The Strokes Lyrics

Related artists:
Albert Hammond, Jr., Julian Casablancas

sort by album sort by song
album: "Is This It" (2001)
The Strokes - Is This It album cover
EP: "The Modern Age" (2001)
The Strokes - The Modern Age EP cover
album: "Room On Fire" (2003)
The Strokes - Room On Fire album cover
album: "First Impressions Of Earth" (2006)
The Strokes - First Impressions Of Earth album cover
album: "Angles" (2011)
The Strokes - Angles album cover

album: "Comedown Machine" (2013)
The Strokes - Comedown Machine album cover
Fast Animals
(from "All The Time" single)
EP: "Future Present Past" (2016)
The Strokes - Future Present Past EP cover
album: "The New Abnormal" (2020)
The Strokes - The New Abnormal album cover
other songs:
I'll Try Anything Once
(from "Heart In A Cage" single)
Modern Girls & Old Fashion Men
(from "Reptilia" single)