Course: Research Ethics Seminar
Course Taught at The Weizmann Institute:
Automata-Theoretic Approach to Automated Verification
The TikTok Debate Continues -- Houston Matters
Fellow in Science and Technology Policy, Science and Technology Program,
Baker Institute for Public Policy
Honorary degree to the scientist Vardi, luminary of computer engineering
The Next Great Tech Revolution
Rice's Moshe Vardi awarded honorary title by the University of Calabria
Complexity and the Global Governance of AI
International Holocaust Remembrance Day at the Holocaust Garden of Hope
Moshe Vardi stands up and shouts
Rice professor on Oct. 7 aftermath
Antisemitism at Rice University
ATVA'23 Best-Paper Award
Quantum-Graph Best-Paper Award
How to deal with the unintended consequences technology creates
Skolem Award
Salomaa Prize
Vardi wins four prestigious scientific awards
Have smartphones made our lives better or worse?
Higher Ed as a Public Good and Higher Ed for the Public Good
Moshe Vardi elected a Foreign Member of the Royal Society
Election as a Foreign Member of the Royal Society
Considering the Impact of Technology on Society
Universities should support the public good
Moshe Vardi: Sapere Aude! (Dare to Know!)
VardiFest22 honors Moshe Vardi's career and accomplishments
How are the NEW TECHNOLOGIES CHANGING the WORLD? | Moshe Y Vardi
Vardi talks about his first programming experience, exposure to AI,
slow development of AI, resurgence in deep neural nets, future of
the job market, and much more
IMMIGRANT COMPUTER SCIENTISTs -- Interview with Moshe Vardi
Artificial Intelligence: Ethics Versus Public Policy
Formal Bytes: A fireside chat with Prof. Moshe Vardi
Moshe Vardi: "Ransomware ist genauso grosse Gefahr wie Piraterie"
Dr. Moshe Vardi Awarded SSIT Norbert Weiner Award for Social and
Professional Responsibility
Moshe Vardi earns top computer science honor
Moshe Vardi wins Knuth Prize
Engineers and economists prize efficiency, but nature favors
resilience - lessons from Texas, COVID-19 and the 737 Max
Rice announces major expansion of student body and campus`
Dinner with friends keeps Shabbat alive
Researchers set sights on theory of deep learning
Moshe Y. Vardi has been appointed honorary doctor at the IT Faculty
The Future of Artificial Intelligence (start watching at 6:45)
If this era of automation mirrors the past, we�re in trouble
Vardi awarded honorary doctorate by Universit� Grenoble Alpes
Vardi named honorary professor at East China Normal University
In Memoriam: Ziporah Eva Vardi, 1928-2019,
and in Hebrew
Podcast: on publication pressures, student stress, mid-career mentoring &
societal obligations.
What's the real problem with Facebook?
Podcast: On social implications of technology & our
responsibility as academics.
Vardi leading new initiative on technology, culture and society
Tech industry woes blasted as "failure in public policy"
Is The Tech Industry Facing A Public Policy Crisis?
Provable security podcast: automated reasoning's past, present, and
future with Moshe Vardi
It is time to rethink the Internet?
Braucht das Internet einen Neustart?
AI and Automation Will Replace Most Human Workers Because They Don't Have
to Be Perfect--Just Better Than You
Wie die Hippies das Internet zerst�rt haben
Haben die Hippies das Internet zerst�rt?
Moshe Vardi -- Powering Technological Responsibility
Vardi named fellow of the American Mathematical Society
Logic And Computation Expert Receives Rice's Highest Academic Title
"Frontier of knowledge": Vardi named University Professor
Computer scientist Vardi named University Professor
Computerforscher: "Die meisten Jobs erfordern nicht viel Intelligenz"
Vardi honored for introducing 'a new paradigm' in computing
with video of Edinburgh graduation ceremony (see 37:00)
Natural vs Artificial Intelligence and Doing Unexpected Work
"We have to worry a lot!"
Faculty Award of Excllence
The 2018 Alonzo Church Award
Sapere Aude! (Dare to Know!), P. 12
History Shows Humans Cannot Stop Technological Advancements
Glenn Beck: Tech Regs & Social Responsibility (w/ Moshe Vardi)
Apple, Xerox, IBM, And Fumbling The Future
Summit on Technology and Jobs
"Die meisten Jobs erfordern nich viel Intelligenz"
15 top science & tech leaders offer surprising predictions for 2018
When hundreds of millions will be fired: People will have to go
back to school in middle life (in Hebrew)
La automatizaci�ambiar�uestra vida de forma dolorosa y duradera
How worried should we be about artificial intelligence? I asked 17
Die Industrielle Revolution lehrt uns die Zukunft der
Automatisierung von Arbeit
What the Industrial Revolution really tells us about the future of
automation and work
AI and the future of accountancy
ICAEW wrestles with artificial intelligence
SE-Radio Episode 298: Moshe Vardi on P versus NP
Brown School of Engineering: Rebuilding the Foundations - May 2017
Las maquinas eliminar�n el 50% de los puestos de trabajo actuales en 30 a�os
Rice professor honored for transforming flagship publication
Video: Moshe Vardi Receives 2017 ACM Presidential Award
Moshe Vardi to Receive ACM Presidential Award
2008 Video on the Relaunch of CACM
People of ACM - Moshe Y. Vardi
Artificial Intelligence And The Future Of Work
Why automation in the age of AI will change the way we think of work
When robots do low-level jobs, will employee really take on new roles?
Outcry rises when Trump's treasury chief, Steve Mnuchin, scoffs at
AI impact on jobs
Prepare: The robots are coming for your distribution job
Obama Knows What's Really Killing Jobs. Is Trump Listening?
Moshe Vardi receives honorary doctorate
Moshe VARDI, Doctor Honoris Causa 2017
Rice hosts automation summit
Moshe Vardi : "Les hommes se soul�ront avant les machines
2017: The Year of Self-Driving Cars and Trucks
Donald Trump's victory brings the jobs vs. automation issue into the spotlight
Interview on Automation and jobs with Russ Capper
Automated cars could threaten jobs of professional drivers
Video: Humans, Machines and Work: The Future is Now
Neither Trump nor Clinton is addressing the biggest challenge to
jobs: automation
Jobs. Driving. And machines that can learn.
Are machines coming for your job? Rice professor says yes
How robots paved the way for Donald Trump?
Automated cars could threaten jobs of professional drivers
With AlphaGo's Victory, Are Robots Set to Take Our Jobs?
Are Robots Taking Our Jobs?
The Conversation: Are Robots Taking Our Jobs?
The Last Job on Earth
Robots could push unemployment to 50% in 30 years, prof says
The Future of Work in 10 Minutes
Pint of Science Houston, 2016
Kuldeep Meel: High-Risk, High-Reward Research
Behind a Computer's Surprise Victory, Hints of Global Economic Upheaval
La revoluci�e la movilidad
Self-Driving Cars Could Save Millions Of Lives -- But There's A Catch
AI and robots threaten to unleash mass unemployment, scientists warn
Would you bet against sex robots? AI 'could leave half of world unemployed'
Humans, machines, and the future of work
Humans, machines, and the future of work
The Future of Work: But What Will Humans Do?
IEEE Podcast: Future of Work
The SAT Revolution: Solving, Sampling, And Counting
Rice professor receives high honors
Constraints, Graphs, Algebra, Logic, and Complexity
A Logical Revolution
Received honorary doctorate in Brazil
Elected to the National Academy of Science
Elected SIAM Fellow
In Memoriam: Pinchas vardi, 1927-2014
and in in Hebrew
and video presentation (in Hebrew)
Phase transitions and computational complexity
And Logic Begat Computer Science: When Giants Roamed the Earth
Enhancing Research and Scholarship at Rice University --
Final Report
by The Senate Working Group on Research and Scholarship, Nov. 2013
White Paper for The International Summit on Innovation for Jobs
People of ACM: Moshe Y. Vardi
Moshe Vardi - Interview on Innovation for Jobs
Bauer Business Focus: Computer Science Professor Moshe Vardi
ExCAPE Summer School - Part I and II
ExCAPE Summer School - Part III
Building Rice's Human and Organizational Capital: A Draft Report of
the Senate Working Group on Research and Scholarship -- Request for
Vardi named SURA Distinguished Scientist
A World without Work
The Job Market of 2045?
Bauer Business Focus: Computer Science Professor Moshe Vardi
Robot Economy Could Cause Up To 75 Percent Unemployment
Perspectives Workshop: Publication Culture in Computing Research
The Consequences of Machine Intelligence
The Big Questions in Computation, Intelligence and Life:
Does The Future Need Us?
Video of IEEE Computer Society Goode Memorial Award
EATCS Distinguished Achievements Award
Logic in Action
Walid Taha v. William Marsh Rice University, II
Walid Taha v. William Marsh Rice University, I
Review of Insitute of Science and Technology - Austria
Turing Centenary in Manchester
Distinguished Service Professor
Thresher Article on IEEE CS Goode Award
IEEE Computer Society Goode Memorial Award
Tech world preps to honor 'Father of Computer Science' Alan Turing,
as centenary nears
NYTimes on P vs. NP
American Academy Induction, 2010
Houstonian joins academy to which Washington,
Jefferson and Franklin once belonged
ACM Outstanding Contribution Award
Rice professor elected fellow of American Academy of Arts and Sciences
CRA Distinguished Service Award
Rice-BCM Merger Webpage
New CACM website launched
IEEE Fellow
2008 Blaise Pascal Medal in Computer Science
New CACM Launched
ACM Presidential Award
2008 ACM SIGMOD Codd Innovations Award
Jasper Design Automation Adds New Memebers to Technical Advisory Board
2008 PODS Mendelzon Test-of-Time Award
Finite Model Theory and Its Applications
Computer science still a good career
De Lange Conference: Emerging Libraries
2006 LICS Test-of-Time Award
Modal Logic Handbook
Kanellakis Award
Offshoring: Finally, Facts vs. Folklore
How Not to Get Offshored
US Tech Jobs Are Back on Track
Experts offer fresh perspective on offshoring IT
Offshoring Isn't All Bad
Computing Error
Tech Jobs Are Back Again
Outsourcing: Silicon Valley East
Study plays down export of computer jobs
Detailed Offshoring Study Assesses Rapid Changes Driven by
Information Technology
Dagstuhl Seminar 05241: Synthesis and Planning, 2005
Three Rice faculty earn Guggenheim Fellowships
Interview: Ethics and Politics of Information Technology
Vardi Helps Launch New Open-Access Journal
Vardi Co-chair of ACM Study to Assess Global Impact of IT Outsourcing
Vardi named AAAI fellow
Vardi Forges US, European Collaboration
Formal Approaches: Tools of Analysis and Synthesis
European Research Training Network:
Games and Automata for Synthesis and Validation
Accellera's Sample of Formal Properties
Vardi, Tarlov Elected Fellows of AAAS by peers
Webcast talk: Unusual Effectiveness of Logic in Computer Science
National Academy of Engineering
Symposium on the Effectiveness of Logic in Computer Science
The 2001 Sheafor-Lindsay Digital Library Symposium
Dagstuhl Seminar 01451: Exploration of Large State Spaces, 2001
Computer Science Logic, 2001
NSF/CISE Workshop on The Unusual Effectiveness of Logic in
Computer Science
8th International SPIN Workshop on Model Checking of Software
G�del Prize
Dagstuhl Seminar: Probabilistic Methods in Verification
Schloss Ringberg Seminar: Model Checking and Program Analysis
Tutorial and Workshop on Logic and Cognitive Science
The 1999 Federated Logic Conference (FLoC'99)
Kanellakis Award
SIGCSE Panel on Logic in the CS Curriculum
- Computer Science Department
- Rice University
10th European Summer School in Logic, Language and
Information (ESSLLI'98)
10th Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV'98)
BS Proposal
Daghsthul Seminar on Applications of Tree Automata in
Rewriting, Logic and Programming
ACM Transactions on Database Systems
Chicago Journal of Theoretical Computer Science
Information and Computation
Journal of Computer and System Sciences
SIAM Journal on Computing
Rice Engineering Day, March 22, 1997
4th Israeli Symposium on Theory of Computing and Systems (ISTCS'96)
The 1996 Federated Logic Conference (FLoC'96)
DIMACS 1995-96 Special Year on Logic and Algorithms
Reasoning about Knowledge
(book with co-authors Fagin, Halpern, and Moses)
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