ALGO 2015
14 -18 September, Patras, Greece

Welcome to ALGO 2015

ALGO is an annual congress combining the premier algorithmic conference European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) and a number of other specialized conferences and workshops, all related to algorithms and their applications, making ALGO the major European event for researchers, students and practitioners in algorithms.

ALGO 2015 (the 15th in the ALGO series) took place from 14th till 18th September 2015 in Patras, Greece. The congress was hosted by the University of Patras and its Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics, and was organized in cooperation with the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS).

Participating Conferences

ALGO 2015 Plenary and Special Event Keynote Speakers Ralf Borndoerfer
Zuse-Institute Berlin, DE
Hypergraphs in Traffic Optimization Burkhard Monien
University of Paderborn, DE
The Complexity of Equilibria for Risk-Modeling Valuations Shlomi Dolev
Ben-Gurion University, IL
Communication-less Secure-Multiparty-Computation Rasmus Pagh
IT University of Copenhagen, DK
Correlated Locality-Sensitive Hashing Thomas Kesselheim
Max Planck Institute for Informatics, DE
Online Packing Beyond the Worst Case Paul Spirakis
Univ. of Liverpool, UK; CTI & Univ. of Patras, GR
On the Discrete Dynamics of Probabilistic (Finite) Population Protocols Jochen Koenemann
University of Waterloo, CA
Recent News for an Old Steiner Tree Formulation Dimitrios Thilikos
University of Athens, GR & CNRS, LIRMM, FR
Bidimensionality and Parameterized Algorithms Kurt Mehlhorn
Max Planck Institute for Informatics, DE
Computing Equilibrium Prices in Linear Arrow-Debreu Markets Virginia Vassilevska Williams
Stanford University, USA
The Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis and Hardness for Easy Problems


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