[ oh-puhn ]
- not closed or barred at the time, as a doorway by a door, a window by a sash, or a gateway by a gate:
to leave the windows open at night.
- (of a door, gate, window sash, or the like) set so as to permit passage through the opening it can be used to close.
- having no means of closing or barring:
an open portico.
- having the interior immediately accessible, as a box with the lid raised or a drawer that is pulled out.
- relatively free of obstructions to sight, movement, or internal arrangement:
an open floor plan.
- constructed so as to be without cover or enclosure on the top or on some or all sides:
an open boat.
- having relatively large or numerous spaces, voids, or intervals:
an open architectural screen; open ranks of soldiers.
- perforated or porous:
an open texture.
- relatively unoccupied by buildings, fences, trees, etc.:
open country.
- not covered or closed; with certain parts apart:
open eyes; open mouth.
- without a covering, especially a protective covering; unprotected; unenclosed; exposed:
an open wound; open electrical wires.
- extended or unfolded:
an open newspaper.
- without restrictions as to who may participate:
an open competition; an open session.
- accessible or available to follow:
the only course still open to us.
- not taken or filled; not preempted; available; vacant:
Which job is open?
- ready for or carrying on normal trade or business:
The new store is now open. The office is open on Saturdays.
- not engaged or committed:
Have you any open time on Monday?
- accessible, as to appeals, ideas, or offers:
to be open to suggestion.
- exposed to general view or knowledge; existing, carried on, etc., without concealment:
open disregard of the rules.
- acting publicly or without concealment, as a person.
- unreserved, candid, or frank, as persons or their speech, aspect, etc.:
an open manner.
- generous, liberal, or bounteous:
to give with an open hand.
- liable or subject:
open to question; open to retaliation.
- undecided; unsettled:
several open questions.
- without effective or enforced legal, commercial, or moral regulations:
an open town.
- unguarded by an opponent:
an open wide receiver.
- noting the part of the sea beyond headlands or enclosing areas of land:
to sail on the open seas.
- free of ice, as a body of water or a seaport.
- free of navigational hazards:
an open coast.
- (of a seaport) available for foreign trade; not closed by government regulations or by considerations of health.
- (of a microphone) in operation; live.
- (of a delimiting punctuation mark) occurring at the beginning of a group of words or characters that is set off, as from surrounding text: Compare close ( def 47 ).
open parenthesis; open quotes.
- not yet balanced or adjusted, as an account.
- not constipated, as the bowels.
- Phonetics.
- Linguistics. (of a class of items) readily admitting new members, as the class of nouns, verbs, or adjectives ( closed ).
- Printing.
- (of type) in outline form.
- widely spaced or leaded, as printed matter.
- Music.
- (of an organ pipe) not closed at the far end.
- (of a string) not stopped by a finger.
- (of a note) produced by such a pipe or string or, on a wind instrument, without the aid of a slide, key, etc.
- Mathematics.
- (of an interval) containing neither endpoint.
- (of a set) consisting of points having neighborhoods wholly contained in the set, as the set of points within a circle.
- (of a map from one topological space to another) having the property that the image of an open set is an open set.
- free from frost; mild or moderate:
an open winter.
- Animal Husbandry. (of a female animal) not pregnant.
- Textiles. (of a fabric or weave) so loosely woven that spaces are visible between warp and filling yarns.
verb (used with object)
- to move (a door, window sash, etc.) from a shut or closed position so as to admit of passage.
- to render (a doorway, gateway, window, etc.) unobstructed by moving a door, window sash, etc., away from it.
- to render the interior of (a box, drawer, etc.) readily accessible.
- to clear (a passage, channel, etc.) of obstructions.
- to clear (areas or passages in the body).
- to give access to; make accessible or available, as for use:
to open a port for trade.
- to establish for business purposes or for public use:
to open an office.
- to set in action, begin, start, or commence (sometimes followed by up ):
to open a campaign.
- to uncover, lay bare, or expose to view.
- to expand, unfold, or spread out:
to open a map.
- to make less compact, less closely spaced, or the like:
to open ranks.
- to disclose, reveal, or divulge.
- to render accessible to knowledge, enlightenment, sympathy, etc.:
to open one's mind.
- to cut, blast, or break into:
to open a safe with nitro.
- to make or produce (an opening) by cutting or breaking, or by pushing aside or removing obstructions:
to open a way through a crowd.
- to make an incision or opening in:
to open a boil.
- Law.
- to recall or revoke (a judgment, decree, etc.) for the purpose of allowing further contest or delay.
- to make the first statement of (a case) to the court or jury.
- Cards. to begin a hand by making (the first bid), placing (the first bet), or playing (a given card or suit) as the lead.
- Nautical. to sail (a course) so that the apparent location of a distant fixed object changes with relation to a nearer fixed object (sometimes followed by out ).
verb (used without object)
- to become open, as a door, building, box, or enclosure.
- to afford access:
a door that opens into a garden.
- to have an opening, passage, or outlet:
The room opens into a corridor.
- (of a building, theater, etc.) to open its doors to the public:
The museum opens at one o'clock.
- to begin a session or term, as a school.
- to begin a season, series of performances, or tour, as a theatrical company:
The play will open in Boston.
- to begin, start, or commence an activity:
The game opened with the national anthem.
- to part, or seem to part, so as to allow or reveal a passage:
At last the cliffs opened to show us that we were heading for the sea.
- to become disclosed or revealed.
- to come into view; become more visible or plain.
- to become receptive to knowledge, sympathy, etc., as the mind.
- to disclose or reveal one's knowledge, thoughts, feelings, etc.
- to unfold or expand, as a blossom, so as to reveal the interior.
- to spread out or expand, as the hand or a fan.
- to spread apart or separate, as pages of a book, newspaper, etc.:
Open to page 32.
- to spread or come apart; burst:
The wound opened.
- to become less compact, less closely spaced, or the like:
The ranks began to open.
- Cards. to make the first bet, bid, or lead in beginning a hand.
- Hunting. (of hounds) to begin to bark, as on the scent of game.
- an open or clear space.
- the open air.
- the open water, as of the sea.
- an opening or aperture.
- an opening or opportunity.
- a contest or tournament in which both amateurs and professionals may compete, especially in golf and tennis.
- the open,
- the unenclosed or unobstructed country.
- the outdoors:
Vacations in the open are fine for the entire family.
- the condition of being unconcealed, recognized, or publicly known:
The scandal is now out in the open.
verb phrase
- to become or make open.
- to expand, especially before the eye:
A breathtaking panorama opened up as we reached the top of the hill.
- to achieve the initial development of:
to open up a business office; to open up trade with China.
- Slang. to increase speed or the speed of (a vehicle).
/ ˈəʊpən /
- not closed or barred
the door is open
- affording free passage, access, view, etc; not blocked or obstructed
the road is open for traffic
- not sealed, fastened, or wrapped
an open package
- having the interior part accessible
an open drawer
- extended, expanded, or unfolded
an open newspaper
an open flower
- ready for business
the shops are open
- able to be obtained; available
the position advertised last week is no longer open
- unobstructed by buildings, trees, etc
open countryside
- free to all to join, enter, use, visit, etc
an open competition
- unengaged or unoccupied
the doctor has an hour open for you to call
- See open season
- not decided or finalized
an open question
- ready to entertain new ideas; not biased or prejudiced
an open mind
- unreserved or candid
she was very open in her description
- liberal or generous
an open hand
- extended or eager to receive (esp in the phrase with open arms )
- exposed to view; blatant
open disregard of the law
- liable or susceptible
you will leave yourself open to attack if you speak
- (of climate or seasons) free from frost; mild
- free from navigational hazards, such as ice, sunken ships, etc
open water
- without legal restrictions or enforceable regulations, esp in relation to gambling, vice, etc
an open town
- without barriers to prevent absconding
an open prison
- having large or numerous spacing or apertures
open ranks
- full of small openings or gaps; porous
an open texture
- printing (of type matter) generously leaded or widely spaced
- music
- (of a violin or guitar string) not stopped with the finger
- (of a pipe, such as an organ pipe) not closed at either end
- (of a note) played on such a string or pipe
- commerce
- in operation; active
an open account
- unrestricted; unlimited
open credit
open insurance cover
- See open cheque
- (of a return ticket) not specifying a date for travel
- sport
- (of a goal, court, etc) unguarded or relatively unprotected
the forward missed an open goal
- (of a stance, esp in golf) characterized by the front of the body being turned forward
- (of a wound) exposed to the air
- (esp of the large intestine) free from obstruction
- undefended and of no military significance
an open city
- phonetics
- denoting a vowel pronounced with the lips relatively wide apart
- denoting a syllable that does not end in a consonant, as in pa
- chess (of a file) having no pawns on it
- maths (of a set) containing points whose neighbourhood consists of other points of the same set
points inside a circle are an open set
- computing (of software or a computer system) designed to an internationally agreed standard in order to allow communication between computers, irrespective of size, maufacturer, etc
- to move or cause to move from a closed or fastened position
to open a window
- whenintr, foll by on or onto to render, be, or become accessible or unobstructed
the door opens into the hall
to open a road
to open a parcel
- intr to come into or appear in view
the lake opened before us
- tr to puncture (a boil) so as to permit drainage
- to extend or unfold or cause to extend or unfold
to open a newspaper
- to disclose or uncover or be disclosed or uncovered
to open one's heart
- to cause (the mind) to become receptive or (of the mind) to become receptive
- to operate or cause to operate
to open a shop
- whenintr, sometimes foll by out to make or become less compact or dense in structure
to open ranks
- to set or be set in action; start
to open the batting
to open a discussion
- tr to arrange for (a bank account, savings account, etc) usually by making an initial deposit
- to turn to a specified point in (a book, magazine, etc)
open at page one
- law to make the opening statement in (a case before a court of law)
- intr cards to bet, bid, or lead first on a hand
- the openany wide or unobstructed space or expanse, esp of land or water
- See open air
- sport a competition which anyone may enter
- bring into the opento make evident or public
- come into the opento become) evident or public
Derived Forms
- ˈopenable, adjective
- ˈopenness, noun
- ˈopenly, adverb
Other Words From
- o·pen·ly adverb
- o·pen·ness noun
- half-o·pened adjective
- pre·o·pen verb (used with object)
- self-o·pened adjective
- sem·i·o·pen adjective
- sem·i·o·pen·ly adverb
- un·o·pened adjective
Word History and Origins
Origin of open1
Word History and Origins
Origin of open1
Idioms and Phrases
- keep a weather eye (open)
- keep one's eyes open
- lay open
- leave open
- leave the door open
- not open one's mouth
- out in the open
- throw open
- wide open
- with one's eyes open
- with open arms
Synonym Study
Definitions and idiom definitions from Unabridged, based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023
Idioms from The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.