Dr Yue Feng, PhD Student (2020-2024) now assistant professor at the University of Birmingham.
Dr Fanghua Ye, PhD Student (2019-2024)
Youjing Yu, Visiting research student (2022-2023) (now PhD student at the University of Cambridge)
Dr Xi Wang, Postdoc researcher (2022-2024) (now Assistant Professor at University of Sheffield)
Dr Sahan Bulathwela, PhD student (2018-2022)
Zhiyuan Hu, Visiting research student (2022-2023)
Danny Toeun Kim, Graduate research student (2021-2022) (now PhD student at CMU)
Omer Kirnap, PhD student (2018-2022) (now Applied Scientist II at Amazon)
Dr Procheta Sen, Postdoc researcher (2021-2022) (now Assistant Professor at the University of Liverpool)
Dr Ruizhe Li, Postdoc researcher (2021-2022) (now Assistant Professor at University of Aberdeen)
Dr Qiang Zhang, PhD student (2016-2020) and Postdoc researcher (2020-2021) (now Principal Investigator at Zhejiang University)
Dr Jarana Manotumruksa, Postdoc researcher (2019-2021)
Dr Flavia Salutari, Visiting research student (2020-2021)
Dr Bhaskar Mitra, PhD student (2020, now a principal applied scientist at Microsoft Artificial Intelligence)
Dr Andrew Burnie, PhD student (2017-2020)
Sebastin Santy, Research intern (Summer 2018)
Dr Rishabh Mehrotra, PhD student (2014 – 2018, now research scientist in Spotify)
Dr Manisha Verma, PhD student (2013 – 2017, now research scientist in Yahoo)
Dr Shangsong Liang, Postdoc researcher (2015 – 2017, now professor in Sun Yat-sen University)
Dr Mengdie Zhuang, Research intern, Turing Institute (Summer 2017, now a research fellow at UCL)
Dr Jiyin He, Visiting researcher (2015 – 2016, now senior data scientist in Signal Media)