Improving the health and well being of people from refugee and migrant backgrounds

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Multilingual Resources & Information

We do this through:

Training for Service Providers

We deliver engaging training in:

  • Health Literacy
  • Cultural Competence
  • Understanding the NDIS
  • Language Services

Multicultural Health and Support Service (MHSS)

  • Community Education Sessions
  • Peer Education Projects
  • Community Action Projects
  • Professional Development

Resource Hub

  • Migrant & refugee health library
  • Disability in CALD communities
  • Health Translations
  • Using Language Services

Cultural Consultancy

We can work with your organisation on projects, resource-development, social marketing, research – anything which requires our expert knowledge of how to engage with refugee and migrant communities.

Our Expertise

Project Management

Health Translations aims to improve the health of people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. We do this by providing health professionals and community members with reliable, accurate, and up to date health information in many different languages.

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Cultural Competence

Cultural competence is our expertise
We can help you become more culturally competent through:

  • our training programs
  • cultural competence audit
  • cultural competence resources

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Health Literacy

We focus on health literacy
We offer training, consultancy and resources to improve the health literacy of people in Australia. Our services include:

  • health literacy course
  • health literacy workshops
  • health literacy resources

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Sexual Health & blood-borne viruses

We are experienced in sexual health and blood-borne viruses.  We focus on sexual health and blood-borne viruses in the Multicultural Health and Support Service:

  • Multicultural Sexual Health Network Forum
  • Multicultural Community Action Network
  • Youth Ambassadors Program

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Latest News

CEH is all grown up! 30th birthday celebrations.

CEH is all grown up! 30th birthday celebrations.

On 17th September 2024, CEH celebrated its 30th anniversary with staff and friends from organisations that have worked with us over the years on projects, training and partnerships. A great opportunity for all of us at CEH to reconnect and catch up on what’s happening in the sector.

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Connecting with communities using Health Literacy principles

Connecting with communities using Health Literacy principles

Plain language is essential for effective communication. When health information is presented in plain language, it is easier for people to understand. This is particularly important when dealing with diverse communities where English may not be the first language for many residents.

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Co-design: what, why and how?

Co-design: what, why and how?

We know that collaboration is an important step in engaging diverse communities in services, particularly those that face certain barriers such as linguistic and cultural differences, lack of awareness of services, and limited access to information. So, how can we collaborate with these communities? Read on for our thoughts.

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