Or visit my new individual webpage. This page will automatically redirect to that page in 20 seconds.
Wolfgang Stuerzlinger
Original spelling: Wolfgang Stürzlinger
Most information on this page had not been updated since Oct 2020 and has now been removed. Please visit my new individual webpage or our new labpage.
Contact Information
School of Interactive Arts + Technology
Simon Fraser University
250-13450 102nd Avenue
Surrey, BC V3T 0A3
Phone, Fax: (currently not active due to COVID-19)
Office: Surrey 2788. Here are directions.
If you cannot access the image of my e-mail address: it is the initial of my first name followed by a dot followed by the initial of my last name followed by an at-sign and the university domain name (sfu.ca).
WWW page: http://ws.iat.sfu.ca