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About us

We offer reliable and affordable domain name registrations to resellers.

We are a company specialised in domain name registrations. We already have years of experience and we know the domain name market inside out. We offer every possible extension, every ccTLD and every gTLD.

We are a direct registrar at several registries, we're ICANN Acrredited and we have a wide network of local partners. Because of this otherwise impossible registrations become possible. Moreover we try to limit the number of intermediates to the absolute minimum which simplifies all communication.

We have a team of professionals ready to help you and answer all your questions quickly and accurately. They can help our resellers to centralize and automate their portfolio of domain names. Moreover we offer an interesting price to our resellers.

  • Every possible TLD

    We offer every possible TLD worldwide, every ccTLD and every and every (new) gTLD.

  • Years of experience

    We know the domain name market inside out

  • Interesting reseller conditions

    We offer our resellers the best possible service combined with an interesting pricing

  • Professional team

    All your questions are answered quickly and accurately by our team of professionals