After 15 incredible years, Feministing is shutting down. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you to the readers who joined us for this journey.
What Backlash Against “Political Correctness” is Really About
The last few weeks have seen Virginia racked by government scandals, including Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam and Attorney General Mark Herring’s histories with blackface, and allegations of sexual assault against Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax. Democratic Party leadership has since swiftly called for the resignations of Northam and Fairfax — demands that some on both sides of the aisle have ignorantly all but chalked up to excessive “political correctness.”
The last few weeks have seen Virginia racked by government scandals, including Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam and Attorney General Mark Herring’s histories with blackface, and allegations of sexual assault against Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax. Democratic ...
Abortion Access Improves Children’s Lives
Last month marked the 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court decision that affirmed the constitutional right to safe, legal abortion. Almost fifty years later, despite near constant attacks on abortion access, and a largely anti-reproductive health SCOTUS and White House, Americans still overwhelmingly support the decision and an individual’s right to make their own choices about their reproductive futures.
Last month marked the 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the landmark Supreme Court decision that affirmed the constitutional right to safe, legal abortion. Almost fifty years later, despite near constant ...
I Asked the Department of Education to Fight for Black Girls. They Ignored Me.
Walking down the hallway at school, an administrator stopped me in my tracks. I felt her eyes glare from the top of my head, past my torso and down my legs. She told me that my shorts were too short and that she didn’t want to see me wearing them ever again. I felt embarrassed and shaken, and for the rest of the day, I wondered if her impression of me had changed simply because of the shorts I was wearing.
Walking down the hallway at school, an administrator stopped me in my tracks. I felt her eyes glare from the top of my head, past my torso and down my legs. She told me that my shorts ...
The human rights of marginalized groups are more than just “identity politics”
Last month, Senator Bernie Sanders spoke in a notably all-white panel at a Sanders Institute conference, and reiterated a frequent talking point of his, as well as many in his sect of often white, male progressive thinkers who reject what they call “identity politics” and “social issues.”
Last month, Senator Bernie Sanders spoke in a notably all-white panel at a Sanders Institute conference, and reiterated a frequent talking point of his, as well as many in his ...
Why Should Feminists Be Against the Sex Offender Registry?
In October, the Supreme Court heard a case that was painfully ironic, considering the Kavanaugh hearings the nation had just been subjected to: a challenge to the United States’ extremely restrictive sex offender registry laws.
In October, the Supreme Court heard a case that was painfully ironic, considering the Kavanaugh hearings the nation had just been subjected to: a challenge to the United States’ extremely ...
Ohio isn’t an anomaly—the anti-choice movement is about punishment
Earlier this month, the Ohio state House passed a bill that would ban abortion with virtually zero exceptions when the fetus develops a heartbeat at about six weeks, which is before many women realize they’re pregnant. And as of last week, Ohio’s state House is considering another bill, HB 565, which would confer personhood upon fetuses and criminalize abortion.
Earlier this month, the Ohio state House passed a bill that would ban abortion with virtually zero exceptions when the fetus develops a heartbeat at about six weeks, which is ...
Proposed Title IX Changes Favor Accused Rapists and Harm Survivors
Last week, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos released long-awaited proposed Title IX policy changes. The policy proposals came after more than a year of promises to strengthen the rights of students accused of sexual violence on college campuses, and DeVos certainly did not disappoint the Trump administration’s growing base of rape apologists.
Last week, Education Secretary Betsy DeVos released long-awaited proposed Title IX policy changes. The policy proposals came after more than a year of promises to strengthen the rights of students ...
How the Senate’s Structure Upholds White Male Dominance
In last week’s midterm elections, Democratic and progressive political candidates flipped red House districts, key state legislative bodies, governors’ offices, and even Senate seats in Nevada and Arizona. We’ve elected one of the most diverse Congressional classes in history, with historic numbers of women and LGBTQ representatives, including the first Muslim and Native American women representatives.
In last week’s midterm elections, Democratic and progressive political candidates flipped red House districts, key state legislative bodies, governors’ offices, and even Senate seats in Nevada and Arizona. We’ve elected one of the most diverse ...