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Prof. Dr. Lena Wiese

Prof. Dr. Lena Wiese
Professorship Database Technologies and Data Analytics
Institut für Informatik
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik
Goethe-Universität Frankfurt
Robert-Mayer-Str. 10
60325 Frankfurt am Main
Research Group Bioinformatics
Attract Project
"Intelligent Data Analysis for Health and Chemical Safety"
Fraunhofer Institute ITEM (Hannover)
Twitter: @WieseLena
Blog: Knowledge Engineering
Facebook page: Lena Wiese
Youtube channel: Lena Wiese

Open student assistant position in Data Management and Analysis

Several open student positions available:


New project:

Text Book

Advanced Data Management for SQL, NoSQL, Cloud and Distributed Databases     Lena Wiese:
DeGruyter/Oldenbourg, 2015
375 pages, 82 figures, 31 tables
ISBN 978-3-11-044140-6
e-ISBN (PDF) 978-3-11-044141-3
More information...

Research Interests

Topics for Master, Bachelor or Project Theses

Several topics are available at GU Frankfurt in the area of analysis and management of medical data (e.g. genome analysis, digital pathology slides). Feel free to contact me for further information.


2021-2025 PrivacyUmbrella: Privatheit von Daten sicherstellen durch Umfassende Bereitstellung von Anonymisierungsverfahren
funded by BMBF/European Union (NextGenerationEU) Forschungsnetzwerk Anonymisierung
in collaboration with Fraunhofer ITEM, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt, Universität Mainz and MCS Datalabs GmbH
2021-2025 IndiGOp: Individualisierte Leistungsentwicklung im Spitzensport durch ganzheitliche und transdisziplinäre Prozessoptimierung
funded by BISp Press release
in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Krüger (Universität Gießen), Prof. Dr. Zentgraf (Universität Frankfurt), Prof. Dr. Mutz (Universität Gießen) and Prof. Dr. Dr. Raab (DSHS Köln).
2021-2024 DigitaLung: Digitales Auskultationssystem zur Differentialdiagnose von Lungenerkrankungen mittels Machine Learning
funded by BMBF
in collaboration with Fraunhofer ITEM, MHH (Hannover), Leibniz Universität Hannover and ERKA Kallmeyer Medizintechnik GmbH & Co. KG
2019-2024 IDA: Intelligent Data Analysis for Health and Chemical Safety
funded by FhG
2020-2022 ELISE: A Learning and Interoperable, Smart Expert System for Pediatric Intensive Care Medicine
funded by BMG
2016-2021 CloudDBGuard: Implementing cryptography-based approaches to secure data management in cloud databases
funded by
2017/2018 PatientSim: Optimizing Patient Similarity Analysis on modern Hardware
In cooperation with Future Service-Oriented Computing Lab, Hasso-Plattner-Institut, Potsdam
2014-2016 FamilyGuard: Secure data structures and adaptable encryption for column-family databases
funded by
2014/2015 OntQA-Replica: Intelligent Data Replication for Ontology-Based Query Answering
In cooperation with Future Service-Oriented Computing Lab, Hasso-Plattner-Institut, Potsdam
2014/2015 NoSQL-Net: Managing linked data in NoSQL stores under schema evolution
2010-2013 CoopQA: Tractable and Cooperative Query Answering in First-Order Knowledge Bases.
funded by
2009/2010 preCQE: Preprocessing inference-proof database instances with the Oracle DBMS
2007/2008 cqeMAXSAT: Using SAT solvers to compute inference-proof propositional database instances


Former Employments

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Reviewer Activities

German Research Council (DFG; evaluation of project proposals), Czech Science Foundation (evaluation of a project proposal), Elsevier Computer Science Review (COSREV), Elsevier Data and Knowledge Engineering (DKE), IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (TDSC), IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems (TPDS), ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security (TOPS), Datenbank-Spektrum (DASP), Cloud Security Ecosystem (Edited Book; review of two book chapters), ATC 2018 (PC member), SICHERHEIT 2018 (PC member), FPS 2017 (PC member), DPM 2017 (PC member), GvDB2017 (PC member), BTW2017 (PC member and publicity chair), IEEE TrustCom-16 (Tianjin, China; PC member), DPM 2016 (Heraklion, Greece; PC member), FPS'2016 (Quebec City, Quebec, Canada; PC member), ATC2016 (Toulouse, France; PC member), FPS2015 (Clermont-Ferrand, France; PC member), TSCloud2015 (Helsinki, Finland; PC member), DPM2015 (Vienna, Austria; PC member), FPS2014 (Montreal, Canada; PC member), TSCloud2014 (Beijing, China; PC member), DPM2014 (Wroclaw, Poland; PC member), DI2014 (Nantes, France; PC member), CLASP2014 (London, UK; PC member), Data & Knowledge Engineering Elsevier (review of one submission), Geographical Information Systems: Trends and Technologies, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Group (review of a book chapter), FPS2013 (La Rochelle, France; PC member), DPM2013 (Egham, UK; PC member), TSCloud2013 (Melbourne, Australia; PC member), EUROPEAN COMMISSION 7th Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration (evaluator of full and short proposals, on-site panel member), FPS2012 (Montreal, Canada; PC member), AI@IE2012 (Montpellier, France; PC member), DPM2012 (Pisa, Italy; PC member), SUM2012 (Marburg, Germany; topic chair Security and Privacy), TSCloud2012 (Liverpool, England; PC member), Security2012 (Freiburg, Germany; PC member), DPM2011 (Leuven, Belgium; PC member), LPAR2010 (Yogyakarta, Indonesia; external reviewer), PODS2010 (Indianapolis, USA; external reviewer)


Winter Term 2024:

Summer Term 2024:

Winter Term 2024:

Summer Term 2023:

Winter Term 2022:

Summer Term 2022:

Winter Term 2021:

Summer Term 2021:

Winter Term 2020:

Winter Term 2018/19:

Summer Term 2018:

Winter Term 2017:

Summer Term 2017:

Winter Term 2016:

Summer Term 2016:

Winter Term 2015:

Summer Term 2015:

Winter Term 2014:

Winter Term 2013:

Summer Term 2013:

Winter Term 2012:

Summer Term 2012 (University of Hildesheim):

Winter Term 2011 (University of Hildesheim):

Tutorials and Talks

Tutorial "Data Analytics with Graph Algorithms - A Hands-on Tutorial with Neo4J" at BTW 2019.

Talk "Data Management in NoSQL Databases" at GridKa Summer School Data Science on Modern Architectures in Karlsruhe. [slides]

Talk "NoSQL Databases - An Overview" at Data Natives 2015 in Berlin.

Talk "Replication and Synchronization Algorithms for Distributed Databases" at Distributed Matters 2015 in Berlin.
This talk will provide in-depth background on strategies for replication and synchronization as implemented in modern distributed databases. The following topics will be covered: master-slave vs multi-master replication; epidemic protocols; two-phase commit vs Paxos; multiversion concurrency control; read and write quorums. A concise overview of implementations in current NoSQL databases will be presented.

Tutorial "Aktuelle Trends in der Datenverwaltung (Current Trends in Data Management)" auf der Informatik2012.


2019-2024Attract Grant of the Fraunhofer Society
2010/2011Postdoctoral Research Grant of German Exchange Service (DAAD: FIT program)
2005-2007Dissertation grant of German Research Council (DFG-Graduiertenkolleg)



  1. Ahmed Al-Ghezi, Lena Wiese: Analyzing workload trends for boosting triple stores performance. Information Systems Volume 125, Elsevier, November 2024, 102420 [open access]
  2. Yang, Wenhui, Lena Wiese, and Ahmed Al-Ghezi. "UniPart: Optimizing Streaming Graph Partitioning Towards Universal Adaption in RDF Triple Stores." Knowledge Graphs in the Age of Language Models and Neuro-Symbolic AI. IOS Press, 2024. 311-326.
  3. Xu, Mohan, and Lena Wiese: Adaptive neighborhood triplet loss: enhanced segmentation of dermoscopy datasets by mining pixel information. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Article, Springer 2024 [open access]
  4. Xu, Mohan, and Lena Wiese: Deep Auscultation with Demographic Data: Detecting Respiratory Anomalies Using Convolutional Neural Networks and Autoencoders. International Congress on Information and Communication Technology. Springer Nature, 2024. [draft]
  5. Pronaya Prosun Das, Lena Wiese, Marcel Mast, Julia Böhnke, Antje Wulff, Michael Marschollek, Louisa Bode, Henning Rathert, Thomas Jack, Sven Schamer, Philipp Beerbaum, Nicole Rübsamen, Andrè Karch, Christian Groszweski-Anders, Andreas Haller, Torsten Frank: An attention-based bidirectional LSTM-CNN architecture for the early prediction of sepsis. International Journal of Data Science and Analytics, Springer, 2024.
  6. Chimi Wangmo, Lena Wiese: An Experimental Evaluation of Summarisation-Based Frequent Subgraph Mining for Subgraph Searching. SN Computer Science 5(6). Springer 2024. [open access]
  7. Asad R. Usmani, Lena Wiese: Modelling for Efficient Scientific Data Storage Using Simple Graphs in DNA. SN Comput. Sci. 5(4): 388 (2024)
  8. Mohan Xu, Susann Dehmel, Lena Wiese: Comparing Image Segmentation Neural Networks for the Analysis of Precision Cut Lung Slices. Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2024: 338-343 [draft]
  9. Vanessa Meyer, Lena Wiese, Ahmed I. A. Al-Ghezi: An Information System for Training Assessment in Sports Analytics. ICEIS (1) 2024: 149-160 [draft]
  10. Vanessa Meyer, Lena Wiese, Ahmed I. A. Al-Ghezi: A Unified Teaching Platform for (No)SQL Databases. ICEIS (1) 2024: 374-381 [draft]
  11. 2023

  12. Schäfer, Jero, and Lena Wiese. "A Graph-Based Data Model for Digital Health Applications." Graph Databases. CRC Press, 2023. 157-177.
  13. Asad R. Usmani, Lena Wiese: DNA-Based Storage of RDF Graph Data: A Futuristic Approach to Data Analytics. IEEE Access 11: 129931-129944 (2023) [open access]
  14. Pronaya Prosun Das, Despina Tawadros, Lena Wiese: Privacy-Preserving Medical Data Generation Using Adversarial Learning. ISC 2023: 24-41 [draft]
  15. Chiara Tappermann, Mohan Xu, Lena Wiese, Babak Saremi: Development of an End-to-End Web Application for Visualization, Evaluation, and Post-processing of Result Data from Neural Network Predictions for the Melanoma Use Case. ICWE Workshops 2023: 131-144 [draft]
  16. Pronaya Prosun Das, Lena Wiese, ELISE STUDY GROUP: Data Extraction for Associative Classification using Mined Rules in Pediatric Intensive Care Data. BTW 2023: 981-994 [open access]
  17. Chimi Wangmo, Lena Wiese: SuMExplorer: Summarisation-based Frequent Subgraph Mining for Visual Exploratory Subgraph Searching. LWDA 2023: 110-120 [open access]
  18. Kristina Lietz, Babak Saremi, Lena Wiese: Genealyzer: web application for the analysis and comparison of gene expression data. BMC Bioinform. 24(1): 150 (2023) [paper]
  19. Mohan Xu and Lena Wiese. Application and Performance Improvement of Transfer Learning on ICBHI Lung Sound Dataset. IntelliSys 2023 [draft]
  20. Pronaya Prosun Das, Marcel Mast, Lena Wiese, Thomas Jack, Antje Wulff, and ELISE STUDY GROUP. Algorithmic Fairness in Healthcare Data with Weighted Loss and Adversarial Learning. IntelliSys 2023 [draft]
  21. Shokofeh Vahidiansadegh, Lena Wiese and Michael Brenner. SeCCA: Towards Privacy-preserving Biclustering Algorithm with Homomorphic Encryptions. IFIP Postproceedings in LNCS, Springer, 2023. [draft]
  22. Pronaya Prosun Das, Marcel Mast, Lena Wiese, Thomas Jack, Antje Wulff, ELISE STUDY GROUP: Data Extraction for Associative Classification using Mined Rules in Pediatric Intensive Care Data. BTW 2023. [open access]
  23. 2022

  24. Jero Mario Schäfer, Lena Wiese: Clustering-Based Subgroup Detection for Automated Fairness Analysis. ADBIS (Short Papers) 2022: 45-55 [draft]
  25. Ahmed I. A. Al-Ghezi, Lena Wiese: Analysing Workload Trends for Boosting Triple Stores Performance. ADBIS 2022: 285-298 [draft]
  26. Asad Usmani, Lena Wiese: Modelling of Efficient Graph-aware Data Storage using DNA. DATA 2022: 180-189 [draft]
  27. Chimi Wangmo, Lena Wiese: Efficient Subgraph Indexing for Biochemical Graphs. DATA 2022: 533-540
  28. 2021

  29. Rufat Babayev, Lena Wiese: Interpreting Decision-Making Process for Multivariate Time Series Classification. ADBIS (Short Papers) 2021: 146-152
  30. Ahmed I. A. Al-Ghezi, Lena Wiese: Universal Storage Adaption for Distributed RDF-Triple Stores. DaWaK 2021: 97-108 [draft]
  31. Lena Wiese, Ingmar Wiese, Kristina Lietz: Software Quality Assessment of a Web Application for Biomedical Data Analysis. IDEAS 2021: 84-93. [draft]
  32. Lena Wiese, Deborah Höltje: NNCompare: a framework for dataset selection, data augmentation and comparison of different neural networks for medical image analysis. DEEM@SIGMOD 2021: 6:1-6:7
  33. Lena Wiese, Aboubakr Benabbas, Golnaz Elmamooz, Daniela Nicklas. One DB Does Not Fit It All: Teaching the Differences in Advanced Database Systems. Datenbank-Spektrum, Springer, 2021. [draft]
  34. Christian Steinmeyer, Susann Dehmel, David Theidel, Armin Braun, Lena Wiese. Automating Bronchoconstriction Analysis based on U-Net. Accepted at DARLI-AP@EDBT, 2021.[draft]
  35. Rufat Babayev, Lena Wiese. Benchmarking Classifiers on Medical Datasets of UEA Archive Accepted at AIHEALTHP@WWW, 2021. [draft]
  36. 2020

  37. Christian Steinmeyer, Lena Wiese. Sampling methods and feature selection for mortality prediction with neural networks. J. Biomed. Informatics 111: 103580 (2020) [draft]
  38. Jero Mario Schäfer, Lena Wiese. A Comparison of Two Database Partitioning Approaches that Support Taxonomy-Based Query Answering. iiWas 2020 [draft]
  39. Jero Mario Schäfer, Ulrich Sax, Lena Wiese. Benchmarking a distributed database design that supports patient cohort identification. IDEAS 2020: 18:1-18:8 [draft]
  40. Lena Wiese, Tim Waage and Michael Brenner. CloudDBGuard: A Framework for encrypted data storage in NoSQL Wide Column Stores. Data and Knowledge Engineering. Elsevier, 2020. [draft]
  41. Guryash Bahra and Lena Wiese. Parameterizing Neural Networks for Disease Classification. Wiley Expert Systems. Wiley, 2020. [draft]
  42. 2019

  43. Ingmar Wiese, Nicole Sarna, Lena Wiese, Araek Tashkandi and Ulrich Sax. Concept Acquisition and Improved In-Database Similarity Analysis for Medical Data. Distributed and Parallel Databases37(2): 297–321. Springer, 2019. [draft]
  44. Lena Wiese, Armin O. Schmitt, and Mehmet Gültas. Big Data Technologies for DNA Sequencing. Springer Encyclopedia of Big Data Technologies. Springer, 2019. [draft]
  45. Joachim Biskup, Christine Dahn, Katharina Diekmann, Ralf Menzel, Dirk Schalge, Lena Wiese. Publishing inference-proof relational data: An implementation and experiments. Data Knowl. Eng. 120: 1-44. Elsevier, 2019.
  46. Daniel Homann and Lena Wiese. Inference Attacks on Fuzzy Searchable Encryption Schemes. Transactions on Data Privacy. Tdp.cat, 2019. [open access]
  47. Stefanie Scherzinger, Christin Seifert and Lena Wiese. The Best of both Worlds: Challenges in Linking Provenance and Explainability in Distributed ML. 39th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS 2019). IEEE, 2019. [draft]
  48. Christin Seifert, Stefanie Scherzinger, Lena Wiese. Towards Generating Consumer Labels for Machine Learning Models. IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Machine Intelligence. IEEE, 2019. [draft]
  49. Araek Tashkandi, Lena Wiese. A Hybrid Machine Learning Approach for Improving Mortality Risk Prediction on Imbalanced Data. 21st International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications and Services (iiWAS), ACM (2019): 83-92. [draft]
  50. Araek Tashkandi, Lena Wiese. Intelligent Medical Decision Support System for Predicting Patients at Risk in Intensive Care Units. PRE-ICIS SIGDSA SYMPOSIUM, Association for Information Systems Special Interest Group on Decision Support and Analytics (SIGDSA), AIS eLibrary, 2019. [draft]
  51. Triet Doan, Lena Wiese, Sven Bingert, and Ramin Yahyapour. A Graph Database for Persistent Identifiers. LWDA conference. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2019. [open access]
  52. Ahmed I. A. Al-Ghezi, Lena Wiese. UniAdapt: universal adaption of replication and indexes in distributed RDF triples stores. SBD@SIGMOD 2019: 2:1-2:6 [draft]
  53. Lena Wiese. Data Analytics with Graph Algorithms - A Hands-on Tutorial with Neo4J. BTW (Workshops) 2019: 259-261
  54. 2018

  55. Ferdinand Bollwein and Lena Wiese. Keeping Secrets by Separation of Duties while Minimizing the Amount of Cloud Servers. Transactions on Large-scale Data and Knowledge-Centered Systems. Springer, 2018. [draft]
  56. Araek Tashkandi, Ingmar Wiese and Lena Wiese. Efficient In-Database Patient Similarity Analysis for Personalized Medical Decision Support Systems. Big Data Research. Elsevier, 2018. [draft]
  57. Lena Wiese, Daniel Homann, Tim Waage and Michael Brenner. Homomorphe Verschlüsselung für Cloud-Datenbanken: Übersicht und Anforderungsanalyse. Sicherheit 2018, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), 2018. [draft]
  58. Lena Wiese, Chimi Wangmo, Lukas Steuernagel, Armin O. Schmitt and Mehmet Gültas. Construction and Visualization of Dynamic Biological Networks: Benchmarking the Neo4J Graph Database. DILS, 2018. [open access]
  59. Nicole Sarna, Araek Tashkandi, Lena Wiese. Patient Similarity Analysis for Personalized Health Prediction Models (Abstract). ECDA, 2018.
  60. Ferdinand Bollwein and Lena Wiese. On the Hardness of Separation of Duties Problems for Cloud Databases. TrustBus. Springer, 2018. [draft]
  61. Ahmed Al-Ghezi and Lena Wiese. Adaptive Workload-based Partitioning and Replication for Distributed RDF Stores. DEXA. Springer, 2018. [draft]
  62. Tim Waage and Lena Wiese. CloudDBGuard: Enabling Sorting and Searching on Encrypted Data in NoSQL Cloud Databases. Dawak. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 2018. [draft]
  63. Guryash Bahra and Lena Wiese. Classifying Leukemia and Gout Patients with Neural Networks. BioKDD@DEXA, 2018. [draft]
  64. Ingmar Wiese, Nicole Sarna, Lena Wiese and Araek Tashkandi. PatientSim: Optimizing Patient Similarity Analysis. HPI Future SOC Lab Proceedings 2018. Technical Reports of the Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam University Press.
  65. Ahmed Al-Ghezi and Lena Wiese. Space-adaptive and Workload-aware Replication and Partitioning for Distributed RDF Triple Stores. BDMICS@DEXA. [draft]
  66. 2017

  67. Lena Wiese, Tim Waage, Ferdinand Bollwein. A Replication Scheme for Multiple Fragmentations with Overlapping Fragments. The Computer Journal, Oxford University Press. [draft]
  68. Tim Waage, Lena Wiese. Property preserving encryption in NoSQL wide column stores. Cloud and Trusted Computing (OnTheMove Federated Conferences). Springer, 2017. [draft]
  69. Ferdinand Bollwein, Lena Wiese. Closeness Constraints for Separation of Duties in Cloud Databases as an Optimization Problem. BICOD 2017: 133-145. Springer, 2017. [draft]
  70. Christian Göge, Tim Waage, Daniel Homann, Lena Wiese. Improving Fuzzy Searchable Encryption with Direct Bigram Embedding. TrustBus 2017. [draft]
  71. Ferdinand Bollwein, Lena Wiese. Separation of Duties for Multiple Relations in Cloud Databases as an Optimization Problem. IDEAS 2017 Proceedings of the 21st International Database Engineering & Applications Symposium. Pages 98-107. ACM, 2017. [draft]
  72. Lena Wiese. Flexible Query Answering with the powerset-AI Operator and Star-Based Ranking. FQAS 2017: 36-48. Springer, 2017. [draft]
  73. Daniel Homann, Christian Göge, Lena Wiese. Dynamic Similarity Search over Encrypted Data with Low Leakage. 13th International Workshop on Security and Trust Management (STM@ESORICS). Springer, 2017. [draft]
  74. Araek Tashkandi, Lena Wiese, Marcus Baum. Comparative Evaluation for Recommender Systems for Book Recommendations. BTW (Workshops) 2017: 291-300
  75. Ahmed I. A. Al-Ghezi, Lena Wiese. Distributed Storage-Adaptable RDF Graph Store Over Cloud Infrastructure. Grundlagen von Datenbanken 2017: 19-23
  76. Christian Göge, Tim Waage, Lena Wiese. Implementing a Similarity Searchable Encryption Scheme for Cloud Database Usage. Grundlagen von Datenbanken 2017: 48-53
  77. 2016

  78. Tim Waage, Daniel Homann and Lena Wiese. Practical Application of Order-Preserving Encryption in Wide Column Stores. SECRYPT2016. [draft]
  79. Tim Waage und Lena Wiese. Ordnungserhaltende Verschlüsselung in NoSQL Spaltenfamilien-Datenbanken. D-A-CH Security. [draft]
  80. Tim Waage und Lena Wiese. Implementierung von kryptographischen Sicherheitsverfahren für Cassandra und HBase. Handbuch der maschinellen Datenverarbeitung, Springer. [draft]
  81. Ferdinand Bollwein und Lena Wiese. Ein Replikationsschema für multiple Fragmentierungen mit überlappenden Fragmenten. In 28th GI-Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken, CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR-WS.org, 2016. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1594/paper7.pdf
  82. Lena Wiese, Hendrik Bitzmann and Tim Waage (Eds.). 28th GI-Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, Volume 1594. CEUR-WS.org, 2016. http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-1594/.
  83. Lena Wiese, Azadeh Amiri and Dorna Amiri. OntQA-Replica: Clustering with PAL and R for Ontology-Based Query Answering. HPI Future SOC Lab Proceedings 2016. Technical Reports of the Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam University Press.
  84. 2015

  85. Lena Wiese. Advanced Data Management for SQL, NoSQL, Cloud and Distributed Databases. DeGruyter/Oldenbourg, 2015 375 pages, 82 figures, 31 tables. ISBN 978-3-11-044140-6. More information...
  86. Tim Waage, Ramaninder Singh Jhajj, Lena Wiese. Searchable Encryption in Apache Cassandra. In Foundations and Practice of Security - 8th International Symposium, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, 2015. [draft]
  87. Lena Wiese. Ontology-Driven Data Partitioning and Recovery. 26th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications DEXA 2015. Lecture Notes in Computer Science volume 9262, pages 177-191, Springer, 2015. [draft]
  88. Araek Tashkandi and Lena Wiese. Enhanced Processing of METS/MODS Library Metadata in CouchDB, 2015. NoSQL-Net'15 IEEE, 2015. [draft]
  89. Tim Waage and Lena Wiese. Benutzerfreundliche Verschlüsselung für Cloud-Datenbanken, 2015. D-A-CH Security. [draft]
  90. Lena Wiese. Horizontal fragmentation and replication for multiple relaxation attributes, 2015. British International Conference on Databases. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 157-169. Springer, 2015. [draft]
  91. Lena Wiese. Ontologie-basierte Fragmentierungs- und Replikationsverfahren für verteilte Datenbanksysteme. In Proceedings of the 27th GI-Workshop Grundlagen von Datenbanken, Gommern, Germany, May 26-29, 2015. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 1366, pages 12-17. CEUR-WS.org, 2015. [PDF]
  92. Lena Wiese. OntQA-Replica: Intelligent Data Replication for Ontology-Based Query Answering (Revisited and Verified). HPI Future SOC Lab Proceedings 2015 (Fall). Technical Reports of the Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam University Press.
  93. Lena Wiese. OntQA-Replica: Intelligent Data Replication for Ontology-Based Query Answering. HPI Future SOC Lab Proceedings 2015 (Spring). Technical Reports of the Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam University Press.
  94. 2014

  95. Tim Waage and Lena Wiese. Benchmarking encrypted data storage in HBase and Cassandra with YCSB. In Foundations and Practice of Security - 7th International Symposium, Lecture Notes in Computer Science volume 8930, pages 311-325. Springer, 2014. [draft]
  96. Lena Wiese. Clustering-based fragmentation and data replication for flexible query answering in distributed databases. Journal of Cloud Computing: Advances, Systems and Applications - A SpringerOpen Journal, 3(1):18, 2014. [PDF]
  97. Maheen Bakhtyar, Nam Dang, Katsumi Inoue, and Lena Wiese. Implementing inductive concept learning for cooperative query answering. In Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery, pages 127-134. Springer, 2014. [draft]
  98. 2013

  99. Lena Wiese. Taxonomy-based fragmentation for anti-instantiation in distributed databases. In 3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Techniques and Architectures for Autonomic Clouds (ITAAC'13), Proceedings of the 2013 IEEE/ACM 6th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing, pages 363-368. IEEE Computer Society, 2013. [draft]
  100. Katsumi Inoue, Chiaki Sakama and Lena Wiese. Confidentiality-Preserving Publishing of EDPs for Credulous and Skeptical Users. In Post-conference proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management (INAP 2011) and the 25th Workshop on Logic Programming (WLP 2011), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence LNAI 7773, pages 134-151. Springer, 2013. Revised and extended version. [draft]
  101. Maheen Bakhtyar, Lena Wiese, Katsumi Inoue, and Nam Dang. Filtering of Unrelated Answers in a Cooperative Query Answering System. In First International Conference on Data Engineering, volume 285 of Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering. Springer, 2013. [draft]
  102. Lena Wiese. Syntactic Similarity for Ranking Database Answers obtained by Anti-Instantiation. Short paper and poster at 36th Annual Conference on Artificial Intelligence (KI), Koblenz, September 16-20, 2013. In KI 2013: Advances in Artificial Intelligence - 36th Annual German Conference on AI, volume 8077 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 300-303. Springer, 2013. [draft]
  103. 2012

  104. Lucie Urbanova, Vilem Vychodil, Lena Wiese. Applications of Ordinal Ranks to Flexible Query Answering. Scalable Uncertainty Management 2012, Volume 7520 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 16-29, Springer 2012. [draft]
  105. Dennis Stender and Lena Wiese. Is User-Controlled Data Outsourcing Possible? A Survey and Synthesis. Current Issues in IT Security 2012, conference proceedings published by Duncker & Humblot, Berlin in the interdisciplinary series of the Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law.
  106. Lena Wiese. Enhancing Algebraic Query Relaxation with Semantic Similarity. IADIS Information Systems 2012, March 10-12. [paper in IADIS digital library]
  107. 2011

  108. Katsumi Inoue, Chiaki Sakama and Lena Wiese. Confidentiality-Preserving Data Publishing for Credulous Users by Extended Abduction. 19th International Conference on Applications of Declarative Programming and Knowledge Management (INAP2011). The Computing Research Repository (CoRR), and TU Wien INFSYS Research Report 1843-11-06, pages 131-140, 2011.
  109. Katsumi Inoue and Lena Wiese. Generalizing conjunctive queries for informative answers. 9th International Conference on Flexible Query Answering Systems (FQAS 2011), volume 7022 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 1-12. Springer, 2011. [draft]
  110. Joachim Biskup and Lena Wiese. A sound and complete model-generation procedure for consistent and confidentiality-preserving databases. Theoretical Computer Science, pp. 4044-4072, 2011. [ScienceDirect Download]
  111. Joachim Biskup, Marcel Preuss and Lena Wiese. On the Inference-Proofness of Database Fragmentation Satisfying Confidentiality Constraints. 14th Information Security Conference (ISC2011), volume 7001 of of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 246-261, 2011. [Draft on Marcel's webpage]
  112. 2010

  113. Lena Wiese. Horizontal fragmentation for data outsourcing with formula-based confidentiality constraints. 5th International Workshop on Security (IWSEC2010), volume 6434 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 101-116, 2010. [draft]
  114. Lena Wiese. Keeping secrets in possibilistic knowledge bases with necessity-valued privacy policies. 13th International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems (IPMU2010), volume 6178 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 655-664, 2010. [draft]
  115. Joachim Biskup, Cornelia Tadros and Lena Wiese. Towards Controlled Query Evaluation for incomplete first-order databases. Sixth International Symposium on Foundations of Information and Knowledge Systems (FoIKS 2010), volume 5956 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 230-247, 2010.
  116. 2005 - 2009

  117. Cornelia Tadros and Lena Wiese. Using SAT solvers to compute inference-proof database instances. Fourth International Workshop on Data Privacy Management (DPM09; in conjunction with ESORICS'09), volume 5939 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp. 65-77, 2010. [abstract version]
  118. Joachim Biskup and Lena Wiese. Combining consistency and confidentiality requirements in first-order databases. 12th Information Security Conference (ISC09), volume 5735 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 121-134. Springer, 2009. [slides]
  119. Joachim Biskup and Lena Wiese. Preprocessing for controlled query evaluation with availability policy. Journal of Computer Security, 16(4):477-494, 2008. [draft]
  120. Tobias Rodenbach and Lena Wiese. Change propagation with the change notification bus. Software Engineering 2008, Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik, Workshopband, volume 122 of LNI, pages 165-170. GI, 2008.
  121. Joachim Biskup, Christian Tsatedem, and Lena Wiese. Secure mediation of join queries by processing ciphertexts. 1st ICDE Workshop on Security Technologies for Next Generation Collaborative Business Applications (SECOBAP'07), pages 715-724. IEEE Computer Society, 2007. [draft]
  122. Joachim Biskup, Dominique Marc Burgard, Torben Weibert, and Lena Wiese. Inference control in logic databases as a constraint satisfaction problem. 3rd International Conference on Information Systems Security, volume 4812 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 128-142. Springer, 2007.
  123. Joachim Biskup and Lena Wiese. On finding an inference-proof complete database for controlled query evaluation. 20th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security (DBSEC'06), volume 4127 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 30-43. Springer, 2006. [draft]
  124. Joachim Biskup, Barbara Sprick, and Lena Wiese. Secure mediation with mobile code. 19th Annual IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Data and Applications Security (DBSEC'05), volume 3654 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 267-280. Springer, 2005. [draft]