The title of the album was originally derived from an in-joke and story between Guy Kozowyk's family and friends, referring to the mentally disabled students for whom a member of Kozowyk's family drove a bus. This term eventually spread out to mean anybody for whom one provided service. The title reflects the songs, as the songs are stories from and about "clients", or mentally disabled people, with whom Kozowyk has had experience working in a convenience store located next to a psychiatric rehabilitation/hospital.
Each song is a different "client", or a different person with a mental ailment, ranging from schizophrenia, to multiple personality disorder, to extreme obsessive compulsive disorder. The song "Black Santa" would best describe the album and its meanings, as it actually depicts everything that is used as an inspiration in the album: Kozowyk's job, the people he encountered, the stories he heard, and the notion that everybody both has and is a "client", meaning everybody works for somebody, and that everybody is not entirely mentally stable.
I think that you're missing the point. You're someone else's pain in the ass. Get off your high horse. You are not excluded. We are all Clients. Get off your high horse. We are all Clients.
... when representing a consortium that will be treated as multiple clients, creating distinct client records for each individual in joint cases and linking them to the same [...].
The ArabShipbuilding and RepairYardCompany (ASRY) welcomed key clients, including representatives of shipowners and maritime asset operators, to a Ramadan Ghabga at the Gulf Hotel on Tuesday.
A disposition filed with the city’s Conflict of InterestBoard detailed how Cespedes admitted to sexting with a client’s mother, and that he received “sexually suggestive” photos from her ... Helayne Seidman ... On Nov ... 31 ... ....
A Tameside barber who has cut hair for six decades says he still has the same clients from when he first began his career - before he even had his own shop ... "I still have clients whose hair I cut ...
serving clients effective 1 ... seamless financial guidance regardless of where our clients live, ... while maintaining fiduciary responsibility to clients ... these complexities for our clients." ... will be tailored to address specific client profiles including.
But for their clients at higher risk of social isolation, their pets are their world ... AniMeals volunteer KandiHerb loads bags of cat and dog food into her car March 13 before delivering to clients on the southwest side of town in Cedar Rapids.