■Whois FAQs
・ How do I search by domain?
1. Enter a domain name in the Domain Name field.
The domain prefix is not required.
eg.) enter "gmoregistry.net", not "http://www.gmoregistry.net"
2. Set the Search Type to "Domain".
3. Press "Submit" to see search results.
・ How do I search by registrar?
1. Enter a registrar name in the Domain Name field.
Make sure the registrar name is entered correctly.
If you receive an error, try confirming the registrar name using a Whois domain name search.
2. Set the Search Type to "Registrar".
3. Press "Submit" to see search results.
・ How do I search by name server?
1. Enter a server name or IP address in the "Domain Name" field.
2. Set the Search Type to "Name Server".
3. Press "Submit" to see search results.