Sunday, 09-Feb-25 21:02
Miltä hyvä näyttää?

Kävin pelaamassa tennistä ja törmäsin tuttuun. Mainitsin sitten että tuli nuorena pelattua enemmänkin, mutta niistä ajoista on kymmeniä vuosia jo, mutta yllättävän helpolta on pelaaminen tuntunut näinkin pitkän tauon jälkeen.

Lihasmuisti diipa daapa joo, mutta aloin miettiä, että onko tässä ehkä enemmän kyse siitä, että vielä muistaa, miltä hyvä näyttää ja miltä se tuntuu?

Mutta - Linkedin-hengessä - tätä ajatusta voi soveltaa moneen muuhunkin, kuten yritysmaailmaan. Kun menet ensimmäiseen työpaikkaasi, sinulla ei luultavasti ole käsitystä siitä, miltä hyvä näyttää. Millainen on hyvä työpaikka? Millaiset ovat hyviä käytäntöjä? Millainen tiimirakenne on hyvä? Sitä vaan roiskii menemään muiden seassa, joista kukaan muukaan ei ehkä tiedä, miltä hyvä näyttää. Silloin kaikki keksivät pyörää vain uudestaan ja uudestaan. Etenkin startupeissa löytyy kaikenlaista sekoilua ihan siksi, että nuoret puuhastelevat keskenään ja cargokulttaavat menestyneitä teknologiajättejä oikeastaan ymmärtämättä, miksi.

Mutta sellaiset, jotka päätyvät jo heti nuorena työpaikkaan, jossa on panostettu hyviin asioihin (mitä ne nyt sitten ovatkaan kullakin ammattialalla), niin kaikissa seuraavissa työpaikoissa on helpompi paimentaa asioita parempaan.

(Ja en siis tarkoita, että jotain tekniikoita tai menetelmiä pitäisi kopioida, koska ne eivät välttämättä siirry yritysten välillä. Tarkoitan ennemminkin sitä epämääräistä fiilistä, kun hommat hoituu, arki rullaa, ihmiset on kivoja, asioita saadaan aikaan ja tuntuu siltä, että tekee jotain merkityksellistä ja oikein, tiedättehän?)

Ihmissuhteissa sama juttu: jos sinua on koskaan kunnioitettu, rakastettu, annettu tilaa ja oltu kumppanina ylä- ja alamäissä, niin osaat myös vaatia näitä tulevilta suhteilta.

Kokemus suojaa huonoilta valinnoilta, etkä voi parantaa asioita, jos et tiedä mitä parempi tarkoittaa.

Siksi olisi itse asiassa hirveän tärkeää, että yritykset, joissa hommat toimii, ottaisivat sisään nuorempia ja päästäisivät heitä myös pois sopivan ajan jälkeen. Ihan näin kansallisis-kilpailullisistakin syistä, kun ei meillä hirveästi ole varaa huonoihin yrityksiin, jotka hukkaavat ihmisten lahjakkuutta kaikenlaiseen turhaan vitutukseen.

Tuesday, 17-Dec-24 12:25
AIs as my best programming buddy

(Posted this on Bluesky, so the story is a bit jagged, as it was originally composed into 9 separate posts.)

I've been using AIs as a programming aide as I am delving into a slightly unfamiliar environment, and I'm realizing I'm not getting as deep of an understanding of the underlying system as before.

I've seen people lament this. "AI creates bad code and programmers don't know how to program anymore."

I don't think it's a bad thing necessarily. We've seen this before when we moved from assembly and low-level languages to higher level languages.

I remember people lamenting how programmers no longer understand CPUs and how they treat CPU and memory like infinite resources. And how owning your own hardware is much better price/performance ratio than going cloud.

Yes. We (engineers) exchanged performance for development speed. We evolved the software engineering discipline to deal with the situation. Most of us now think in components and microservices instead of L2 caches.

Some people still live close to hardware and understand how it works. But it's a specialty now, unlike in the 80s.

So now I have a feeling we're doing the same kind of a jump: We're dumping performance again for efficiency.

Now, compilers for high-level languages like Rust (or even Java) have pretty much caught up with the modern processor architectures and they're not actually that terribly far off from hand-optimized code.

So I think this is going to happen with AIs as well.

Possibly it's going to need more than LLMs, but right now LLMs are like compilers that turn your intention into maybe okay code. We are still badly lacking in the necessary engineering disciplines to deal with all this I think, starting from reproducibility, QA, ops, or even version control.

But I think we can sort of see the light at the end of the tunnel. Power requirements for individual models are going down, and specialized hardware is being born. Millions of engineers are thinking about these things every single day, as opposed to thousands of data scientists two years ago.

Engineers are a powerful, fairly unstoppable force that tends to flow through any crack if it sees a treat on the other side of the wall.

With AI, we see the treat. We just need to see the threats too.

Sunday, 01-Sep-24 10:32
Reading like it's 1999

As a teenager, I was a voracious reader. And this continued actually for a pretty long time, but it became more difficult over time. Many have complained about the same thing, and I see a lot of answers: social media, streaming, kids, work, other pressures of daily life... Sure. They all contribute. And I've been saying the same things about my own reading. But I wanted to see if they actually were true for me. So as my summer holiday started this year, I just decided to read as many books as I could and see, if I still can and want to.

I know a lot of people prefer audio books these days, but for me they just don't work. My brain is wired so that I quite often pause to wonder about a passage, or it triggers some memory, or I start daydreaming, or I make notes about it for a role playing campaign. With a book, all I have to do is to lift my eyes from the page, and when my thought is complete, I can just lower my eyes and continue reading from where I left off. Not so with audio books. With audio books, I just lose the passage, the narrative and everything, and while I sort of complete the act of reading/listening to the book, I find that I have missed half of it and have only a generic idea as to what happened in the book.

Having said that, I did listen to one audio book during the summer, which was a pretty cool experience. I went on a walk, then I borrowed the book from the library on my phone, listened to it, and then returned it before I got home. (Edith Södergran's poetry. Poetry is always hard to listen to, since so much depends on the delivery. This was a good audiobook though.)

Aaanyway. During July and August, I was able to read 17 books, ranging from poetry and high fantasy to military fiction and business literature. During holiday, reading was a bit faster, but even after returning to work I was able to read pretty much all I wanted. I started off light, borrowing just one book from the library, and now I am in a state where I have five books checked out from the library and I'm pretty confident I can finish them all within the month. (Yes, one is missing from the pic.)

What I found out was that the reason I had not been able to read as much before as I wanted to was... lack of practice. My skills of reading had simply rusted due to low usage. I started off easy, reading pageturner, not-much-thinking-required books in my native language, just to see when and where I can read. So instead of doomscrolling, I read during breakfast. I read a quarter of an hour here and there. I made the book easily available. I read before bedtime. And my skills returned. I got into more complicated books (Harry Martinson's Aniara especially was quite emotionally heavy) as reading again became effortless like it was during my youth.

This experiment has made me a lot happier and relaxed than before. I've missed reading and books so much.

So I suppose here's a lesson: If you want to read more, give it a try? It might be just rust, and you might not know it until you try. Worked for me; might work for you.

Saturday, 27-Apr-24 13:12
Deep into DevOps

On a colleague's recommendation, I ended up grabbing The Phoenix Project from my local library. Which has, pretty much since COVID, become my happy place. Not that it wasn't before, but the biggest thing I found myself missing during lockdowns was that I couldn't go to the library. Everything else I could cope with, but not being to access a library at my whim felt really, really bad. So I now make a point to visit it regularly.

Anyhoo, this was a weird book. It is a hero tale of an IT manager, who suddenly gets promoted to a VP of IT operations and is suddenly responsible for saving a multi-billion company from serious trouble and his entire IT team from being outsourced. And naturally, he accomplishes this with the help of a mysterious stranger who brings in his sensei-like wisdom about DevOps, and a few people who are eager to grasp onto these pearls of wisdom escaping his lips.

As a book, it's shit. Characters are uninteresting, plot is thinner than the paper the book was printed on, and I could not help but facepalm occasionally. There are three kinds of people in this book: Smart and Wrong, Stupid and Wrong, and Smart and Right. Of course the people who are Smart and Wrong become people who are Smart and Right, because of DevOps wisdom sprinkled by the protagonist and his sensei. And people who are Stupid and Wrong are the main antagonists here, and they of course lose. Because the hero story, right?

But as an illustrated case study for DevOps principles, it is brilliant. Basically this is a list of all different issues your company might be having, ranging from too much work-in-progress to managing unplanned work to managing conflicting business priorities and whatnot. It's easy to put yourself in the shoes of the protagonist, and just execute smart plans using solid principles to solve each problem as they come along. In that sense, it's not that different from a lot of hero epics, such as The Martian by Andy Weir (which, unlike this, is actually a good book that I recommend).

This book is an interesting approach. It has certain, well, aynrandistic preachiness in it, but still a free-flowing fiction might be in some cases a good way to make your reader to think about the ideas you have. So if you read it as a marketing text on DevOps, it's pretty good. It's easy and fast to read, doesn't really slow down anywhere, and comes with a useful appendix of an excerpt of the business book they really want you to buy after this one.

Just don't expect a great narrative, well-rounded characters, or actually, well, caring about any of them.

Sunday, 14-Apr-24 12:15
Sunday morning wakeup

Just a bit of ye goode olde haircut blogging, just because I feel like it today. I mean, I could write this up also in Facebook, but I'm getting a bit tired of it, really.

But hey, so I wake up this glorious Monday morning, wondering why my alarm clock didn't go off? But hey, I am only a few minutes late, and I have plenty of time in the mornings usually. I like my morning routines, waking up slowly, reading the news, etc.

So the news isn't obviously good (because it seems that there are two nuclear-capable nations just lobbing missiles at each other), so I get distracted a bit. As I am slowly moving towards leaving for work, I check my bank app. It's payday, so I sortakinda want to just see the numbers, as it's also "pay my monthly house loan dues" -day.

Nothing. No money in, no money out.


Slowly it dawns on me. Is it... Sunday? Could it be?

Oh darn. It is Sunday. But hey, that's good right! I'm already up early and ready to go!

(A few hours later I've squandered most of the morning by debugging some spam filter issues and ugprading things left and right...)

Although... Why didn't I notice it's Sunday? Probably because in the digital world, Sunday is pretty much the same as all other days. No more Sunday issues of newspapers - they all look the same in the app. No morning TV - Youtube and Netflix have the same stuff every day. No morning radio - it's all just Spotify. So it's a bit weird to realize that one thing that this hyperpersonalized age and information work completely deletes is the gut feeling for passage of time. In a way, it is a return to earlier times, when seasons where the defining factor in people's lives. Industrial age was very much about dividing labour into hours and weeks and months over seasons and years, but information work does not care. We expect to have our services available when we want them, not 9-16 on weekdays. Information workers are not only allowed, but sometimes encouraged to ignore "regular hours". And the further we drift from the industrial age, a day, week or month is pretty much the same as any other. Seasons we notice, years we feel passing.

I take no value judgement on whether this is good or not. But the change is likely not to halt here.

Private comments? Drop me an email. Or complain in a nearby pub - that'll help.

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