As a global leader in the design, manufacture, integration and support of special purpose tactical wheeled vehicles, DCD Protected Mobility focuses on what matters most; saving lives. As world leaders in route clearance, we assure mobility of forces and civilians on the modern battlefield, in post conflict situations, and on peacekeeping missions.
A Focus on Saving Lives Using Armored Vehicles
With a focus on saving lives, DCD Protected Mobility delivers a range of mobile landmine detection systems, military armored vehicles, and other troop protection equipment that have been operated and proven successful in theatres of conflict. This ensures the continuous delivery of outstanding strategic, tactical and critical mobility performance.
Providing innovative and sustainable solutions to the defence sector, we partner with governments, customers and communities to deliver armored vehicles that assure safe mobility and land mine detection systems that ensure expert route clearance.
Throughout Africa and the world, landmines and Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) remain a top global terrorist threat. IEDs are the weapon of choice for insurgents and terrorists; they are easy and cheap to build yet have devastatingly damaging effects.
Using lessons learned from Iraq and Afghanistan, DCD Protected Mobility continues to innovate and adapt its military armored vehicles and related eqipment to the ever-evolving methods of insurgents and terrorists to help its trusted partners fight a growing IED threat across the African continent and the world.
Our range of mobile landmine detection vehicles, Vehicle Mounted Mine Detector (VMMD) Systems, Husky III & 2G, Springbok SD, HD & XD and armored troop carriers are deployed in peacekeeping missions across the globe, tested in accordance with NATO standards in the USA and France.