


County Judge

Precinct One

Precinct Two

Precinct Three

Precinct Four

County Clerk

County Treasurer

County Sheriff

County Attorney

County Tax A/C

Justice of the Peace


Extension Service

Juvenile Probation

[Dallam County]

Welcome to Dallam County, Texas!

Dallam County is committed to providing open and easy access to both governmental information and public officials.

In keeping with this commitment, Dallam County Officials have set up Dallam County On-Line with plans of continually upgrading and incorporating new and better information to the residents of Dallam County.

Currently, on-line information and departments include an overview of County Departments and Officials, agendas and notices of upcoming meetings as well as current news about or affecting Dallam County residents.

If you have ideas or information which you feel should be contained in this site, please feel free to contact us.



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