
25 Aug 26 Aug 27 Aug 28 Aug 29 Aug 30 Aug 31 Aug
01 Sep 02 Sep 03 Sep 04 Sep


This report provides hourly import and export scheduled transactions and flows of energy between each of Ontario's 14 interconnections.

Most Recent: csv       Report Range: 2018-present

Hourly intertie schedule and flow data from 2010 to 2017. Available in .xlsx download only.

ISF-2010 ISF-2011 ISF-2012 ISF-2013 ISF-2014 ISF-2015
ISF-2016 ISF-2017        

Hourly Import Export Schedule, 2002-2017
Ontario imports and exports for each hour of the day, since May 1, 2002 to the end of last year.

Ontario and Market Demand

This report provides the total energy and operating reserve scheduled, and Ontario demand, as established by the constrained run of the IESO's Dispatch Scheduling and Optimization (DSO) algorithm.

Full report description

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
05 Aug 06 Aug 07 Aug 08 Aug 09 Aug 10 Aug
11 Aug 12 Aug 13 Aug 14 Aug 15 Aug 16 Aug 17 Aug
18 Aug 19 Aug 20 Aug 21 Aug 22 Aug 23 Aug 24 Aug
25 Aug 26 Aug 27 Aug 28 Aug 29 Aug 30 Aug 31 Aug
01 Sep 02 Sep 03 Sep 04 Sep


This report provides Ontario demand and Market demand for each hour of the day.


Most Recent: csv       Report Range: 2002-present

Hourly Ontario and Market Demands, 1994-2002
Ontario demand and market demand for each hour of the day since January 1, 1994 to April 30, 2002. Ontario demand prior to market opening was derived from operational meters and provides the best representation of the hourly load shape in Ontario. Please note that values for Dec 2001 are not available.

SBG Forecast Report

Surplus Baseload Generation (SBG) occurs when electricity production from baseload facilities (such as nuclear, hydro and wind) is greater than Ontario demand. These forecasts consider near-term forecasts for hydro-electric and other baseload generation as well as weather conditions which impact demand. The IESO endeavours to provide as much information in advance so that market participants are aware of potential SBG conditions and can plan their businesses and respond appropriately.

SBG forecasts do not include exports. Forecasted exports is, however, also included to provide an indication of the amount of SBG that may be alleviated through exports.

Full report description

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
15 Aug 16 Aug 17 Aug
18 Aug 19 Aug 20 Aug 21 Aug 22 Aug 23 Aug 24 Aug
25 Aug 26 Aug 27 Aug 28 Aug 29 Aug 30 Aug
01 Sep 02 Sep 03 Sep

Minimum Generation Alerts: When conditions warrant, the IESO will announce a Minimum Generation Alert or Event through an advisory notice and in the SBG Forecasts.

For longer-term forecasts, participants should refer to the current 18-month Outlook which provides an assessment of forecast weekly minimum demands and expected baseload generation for the next year and a half. Participants are advised to refer to the difference between the Weekly Minimum Demand MW and the Baseload Generation MW columns as an indicator of Ontario's exposure to future Surplus Baseload Generation risk.

Variable Generation Forecast

The Variable Generation Forecast Summary reports shows forecasts of solar and wind generation connected to the grid and embedded within distribution systems for the next 48 hours. Currently all grid-connected as well as embedded generation facilities with installed capacity of 5 MW or greater are required to register with the centralized forecasting service. The reports include total provincial forecasts and in areas where there are at least three facilities in operation, zonal forecasts are also included.

Full report description

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
05 Aug 06 Aug 07 Aug 08 Aug 09 Aug 10 Aug
11 Aug 12 Aug 13 Aug 14 Aug 15 Aug 16 Aug 17 Aug
18 Aug 19 Aug 20 Aug 21 Aug 22 Aug 23 Aug 24 Aug
25 Aug 26 Aug 27 Aug 28 Aug 29 Aug 30 Aug 31 Aug
01 Sep 02 Sep 03 Sep 04 Sep


Day-Ahead Constrained Totals Report

This report provides a forecast of expected load, available energy, operating reserve requirements, and losses for each hour of the forecast period, as established by the Day-Ahead Calculation Engine run.


Most Recent: xml          Report Range: 30 days

Hourly Electricity Consumption Data

This report provides hourly Ontario electricity consumption, in kWh, for residential and small general service (<50kW) consumers aggregated by forward sortation area (geographical unit based on the first three characters in a Canadian postal code). See report description.

Learn more about how smart meter data can be used to help organizations understand the ways in which electricity is used to develop programs, policies and initiatives that benefit Ontario ratepayers.

Eligible third parties can access more detailed de-identified smart meter data. Learn more.

Report Range: Monthly

Industry Load by Sector

This report lists load consumption by sector in the IESO-administered markets based on a general application of the North America Industry Classification System (NAICS). 

This report is for general information purposes. Loads are assigned a NAICS category by the IESO based on the general nature of the market participant's business. It does not consider all types of activities at the site or facility. See Report Description.


Report Range: Monthly


2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006

Ontario Zonal Demand Forecast

Lists hourly demand forecast for Ontario’s East and West systems, for today and the next 34 days.


Most Recent: xml          Report Range: 90 days

Predispatch Constrained Totals Report

This report provides a forecast of expected load, available energy, operating reserve requirements, and losses for each hour of the forecast period as established by the Forecast Ontario run of the algorithm.


Most Recent: xml | csv Report Range: 30 days

Predispatch Demand Response Schedules Report

This report provides the predispatch constrained schedules of Ontario’s capacity based demand response – CBDR (formerly known as DR3), resources for all hours of the current and next day.


Most Recent: xml     Report Range: 30 days

Predispatch Market Totals Report

This report provides a forecast of expected load, available energy, operating reserve requirements, and losses for each hour of the forecast period as established by the unconstrained predispatch run of the algorithm.


Most Recent: xml | csv Report Range: 30 days

Realtime Constrained Totals Report (Ontario and Market Demand)

This report provides the total energy and operating reserve scheduled, and Ontario demand, as established by the constrained run of the IESO's Dispatch Scheduling and Optimization (DSO) algorithm.


Most Recent: xml | csv Report Range: 30 days



This report provides Ontario demand and Market demand for each hour of the day.


Most Recent: csv       Report Range:  2002-present 

Hourly Ontario and Market Demands, 1994-2002
Ontario demand and market demand for each hour of the day since January 1, 1994 to April 30, 2002. Ontario demand prior to market opening was derived from operational meters and provides the best representation of the hourly load shape in Ontario. Please note: data for Dec 2001 is not available.

Realtime Market Totals Report

This report provides the total energy and operating reserve scheduled as well as the market demand as established by the unconstrained dispatch run of the algorithm, for each 5 minute interval of the hour.


Most Recent: xml | csv Report Range: 30 days

Transmission Tariff Peak System Demand Final Report

This report provides the sum of system demand for each trading hour in the reporting month, including the peak trading hour. These measurements form the basis for the IESO's determination of the peak system demand and associated transmission network charges.


Most Recent: html Report Range: Monthly report for one year

Transmission Tariff Peak System Demand Preliminary Report

This report provides the preliminary system demand for each trading hour in the reporting month, including the peak trading hour. These measurements form the basis for the IESO's determination of the peak system demand and associated transmission network charges.


Most Recent: html Report Range: Monthly report for one year

Zonal Demands

This report contains hourly zonal demands, derived from operational meters, for the 10 zones in the province. The placement of these meters varies from station to station, and their corresponding readings may, or may not, include station service loads. The hourly zonal demand data provides the best representation of the hourly load shape of the 10 zones in Ontario.


Most Recent: csv       Report Range: 2003-present


Capacity Auction: Post-Auction Report

In support of the capacity auction (CA), the post-auction report provides, for each obligation period and zone, the capacity auction clearing price, the amount of capacity acquired by obligation type, the successful capacity auction participants that received a capacity obligation, their respective total capacity obligations and surplus enrolled capacity. See the full report description.

Most Recent: xml

Capacity Auction: Pre-Auction Report

In support of the capacity auction (CA), the pre-auction report provides existing and future capacity auction participants with the information needed to enrol their auction capacity, and subsequently submit offers for the capacity auction. See the full report description.

Most Recent: xml

Day-Ahead Constrained Totals Report

This report provides a forecast of expected load, available energy, operating reserve requirements, and losses for each hour of the forecast period, as established by the Day-Ahead Calculation Engine run.


Most Recent: xml     Report Range: 30 days

Dispatch Deviation

The Dispatch Deviation report summarizes the number of occurrences where the IESO has deviated significantly from the results of the dispatch algorithm, the action taken and the rationale for doing so.


Most Recent: html Report Range: Monthly report for one year

Generator Output and Capability Report

The Hourly Generator Energy Output and Capability Report presents the energy output and capability for generating facilities in the IESO-administered energy market with a maximum output capability of 20 MW or more. For variable generation only, forecast values are published instead of capability, as this provides a more accurate view of how much energy these units could be expected to produce.


Most Recent: xml    Report Range: 90 days


Monthly generator output and capability data (updated daily).

Most Recent: csv     Report Range: 2019


Hourly Generator output and capability data from 2010 to April 2019. Available in .csv download only.

GOC-2010 GOC-2011 GOC-2012 GOC-2013 GOC-2014 GOC-2015
GOC-2016 GOC-2017 GOC-2018 GOC - 2019 (Jan - Apr)     

Generator Output by Fuel Type Hourly Report

This report provides hourly output levels, grouped by fuel type, for generating facilities in the IESO-administered energy market with a maximum output capability of 20 MW or more.

Most Recent: xml     Report Range: Daily report

Generator Output by Fuel Type Monthly Report

This report provides monthly output levels, grouped by fuel type, for all transmission connected generating facilities, with capacities above and below 20 MW. This report does not include embedded generation.


Most Recent: xml     Report Range: Monthly report

Predispatch Constrained Totals Report

This report provides a forecast of expected load, available energy, operating reserve requirements, and losses for each hour of the forecast period as established by the Forecast Ontario run of the algorithm.


Most Recent: xml | csv Report Range: 30 days

Predispatch Demand Response Schedules Report

This report provides the predispatch constrained schedules of Ontario’s capacity based demand response – CBDR (formerly known as DR3), resources for all hours of the current and next day.


Most Recent: xml     Report Range: 30 days

Predispatch Market Totals Report

This report provides a forecast of expected load, available energy, operating reserve requirements, and losses for each hour of the forecast period as established by the unconstrained predispatch run of the algorithm.


Most Recent: xml | csv Report Range: 30 days

Realtime Constrained Totals Report (Ontario and Market Demand)

This report provides the total energy and operating reserve scheduled, and Ontario demand, as established by the constrained run of the IESO's Dispatch Scheduling and Optimization (DSO) algorithm.


Most Recent: xml | csv Report Range: 30 days



This report provides Ontario demand and Market demand for each hour of the day.


Most Recent: csv       Report Range:  2002-present 

Hourly Ontario and Market Demands, 1994-2002
Ontario demand and market demand for each hour of the day since January 1, 1994 to April 30, 2002. Ontario demand prior to market opening was derived from operational meters and provides the best representation of the hourly load shape in Ontario. Please note: data for Dec 2001 is not available.

Realtime Market Totals Report

This report provides the total energy and operating reserve scheduled as well as the market demand as established by the unconstrained dispatch run of the algorithm, for each 5 minute interval of the hour.


Most Recent: xml | csv Report Range: 30 days

Variable Generation Forecast Summary Report

The Variable Generation Forecast Summary report shows forecasts of solar and wind generation connected to the grid and embedded within distribution systems for the next 48 hours. Currently all grid-connected as well as embedded generation facilities with installed capacity of 5 MW or greater are required to register with the centralized forecasting service. The reports include total provincial forecasts and in areas where there are at least three facilities in operation, zonal forecasts are also included.


Most Recent: xml Report Range: 30 days

Variable Generation Tie Breaking Ranking Report

Tie breaking rankings report is randomly generated and is used to help the IESO determine how to dispatch variable generators who have offered at the same price.


Most Recent: xml Report Range: Monthly report for one year


Day-Ahead Shadow Prices Report

This report contains forecast Shadow Prices (energy and operating reserve) at selected nodes within Ontario.

Please see the help file in the XML reports for a note on the potential occurrence of erroneous shadow prices at certain area reserve nodes.


Most Recent: xml Report Range: 30 days

Global Adjustment Report

This report provides the 1st estimate, 2nd estimate and actual Global Adjustment (GA) rates for Class B consumers in Ontario for a given month. The first version of the report will include the 1st GA rate estimate for the month; the next version will include the 2nd GA dollars and rate for the month; followed by the third version of the report, adding the Actual GA dollars and rate for the month.


Most Recent: xml Report Range: Monthly report for one year


Available in .csv download only

GA ¢/kWh
Global adjustment 1st, 2nd, and actual rates reported in ¢/kWh
from January 2011 to December 2023.

GA $/MWh

Global adjustment 1st, 2nd and actual rates reported in $/MWh from January 2015 to December 2023.

GA by components
Monthly global adjustment components, broken down by fuel type and programs from January 2015 to the present.

GA components plus costs and consumption by customer class
For the period January 2015 to December 2023

GA archive files
GA data is available since its inception in January 2005. Prior to January 1, 2011 the Global Adjustment was called Provincial Benefit.


Global Adjustment Values - 2005-2014

Estimated Global Adjustment - Effective January 1, 2011

Posted Estimated Global Adjustment ($/MWh) for 2005-2010

Fixed Global Adjustment ($/MWh) for Distributor Billing for 2005-2010


Hourly Ontario Energy Price (HOEP)

In the IESO-administered market, the Hourly Ontario Energy Price (HOEP) is charged to local distribution companies (LDCs), other non-dispatchable loads and paid to self-scheduling generators. Businesses that use more than 250,000 kWh a year pay the hourly price. The HOEP is also the basis for regulated rates charged to residential and small business customers. The HOEP values are reported as $/MWh.

Most Recent: xml | csv Report Range: 90 days


This report provides hourly values for:

- Forecasted price for one, two and three hours ahead
- Operating reserve for 10-minute synchronized, 10-minute non-synchronized, and 30 minutes

The hourly operating reserve prices are only available for 2018 forward. Daily operating reserve prices can be found under the Realtime Market Price Report.

Most Recent: csv       Report Range: 2002-present

HOEP Monthly Averages, 2002-Present
The monthly average Hourly Ontario Energy Price (HOEP) since May 2002. The types of HOEP averages include arithmetic, weighted, arithmetic on peak, arithmetic off peak, weighted on peak, and weighted off peak.

HOEP Monthly Averages ¢/kWh
The monthly average Hourly Ontario Energy Price (HOEP) reported in ¢/kWh from May 2002 to 2020. The values for 2021 can be found here.

Hourly and Monthly Charges

This report provides insight into a subset of hourly and monthly IESO-administered market charges that transpired during a month and is considered to be final status data. For more information, see Report Description.

Report Range: Monthly

Hourly Uplift and Intertie Offer Guarantee Estimates Report

This report provides an estimate of the hourly uplift charge, including Intertie Offer Guarantee charge, that will appear on their settlement statements. The hourly uplift charge is used to pay for Operative Reserve, congestion managements settlement credits, intertie offer guarantee payments, and energy losses on the IESO controlled grid.


Most Recent: xml Report Range: 30 days


Available in .csv download only

Intertie Offer Guarantee Charges, year-to-date
The hourly intertie offer guarantee charge, final or preliminary.

Intertie Offer Guarantee Charges, 2002-2022
The final hourly intertie offer guarantee charge since May 1, 2002.

Hourly Uplift Charges, year-to-date
The hourly uplift charge per megawatt hour, final or preliminary since the beginning of the year. The uplift charge is used to pay for such items as Operating Reserve, any Congestion Management Settlement Credits owed to dispatchable resources, Intertie Offer Guarantee payments and other incurred hourly costs such as energy losses on the IESO-controlled grid.

Hourly Uplift Charges, 2002-2022
The final hourly uplift charge per megawatt hour, since May 1, 2002 until the end of last year. The uplift charge is used to pay for such items as Operating Reserve, any Congestion Management Settlement Credits owed to dispatchable resources, Intertie Offer Guarantee payments and other incurred hourly costs such as energy losses on the IESO-controlled grid.

Daily Uplift, 2011-present
The daily uplift charge per megawatt hour, final or preliminary since October 13, 2011. The daily uplift charge per megawatt hour, final or preliminary since October 13, 2011. The daily uplift charge is based on charges incurred to commit generators to day-ahead schedules.

Monthly Uplift, year-to-date
The monthly uplift charge per megawatt hour, final or preliminary since the beginning of the year. The uplift charge is used to pay for items such as Black Start Capability, Voltage Support, and Regulation Service.

Monthly Uplift, 2002-2022
The monthly uplift charge  per megawatt hour, final or preliminary since May 2002. The uplift charge is used to pay for items such as Black Start Capability, Voltage Support, and Regulation Service. 

Net Interchange Scheduling Limit Shadow Prices Report

This report provides participants with consolidated information regarding the components that impact Locational Marginal Price (LMP) calculation. The NISL shadow price is provided for the constrained and unconstrained schedule and is common for all intertie zones. A non-zero value indicates that NISL is binding (limiting) for the future hour(s); a positive value indicates binding of net imports while a negative value indicates binding of net exports. The report also provides the Intertie Congestion Price (ICP) for each intertie zone; a positive ICP value indicates export congestion on the intertie zone, while a negative value indicates import congestion.


Most Recent: xml Report Range: 30 days

Nodal Prices

This report contains hourly nodal prices for Ontario's 10 zones.


Most Recent: csv       Report Range: 2002-present

Predispatch Market Price Report

This report provides market clearing prices (MCP), energy and operating reserves for all zones for each hour of the forecast period.


Most Recent: xml | csv Report Range: 30 days


This report provides hourly values for:

- Forecasted price for one, two and three hours ahead
- Operating reserve for 10-minute synchronized, 10-minute non-synchronized, and 30 minutes

The hourly operating reserve prices are only available for 2018 forward. Daily operating reserve prices can be found under the Realtime Market Price Report.

Most Recent: csv       Report Range: 2002-present

Predispatch Shadow Prices Report

This report contains forecast Shadow Prices (energy and operating reserve) at selected nodes within Ontario.

Please see the help file in the XML reports for a note on the potential occurrence of erroneous shadow prices at certain area reserve nodes.


Most Recent: xml | csv Report Range: 30 days

Realtime Market Disaggregated Price

This report provides each 5-minute price disaggregated for both energy and operating reserve for all zones for each preceding hour of the day.


Most Recent: csv Report Range: 30 days

Realtime Market Price Report

This report provides the Market Clearing Price (MCP) for energy and operating reserve, for all zones.


Most Recent: xml | csv Report Range: 30 days


This report provides a yearly snapshot of MCP for energy and operating reserve, for all zones, from 2010 and a year-to-date report for the current year.

Most Recent: csv       Report Range: 2010-present

Daily Operating Reserve Prices, 2002-2017
Daily operating reserve prices for 10-minute synchronized, 10-minute non-synchronized, and 30 minutes, since May 1, 2002 - 2017.

Realtime Shadow Prices

This report contains dispatch Shadow Prices (energy and operating reserve) at selected nodes within Ontario, for each 5-minute interval of the hour.

Please see the help file in the XML reports for a note on the potential occurrence of erroneous shadow prices at certain area reserve nodes.


Most Recent: xml | csv Report Range: 30 Days

System Adequacy

Adequacy Report

Provides Ontario's hourly electricity requirements for today, as well as the next 34 days.


Most Recent: xml Report Range: 90 days

Day-Ahead Security Constraints Report

This report provides a list of binding security constraints for the DACE run, for each hour of the day.


Most Recent: xml Report Range: 30 days

Dispatch Security Constraints

This report provides a list of binding security constraints for the dispatch run of the algorithm, for each 5-minute interval of the hour.


Most Recent: xml | csv Report Range: 30 days

Predispatch Security Constraints

This report provides a list of binding security constraints for the predispatch run of the DSO algorithm.


Most Recent: xml | csv Report Range: 90 days

Operating Reserve

Day-Ahead Operating Reserve Shortfall Report

This report provides operating reserve required, scheduled, and resulting shortfalls in each hour of the next day, by dispatch area.


Most Recent: xml Report Range: 30 Days

Day-Ahead Area Reserve Constraints Report

This report contains the internal minimum and maximum operating reserve constraints provided by the DACE run, for each hour of the day, by dispatch area.


Most Recent: xml Report Range: 30 days

Dispatch Area Operating Reserve Shortfalls

This report provides operating reserve requirements, scheduled, and resulting shortfalls, in 5-minute intervals, for the previous dispatch hour for each dispatch area.


Most Recent: xml | csv Report Range: 30 days

Dispatch Area Operating Reserve: Total Scheduled and Total Energy Called

This report provides both the operating reserve that was scheduled and actually called on for the previous dispatch hour, by dispatch area.


Most Recent: xml | csv Report Range: 30 days

Hourly Predispatch Area Reserve Constraints

This report contains the internal operating reserve constraints produced by the predispatch constrained run of the algorithm, for each hour of the day.


Most Recent: xml | csv Report Range: 30 days

Predispatch Area Operating Reserve Shortfalls

This report provides operating reserve requirements, scheduled, and resulting shortfalls in each hour for a pre-dispatch day, by dispatch area.


Most Recent: xml | csv Report Range: 90 days

Realtime Area Reserve Constraints

This report contains the internal operating reserve constraints produced by the real time constrained run of the algorithm, for each 5-minute interval of the hour.


Most Recent: xml | csv Report Range: 30 days

Realtime Constrained Operating Reserve in Market

This report contains dispatch schedules for operating reserve in the market for each 5-minute interval of a particular hour.


Most Recent: csv Report Range: 30 days

Realtime Market Operating Reserve in Market

This report contains the operating reserve market schedule for each 5-minute interval of a particular hour for operating reserve in the market.


Most Recent: csv Report Range: 30 days

Realtime Operating Reserve in Market

This report contains the operating reserve schedules for each 5-minute interval of a particular hour for control action operating reserve in the market.


Most Recent: xml Report Range: 30 days


All Transmission Outages Occurring Today

This report contains all transmission outages occurring for the current day.


Most Recent: xml     Report Range: Daily report

Day-Ahead Intertie Scheduling Limits Report

This report provides the intertie scheduling limits used as inputs to the Day-Ahead Calculation Engine.


Most Recent: xml Report Range: 30 Days

Forecast of Transmission Transfer Capability for LT TRA

This report provides a forecast of the transmission transfer capability used to determine the number of transmission rights that will be offered and the maximum number of transmission rights that may be available for the long term auction.


Most Recent: xml Report Range: Based on LT TRA schedule

Forecast of Transmission Transfer Capability for ST TRA

This report provides a forecast of the transmission transfer capability used to determine the number of transmission rights that will be offered and the maximum number of transmission rights that may be available for the short term auction.


Most Recent: xml     Report Range: Based on ST TRA schedule

Hourly Predispatch Interties Scheduling Limits

This report contains the intertie scheduling limits (both into and from Ontario) for each intertie zone used as inputs to the unconstrained run of the predispatch algorithm.


Most Recent: xml | csv Report Range: 30 days

Intertie Schedule and Flow Report

The Intertie Schedule and Flow report shows imports and exports scheduled at each of Ontario's 14 interconnections with neighbouring jurisdictions. The reports also display the actual power flows captured by operational meters, which help identify issues of congestion and loop flow. Hovering over the average hourly flow values will reveal the five minute flow data.


Most Recent: xml Report Range: 90 days


This report provides hourly import and export scheduled transactions and flows of energy between each of Ontario's 14 interconnections.

Most Recent: csv       Report Range: 2018-present

Hourly intertie schedule and flow data from 2010 to 2017. Available in .xlsx download only.

ISF-2010 ISF-2011 ISF-2012 ISF-2013 ISF-2014 ISF-2015
ISF-2016 ISF-2017

Hourly Import Export Schedule, 2002-2017
Ontario imports and exports for each hour of the day, since May 1, 2002 to the end of last year.

Loss Penalty Factors

This report contains the current and historical loss penalty factors. The loss penalty factors are used to account for the incremental change in system losses as a result of the change in resource output.

View historical report

Monthly Historical Interface Flows, Schedules, and Transmission Transfer Capability

This report provides the actual hourly average schedules and flows as a result of scheduled and off market transactions between Ontario and an intertie zone. The report also provides the total transfer capability that was used for determining the maximum import/export market schedules between Ontario and an intertie zone from the last run of the predispatch constrained schedule.


Most Recent: xml Report Range: Monthly report for one year

This report contains future planned transmission outages for the next 30 days.


Most Recent: xml     Report Range: Daily report

This report contains future planned transmission outages for the next 2 to 3 months.


Most Recent: xml     Report Range: Daily report

This report contains future planned transmission outages for the next 4 to 6 months.


Most Recent: xml     Report Range: Daily report

This report contains future planned transmission outages for the next 7 to 24 months.


Most Recent: xml     Report Range: Daily report

Price Bias Adjustment Factors

The intertie failure charge calculation includes the difference between the pre-dispatch and real-time Ontario price during the hour of the failure. This difference is adjusted by a price bias adjustment factor, which compensates for the different methods used to calculate the pre-dispatch and real-time Ontario prices. These price bias adjustment factors are to be used in the settlement charge calculation for the real-time import and export failure charge, as well as the day-ahead linked wheel failure charge.


View historical report

Realtime Intertie Scheduling Limits

This report contains the intertie scheduling limits between Ontario and neighbouring control areas produced by the real time unconstrained run of the algorithm, for each 5-minute interval of the hour.


Most Recent: xml | csv Report Range: 30 days

TRA Hourly Zonal Price Report

This report provides the hourly zonal prices for Ontario and each intertie zone determined by the last projected market price (the zonal price from the last run of the forecast market schedule) for energy.


Most Recent: xml Report Range: Monthly report for one year

TRA Post Auction MCP LT Report Round 1

This post auction sales and price report provides the overall auction results after the 1st TR auction round has been completed. The report identifies the total number of transmission rights awarded and the associated TR market clearing price for a particular path in a TR auction round.


Most Recent: xml Report Range: Based on LT TRA schedule

TRA Post Auction MCP LT Report Round 2

This post auction sales and price report provides the overall auction results after the 2nd TR auction round has been completed. The report identifies the total number of transmission rights awarded and the associated TR market clearing price for a particular path.


Most Recent: xml Report Range: Based on LT TRA schedule

TRA Post Auction MCP ST Report

This post auction sales and price report provides the overall auction results after the TR auction round has been completed. The report identifies the total number of transmission rights awarded and the associated TR market clearing price for a particular path in a TR auction round.


Most Recent: xml Report Range: Based on ST TRA schedule

TRA Pre Auction MCP LT Report

This report provides notice of the TR market clearing prices for long term TR auction rounds held in the previous 18 months.


Most Recent: xml Report Range: Based on LT TRA schedule

TRA Pre Auction MCP ST Report

This report provides notice of the TR market clearing prices for short term TR auction rounds held in the previous 18 months.


Most Recent: xml Report Range: Based on ST TRA schedule

Transmission Facility All in Service Limits

Lists base transmission interface limits for internal and intertie facilities, and considers all in-service conditions.


Most Recent: xml Report Range: 90 days

Transmission Facility Outage Limits Report (Day 0 to 2)

Lists reduced transmission limits for internal and intertie facilities as a result of outages occurring today and up to two days out.


Most Recent: xml Report Range: 90 days

Transmission Facility Outage Limits Report (Days 3 to 34)

Lists reduced transmission limits for internal and intertie facilities as a result of outages scheduled for three to 34 days out.


Most Recent: xml Report Range: 90 days